I think I've come to the conclusion that I often underestimate people. This causes me to be surprised by people and then end up liking them more.
I think it's because the one I underestimate the most is myself sometimes. But I think this can be somewhat rectified when looking back in my life.
Growing up, I always hated getting into fights. I feared fighting itself. This was partnered with the fact that I grew up taking Tae Kwon Do. As a result, I became a confused child. One day in highschool, I got mad at some kids for some reason and I always imagined myself beating them up in a totally heroic and justifiable way. Add some Asian moves in the flair and my daydreams were pretty fun.
Then one day I just decided that I wasn't going to be scared of getting into fights anymore.
Still never really gotten into one since then, though. But the point is that I probably underestimated myself and saw myself as weak. I don't really entertain that that self-loathing thought anymore.
I had no idea how I'd be able to get through with my parents separating, from a full house to just my mom and me. I made it though.
I had no idea how I'd cope and learn with certain life-long traits of mine. I made it through.
I had no idea how I'd learn to drive. I made it through.
I had no idea how I'd get over that one random food poisoning I got. I made it through.
I had no idea with what I wanted to do with my academic endeavors. I made it though.
I had no idea how I'd get over past heartaches. I made them through.
So I tell myself "How will I make through this right now?" Well looking back, my track record has been pretty good.
And God's a pretty cool guy and gives us this: "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." - Hebrews 12:11.
So I think I'll make it through.
You'll make it through too.