goldenspines (post: 1301481) wrote:12. Getting into the CAA group takes time, be patient.[color=lemonchiffon] Like with any friendships, they don’]
Yes, this is key advice for "diving" into CAA. Although it will take time before anyone will accept you, CAA is a very loving place where it is filled to the brim with opportunities for showing your real side.
Here are some opportunities for doing this:
1.Try to put your first post in the Who's Who thread where other members can learn more about you and then can those members be able to share similarites and things that both members like. This opens the door for many a discussion which will inturn open the door for more friendships.
2. It may be hard for a new member to do this, but if they can the members may get a better look at who they really are. Go and post a picture of yourself in the Post your pic thread. That way other members can see what you look like and the connection between that new member and the other members will be less awkward.
3. As Goldenspines said, go into the Chat. The members of CAA will not hurt you. Here you can learn more and more about the other members without having to read all of their past posts. Although it wouldn't hurt to, as Rushia said, read up on their history. But I will give some more advise. When do I go into the Chat? I will say this, avoid going in when it is 3 am in the morning. Another time to avoid is when there are a lot of members in the Chat. This does not happen everyday, but still be on the lookout. Head into chat when there are 1-7 members in chat. That way you won't be lonely and your conversation with the members won't be overwhelmed by the other members' conversations. You can also head into chat when there is no one there and wait there for someone to come in, don't worry someone will come just not very likely at 3AM.
4. Play in the Goof-off! This is a wonderful release of all that bent out stress and you are assured of a non-srs bzns topic. Just don't overwhelm the place with polls as that has happened recently. JK
5. Become an active member of CAA. This means if you want to become a known member of CAA faster then do just that. Show what you can bring to the forum, let everyone get a piece of your character engraved into their minds.
a.Try to get on everyday and post once a day. It's okay if you can't get on because of other stuff(Because believe me, it happens to me all the time.) If you can achieve that one GOOD post of the day rather than some mindless, half-hearted posts then that is just is great.
b.Get involved into discussions when they interest you, do not post in a thread where you know you will be prone to let out some negative emotions when they do not help the thread at all. You know what happens to those threads, a mod, out of nowhere, swoops in and LOCKS IT! So don't let that happen by keeping the discussion friendly.
c.Post your own threads! But be wary of the rules of CAA and don't post something with a almost the same topic to a recent thread that was made.
d. Help pray for other members when they need it in the Prayer room by post there and saying your praying for them or by PMing them about it. You can also give advise to help them out.
6. Look for opportunities to show off your amazing Christian spirit! This is an awesome way to become a respected member of CAA.
Well that's all I can think of, I hope it helps.