piloswine wrote:Now, one of my questions is "who will be teaching defence against the dark arts?
Mangafanatic wrote: (personally, I think if one of the golden trio dies, it's going to be Hermione.)
USSRGirl wrote:>.< No. Because I say it tastes of evil. And everyone is entitled to my opinion.
Starfire1 wrote:I'm feeling much too lazy to go thru 25 pages so this may have already been asked but does anyone know around what time the 4th HP movie is supposed to be released? (nevermind)
Rachel wrote:Didn't she say that Voldemort wasn't the HBP?
I think that Snape gets the job in this book because it's also my belief that Snape will be revealed to be a vampire and will also die in this book.
I wonder if the half blood prince has something to do with Tom Riddle. Doesn't seem possible, but that's the only real connection I can think of. . .
Kawaiikneko wrote:As much as I hate to say it, I could easily see Snape dying, especially with the situations he puts himself in as a spy. I don't think he could be a vampire though.
Do the books ever specifically say Snape is spying as a death eater? Sure, it lets on and hints alot, but that could be a diversion. I dunno. Food for thought.
AnimeHeretic wrote:
Maybe "Half Blood" means he's also partially a member of the Crips?
My only real desire in this book though is that Harry would get over his moody, teen anger phase. Gah! It was so annoying >.<
So whatever the Half blood prince is has something to do with the plot of book 2. Any thoughts?
Mangafanatic wrote:Two weeks for me. . . Stupid missions trip.
Everyone was must read the book with twice the vigor to make up for Osaka's absense!
piloswine wrote:I wonder if Dumbledores Brother will become important, Mad Eye Moody mentions him in passing in book 5...
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