PhotoPlog comment page bug

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PhotoPlog comment page bug

Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:07 pm

It seems that a typo has found it's way into the gallery code. Here's the problem:

This is a page in the gallery that has more than 5 comments:

Now, when you hit the button for the next page, or the handy page jump javascript thing, it goes here:

This is still the same page. Notice the "#comment" in the previous link. When removed, the page will navigate to here:

And this, my friends, is the 2nd page of comments. This seems to be just a slight typo in the PHP coding. Not many images in the gallery get more than 5 comments, but the few that do will need something done about this.

Thank you for your time, gentlemen.
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