Hey everyone I was wondering what DS games do you own and what rating you would give them (from one to ten). also if you want you can also state which ones your are anxiously waiting to get next. For Example:
Ivan's (firestorm's) game case
Phoenix Wright-Justice for all (borrowed) rating: 9.0!
Mario N' Luigi- Parnters in time (borrowed) rating: 7.5
advanced wars dual strike (borrowed) rating: 8.5
Elite Beat Agents rating: 8.0
Legend of Zelda Phantom Hour Glass rating: 9.0!
Pokemon Ranger rating: 7.0
Custom Robo Arena rating: 8.42
FF3 rating: 8.5
I'm not sure what to get next, I'm thinking of getting electroplankton to give my creative side a jolt. ^-^