Lately I have looking at something thing and it about the new move for video games. I feel like game console are a thing of the past by observation and that a lot of people have bought smartphones and tablets for their gaming needs and I just don't know what to think now. When I play my Wii U and 3DS it feels as if it as old as a radio( Part of that could be growing up to). Don't get get me wrong I love my Wii U and 3Ds it just I don't see many people have them.
I think in a lot of ways that smartphones and tablets have that fresh gaming feel like we saw with the DS. I do not know own any smartphone or tablet because I don't want to get into that addiction so I m stuck between my past and this smartphone tablet phenomenon.
I don't know what going to happen but I think either one of two things are going to happen, 1.Smartphones and tablets will kill off all game consoles or we will see another video crash like in 83 where there too much of the same on the market.
Tell me your thoughts.