Postby Hitokiri » Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:23 pm
Well, I will start it off and post a grammar point. BTW this is just a practice run to see how well this does. By no means should this be a template or a way how it should be done (tutoring wise). This is more of a "let's see where everyone's skills are at" type test.
Occurred Before and After:
For a refresher or a introduction, [SIZE="3"]まえ(前)[/SIZE](mae) and [SIZE="3"]あと(後)[/SIZE](ato) represent before and after. There is a way to say something came before or after a certain event.
For example:
kaigairyokou no mae ni ookii suutsukeesu wo katta.
Before I went on my overseas trip, I bought a large suit case.
In [SIZE="3"]前[/SIZE] you put a [SIZE="3"]に[/SIZE] at the end. [SIZE="3"]まえに[/SIZE]。 However with [SIZE="3"]後[/SIZE] you place a [SIZE="3"]で[/SIZE] after wards.
When you are using a noun before [SIZE="3"]前に[/SIZE] And [SIZE="3"]後で[/SIZE] you put [SIZE="3"]の[/SIZE]。
[SIZE="3"]学校の前にいぬを散歩しました。 [/SIZE]gakkou no mae ni inu wo sanposhimashita. Before school, I walked the dog.
However, when using a verb, which is usually the case, you make it the -ta form. If you are not quite sure about -ta forms we can go over that.
In this case, making the verb into -ta form makes it a regular, dictionary past form. 、[SIZE="3"]食べた、飲んだ、泳いだ、行った、買った、話した[/SIZE]。 tabeta, nonda, oyoida, itta, katta, hanashita. ate, drank, swam, went, bought, talked.
We will use the [SIZE="3"]後で[/SIZE] form next along with -ta + verb.
nihon no rekishi wo benkyou shita ato de nemashita.
After I studied Japanese History, I went to sleep.
I encourage anyone who does not know this grammar to try this. You may use either hurigana/katakana/kanji or romanized Japanese. However, I encourage using hurigana/katakana/Kanji.
Vocab used:
[SIZE="3"]歴史[/SIZE] > rekishi > history
[SIZE="3"]寝る[/SIZE] > neru > sleep (verb)
[SIZE="3"]泳ぐ[/SIZE] >oyogu > swim (verb)
[SIZE="3"]勉強する [/SIZE] > benkyou suru > study (verb)
[SIZE="3"]散歩する[/SIZE] > sanpo suru > walk (verb) take a walk different then aruku
[SIZE="3"]海外旅行[/SIZE] > kaigairyokou > overseas trip
スーツケース > suutsukeesu > suitcase
As well, i encourage anyone to correct me since I am learning to!