I've been waiting for 2 years for Trickster to come out in english, and it was finally released yesterday at 5 AM.
It's pretty much the best MMORPG I've ever played. and It's free. I just played it from like.... 11 am to... just now. It's still in beta stages, so it's a bit laggy, though.
A few things that make it awesome:
PVP: Wow, so many different modes, incuding Free For All, Capture the Flag... and even tag.
Community: Awesome Community. I just started playing today, and already have over 5 friends.
Partying: There are different kinds of parties people can build. Depending on the party, your character can level faster than normal. Also, Alot of teamwork is involved, if you want to fight against stronger monsters. I was in a party all day. It was so much fun! ^_^
Levelling system: The Best I've ever seen in an MMO. With every attack, your exp goes up. you don't have to kill the monster to gain exp.
Graphics: Completely 2D, isometric. The art style is great! Awesomeness. ^_^
and much more.
Got to level 25, today. XD So addicting.
I could only make a cat girl, so my name is...
[spoiler]You guessed it! FeiLeifou![/spoiler]
P.S.: you may need to use a download accelerator to download the game at a good speed. If you do, use Flashget.
had enough.