EHeroAndrew wrote:The question I have for you is what do you mean by flat cityscapes? The way they are designed or the perspective?
EHeroAndrew wrote:Update: I redesigned and re-uploaded the pages that had buildings to make them look more futuristic.
Davidizer13 wrote:EHeroAndrew wrote:Update: I redesigned and re-uploaded the pages that had buildings to make them look more futuristic.
It's not just your buildings, bro. Pretty much everything looks really flat, aside from a few panels where you do pull it off. The buildings are only what's most noticeable. Your people have odd perspective issues and still look like they're cardboard cutouts rather than three-dimensional objects. I mean, look at how Natural Selection's sitting in that last panel on page 16. His top half looks like he's laying back in the couch, while his bottom half makes him look like he's on the edge of his seat, because of the way you tried to foreshorten his thigh. Things like that, where the depth you do try to provide doesn't quite work out. It's a learning process, I'll grant you, but you can't learn if you don't know you're messing things up.
I'm more of a writer-type than an artist (and I'm not great at either!), and yet I keep coming back to hammer on the art - I guess that's because your narrative hasn't developed enough to really comment on it beyond what I've already commented on. But with Natural Selection running the city (I think?) and being a big famous hero with his symbol in mysterious floating rectangles, couldn't you have given him a better place than an apartment in the rough part of town? I mean, how much control does he have, really? There's only the one guy, so is he spending his days beating up Christians or something, or does he have minions for that? And doesn't anyone say anything about some jerkwad saying he's banning religion? So you've got not only the Christians (except for our heroes), but the Jews and the Sikhs and the Muslims in town, all collectively going, "Well, he's banned religion and he's got superpowers, looks like we'll have to discard all our beliefs and go with that!" I'm overthinking all this, aren't I?
EHeroAndrew wrote:Well to be honest, I can't really take your critiques seriously because what we have here are 4 people who don't draw and give the impression that they know more about perspective. When I have art teachers who I present my stuff to for critique and if I told them what you have been telling me, they would think you would need art lessons.
EHeroAndrew wrote:Feel free to give feedback, good or bad. You can even comment on the site.
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