Spider-Man 2

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jul 13, 2004 5:57 pm

That also varies massively depending on which series of Spiderman you refer to. To my knowledge, there has been an original comic, a secondary comic, a live action television show, the Ultimate version and the movies. Green/Hob Goblin changes depending on what you refer to.
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Postby RoyalWing » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:47 pm

I saw the movie a week ago (I think!) I forgot about this thread! But I think the movie was great! I like the first one as good as the second one, for me. ^-^ [spoiler="My favourite part"]My favourite part was the whole train scene, I thought that Spider-man's acrobaties (what is the english word for that?! anway...) were very well done and they all made it go so fast, like it really is, not the slow motion all the time.

I can't say which part of the movie was funniest because my friends and me were laughing at all the romantic parts, we thought Peter looked all... well... oogly? >w<; But I guess the part where he falls of the buliding, trying to use his powers, and falls on the parked cars "My back!" that was funny. ^v^[/spoiler]

[spoiler="The villains"] I think it would be nice to see Venom in third movie. For me he was the scariest enemy Spider-man had to face. He was much stronger than Spider-man and had similar powers.Him and Carnage (is any one familiar with him? He ties in with Venom.)
I was excited because they did introduce J.J.J.'s son in this movie. He... he makes everything with Venom and Carnage possible. Because, he goes into space and has the whole accident with the Symbiote. And that's how the Symbiote gets to Earth, and attaches itself to Spider-man, then to eddie Brock. etc. But, I do agree that they would have to cut out and change alot of things, about Eddie Brock, and Venom to make the movie worth while.
The different comic books series of Spider-man shouldn't make difference in the identity of HobGoblin. They usually follow the history of the characters, exceptions would be: the newer animated series (but they didn't change anything anyway, I think!) and that one in the Future (I don't remember thats series well because they cut it. It wasn't very succesful). The way i remember is:
Norman Osborn= first Green Goblin
Harry Osborn= second one. I am not sure, but I think he looked slightly different than his father?
that rich snob, that I am too lazy to go look for my comic book= HobGoblin (I remember, he wasn't that important of a villain, he wasn't insane or anything? He wasn't special)

But, If they do make the goblin(s) the villain of the third movie, I think they might considering just making Harry the Hobgoblin, as someone else said~ Just to make things simpler. And since the rich snob wasn't that interesting anyway?[/spoiler]
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Postby Lightbringer » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:29 pm

RoyalWing wrote:
[spoiler="The villains"] I think it would be nice to see Venom in third movie. For me he was the scariest enemy Spider-man had to face. He was much stronger than Spider-man and had similar powers.Him and Carnage (is any one familiar with him? He ties in with Venom.)
I was excited because they did introduce J.J.J.'s son in this movie. He... he makes everything with Venom and Carnage possible. Because, he goes into space and has the whole accident with the Symbiote. And that's how the Symbiote gets to Earth, and attaches itself to Spider-man, then to eddie Brock. etc. But, I do agree that they would have to cut out and change alot of things, about Eddie Brock, and Venom to make the movie worth while.

As far as I know, that only happened dureing the cartoon, though maby it happened in the ultimates cause i havn't read the new stuff, it dosn't interest me much. Venom came to earth befor because spiderman was half way across the galexy, fighting on a planet, when he suit tore, so a fabric machine there spun out this black "fabric" that weedled up his arms and became the suit. The suit was a symbiot that tried to merge itself with his own system. Though he didn't know it for a long long time. When it was found out he tried to get rid of it, it took a long time for that to happen. took a long time for him to go to that galexy and back. You could probably find the whole story on the marvel comic site. thats why i say its a bad idea for him to be a villian in movie three. Evan if they went the asteroid way, it would still take too long for it to happen in the movie well.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:49 pm

I think the Movi
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Postby RoyalWing » Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:27 pm

I think there is the original one ("Spider-man, Spider-man, does whatever a spider can! Spins a web any size, catches thieves, just like flies, look out!..."), then there is the newer one (with peter always in the same turquoise shirt, the one that everyone is familiar here~), then after that they had the "Spider-man 2099" or something, the one in the future. And now, they made a computer animated one, but it is mostly based on the first movie I think?

At my house, I get the very first one, on one channel, and I get the very newest computer one, on another one. But I don't really watch any of them~

Volt, I can't wait until you get your essay up! It's sure to be interesting, expecially since I didn't quite... understand your opinion on the movie. >w<;;
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Postby water-bearer » Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:22 pm

Hmm.. I'm a bit late, but I just wanted to add something. Some have said that they didn't like the romance parts of the story, but personally I think one of the main reasons Spiderman as a superhero is one of my favorites is that the whole story doesn't revolve around some invincible macho guy out beating up baddies. There's something deeper in the fact that his personal life is gone into in depth, something that makes him seem more vulnerable i guess (which is often a good tool for keeping the crowd interested.)

In any case, I very much enjoyed Spiderman 2. Alot of the cgi problems from the first movie (which I also enjoyed greatly) were taken care of, and the storyline flowed nicely along, and now I'll stop rambling and go get some food.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:52 am

Regarding the Ultimates form of Spiderman (the only one I began reading at the start and have followed) and Venom:

[spoiler]The case is actually far simpler than the asteroid issue you mentioned. Eddie Brock (now a childhood friend because their fathers knew each other) is older than Peter, but finds him again. This time, Venom is a very strange specimen that their parents were working on and Eddie finished.

As before, Parker briefly uses it as a new (and stronger) suit, but figures out that it has a will of his own and destroys it. Unfortunately, that isn't the sum total of the formula, and Eddie Brock gets encased in the other sample. Without genetic improvements like Parker, he is nearly consumed by the suit, and Venom is born.[/spoiler]
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Postby Lightbringer » Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:14 pm

thats pretty interesting, I liked how they where reworking all the older stuff, but also on that line, i didn't really want to go through and learn something completely knew if you get me. Thats why i didn't interest me to start reading the ultimates. Still, thanks for that information, if they do that exact thing they could probably work it into the new movie, and that would be worth seeing, but the whole old version.... blah.
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Postby RoyalWing » Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:30 pm

ohhhh.... So they did change everything? (Well not everything, just details?) I never knew. That is completely different, what I knew about Venom!

This thread is interesting. ^-^
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Postby Kenchii » Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:16 pm

Simpily put..



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Postby Lochaber Axe » Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:43 pm

That version is more realistic for the technology of the Spider-man world. Instead of putting in aliens and all that weird Spidey cosmic adventures, it stays more down to earth (forgive the pun) and would wrap in more with the tech and story of the first two movies. I hope they use that for the movie.
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Postby JediSonic » Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:18 am

I'll probably have to buy the ultimate spidey issues with venom in them someday :lol:

I actually had a subscription to 'the amazing spiderman' for a year but in light of the fact that my little brother was reading them, my parents decided they were innappropriate. Not to mention the last villain they had was a genetically mutated zombie of a mob boss, so I guess they were running out of good ideas. :lol:
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Postby skynes » Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:01 pm

I seen the movie today and I LOVED it

I especially loved...

[spoiler]The end when Harry goes partly insane and sees his father in the mirror, he breaks the mirror and finds the Green Goblin hideout and all the Goblin equipment! It is SOO saying that the Green Goblin will be in the next one![/spoiler]
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:19 am

JediSonic wrote:I'll probably have to buy the ultimate spidey issues with venom in them someday :lol:

So far I believe that would be only Volume Six. But Venom is certainly alive and will be back in later issues. I would suggest buying the volume. It neatly has all of the Venom related issues in one place for a better price.
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Postby greyscale42 » Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:21 pm

[spoiler]The third movie appears to have the Hobgoblin, hinted by the fact that at the end of this movie the lair of the green goblin is uncovered by none other than his son who is revenge crazy, and maybe in the one after that theyl have venom *grins* best villain of them all.[/spoiler]
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Postby Xavier249 » Tue Jul 27, 2004 9:44 pm

please use spoiler tags!! :)

Umm. .

[spoiler=Nearf!] problem 1: hobgoblin is totally unrelated to the green goblin ancestry.

problem 2: They are only making 3 movies as the girl doesn't want to perform for any more than 3.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jul 28, 2004 5:12 pm

I believe by Hobgoblin most people refer to the second Green Goblin. By the by, I have spoilerized the post in question.
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Postby Xavier249 » Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:57 pm

Really. . oh I thought they were vastly different charas. . oh well.

and thanks for the spoiler tag-er-izing. :)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:40 pm

I did not mean that they were the same character, merely that the name "Hobgoblin" is often used to reference the second Green Goblin (by myself among others). This may or may not have happened in one of the different Spiderman formats. In general (given the context) I just make an assumption about who they are talking about.
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Postby cbwing0 » Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:06 pm

uc pseudonym wrote:I did not mean that they were the same character, merely that the name "Hobgoblin" is often used to reference the second Green Goblin (by myself among others). This may or may not have happened in one of the different Spiderman formats. In general (given the context) I just make an assumption about who they are talking about.

Here is the Hobgoblin/Green Goblin history according to the comics as I remember it:

The Green Goblin came first, as one of the oldest Spider Man villains. As in the movies, the first Green Goblin was Norman Osborn. After his death, the mantle was taken up by someone. To avoid spoilers, I will say that it is someone from the movies who has an important relationship with Peter Parker.

The Hobgoblin story is a bit more complicated, and I won't pretend that I know all about it. A few years ago, the writers went through some crazy story questioning the identity of the original Hobgoblin, as well as the later ones. Suffice it to say, the Hobgoblin is separate from the Green Goblin, both in terms of appearance and the characters that played the role.

[spoiler=The third film, with reference to the end of Spider Man 2]Despite the fact that the Hobgoblin is unrealted to the Green Goblin, I would not be surprised if he appeared in the third film as the successor to the Green Goblin. This would be purely for marketing reasons, since moviegoers probably don't want to see what is essentialyl the same villain back from the dead. Harry Osborn could quite plausibly modify the Green Goblin suit (or the suit and glider that he found behind the mirror could simply be a more advanced version of the original Green Goblin, referred to as the Hobgoblin), becoming the Hobgoblin. [/spoiler]

To summarize the spoiler, for those that haven't seen Spider Man 2: new movie, new villain ;) .
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