All of this was completed from 11 am yesterday morning, to 11 am today. So 24 hours. With no sleep.....*wants to go to bed, yet doesn't wunna mess up internal clock*
For those who don't know what a 24 hour comic is, I'll sum it up.
It's where you try to draw a one-shot comic in 24 hours. And you make it up ON THE SPOT. No drawing or planning out the story the day before, it can only be created in the 24 hours.
I decided to do a 16 page comic. I'm still an amature, and I'm 15. Doing 24 pages would have letterly killed meh ;_____;
Now,XD , there's ALOT of grammar mistakes in here, you'll have to excuse me for that. And alot of the art is rushed, but some of it I took time on and put extra-effort in. =3
It's all in this one DA post, enjoy ;3
****Special thanks to Hana for staying up late with me and helping me with ideas XXXXXXXXXDDDDDDDD************