Bump Thread the Manga (Project)

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Bump Thread the Manga (Project)

Postby SigmaKnight » Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:49 am


We the members of the bump thread are undertaking a new project! The bump thread manga, coming to a goof off near you!

But, we needed a place we could discuss things, and thats why I decided to make a thread here. XD

I might have to edit the post later to add in more detail...

Things recently decided:

Format will be 4 pannel comic.

First few scripts written (pending universal apporval of staff)
Story ideas written

Job Descriptions

Character artist:
Someone to draw the characters. Simple enough, right?

Background Artist:
Someone to draw the scenery.

Line Artist:
Someone to prepare the art drawn by the background artist and character artist so that the formatter can put them together.

Shading/coloring Artist:
Someone to add a depth of color and shading to the work before sending to the formatter.

Someone to put the background and characters together. Also must create the word bubbles and insert the script, and make it all look pretty.

Someone to help write the script.

Current Staff


Background artist:
Farmgirl (president of artistic affairs)

Character artist:
Radical Dreamer


Line Artist:



Sigma Knight
God's Samurai

Latest things that need to be decided:

Who will do the remaining job, line artist?

Things that need to be done

Give artists basic description of first comic to start production.
Give artists first script.
Create first comic

Thats all that I can think of to place here for the moment... If I forgot anything or made a mistake please PM me.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:36 am

SigmaKnight wrote:

Latest things that need to be decided:

1.) Is coloring really needed?
2.) Who would like to do what job?
3.) Setting for the comic
4.) Scripts for the first few One Shot comics (In order to keep production moving)
5.) Character profiles/descriptions
6.) How to introduce characters?
7.) Outline/synopsis and order of story arcs.
8.) How to introduce first story arc[/align]

1.) I don't think so; due to the nature of manga, it should stay black and white (in my opinion, haha). It also makes the process faster, since coloring won't be needed.

2.) I'm up for characters. I'm not as experienced in other areas. XD But when you say lineartist, do you mean you want someone to pen-tool over the lines that have already been drawn? Because I can definitely contribute there...I'm also interested in character art, but something tells me that if lineart is what I think it is, it'll be less time-consuming, and I know I'm going to be pretty busy with school and what in the next several weeks.

3.) I would suggest that the settings be randomized or simple...something like that. XD

4.) I'm bad with scripting, so I'll leave that up to you guys. XD

5.) Profiles...Aren't the characters the main people in the bump thread? I guess we could do some sort of profiling thing, though, so people would get an idea of how to draw them and stuff.

6.) When I think of introducing the characters in this manga, I think Azumanga Daioh. Something similar to that, probably.

7.) I have no clue what kind of story arcs there would be, sooo...hah. XD

8.) Introducing the first story arc...hmm...well, I guess I'll wait for some other people to post their ideas first, and then we can kind of build off of each other's ideas. XD
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Postby FarmGirl » Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:20 pm

1.) Is coloring really needed?
Nah... black and white would suit it nicely.

2.) Who would like to do what job?
I'll do backgrounds. Just need to know what is expected.

3.) Setting for the comic
I'm a tad curious on that one, as well. RD has a good theory.

4.) Scripts for the first few One Shot comics (In order to keep production moving)
*So totally leaving that to the writers*

5.) Character profiles/descriptions
Well... who is going to be in it? I'll work on some profile-type things, for what help they may offer.

6.) How to introduce characters?
Maybe something involving the process of logging on, or a brief flashback.

7.) Outline/synopsis and order of story arcs.

8.) How to introduce first story arc
Someone popping up hugging a Darth Vader cut out? Something happening naturally randomly.
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Postby Rexman64 » Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:31 pm

1.) Is coloring really needed?
No, definitely not. It wouldn't really add anything to the comic, other than just having it take longer to finish. (Though a "special edition" coloured comic once in a while could work out nicely.)

2.) Who would like to do what job?
I'm up for anything that needs to be done writing-wise. I can also handle basic Photoshopping that we might need, like lettering, or whatever.

3.) Setting for the comic
The Bump Thread. XD;; Seriously, just make it vague. Just about any comic we'd do would involve a few characters in a random, unimportant room.

4.) Scripts for the first few One Shot comics (In order to keep production moving)
Uh... working on it. XD;;

5.) Character profiles/descriptions
Uh... I'll start working on it. XD;;

6.) How to introduce characters?
I don't think it's too important how we introduce everyone in a comedy manga like this. Just as long as we establish their individual quirks early on. (I.E. most of the first "running gag" comics would come early on)

7.) Outline/synopsis and order of story arcs.
Again, structure shouldn't be too big of an issue on a comedy series. The only thing we'd have to plan out would be the individual comics within the story arcs.

8.) How to introduce first story arc
Just kind of... start it. Like a regular one-shot but with a "to-be-continued" down in the last panel.
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Postby QtheQreater » Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:54 pm

1.) Is coloring really needed?
*whimpers* Nobody but me seems to want it...so...no...

2.) Who would like to do what job?
I WANTED to be the color artist...but I can do formatting...maybe...perhaps...if people could find me some tutorials...same with shading...

3.) Setting for the comic
*agrees with Rex...but has strange ideas about the places for a few of the storylines...*

4.) Scripts for the first few One Shot comics (In order to keep production moving)

Leave it to Rex...

5.) Character profiles/descriptions
*lets Rex deal with it*

6.) How to introduce characters?
*agrees with Rex*

7.) Outline/synopsis and order of story arcs.
*agrees with Rex*

8.) How to introduce first story arc
*agrees with Rex*
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Postby Nami » Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:24 pm

1.) Is coloring really needed?
I think it would be cool, and Q wants to, if she is coloring no one else will have to worry about it. I believe it would be cool! I dislike Black/white format myself. XP

2.) Who would like to do what job?
Um... I could arrange the script and keep it together and send it to the person who needs it? I guess ^^;;

3.) Setting for the comic
This is the bump thread we are talking about, it can be totally random. I think it would be funny to have it set up in a random room with chairs and such. And sometimes outside depending on whats going on in the comic. I was thinking, at one point we could have it kinda like Ouran Highschool host clubs XD But thats just a thought

4.) Scripts for the first few One Shot comics (In order to keep production moving)
Yeah.. Um, if I am the script person.. I guess we could trade around whoever.. w/e..I am not making sense sorry..

5.) Character profiles/descriptions
Hmm, that would be good, that way it gives the Artist something to go off.. (I just hope I get to look Skinny! *grins*)

6.) How to introduce characters?
I believe since it's the bump thread, there should just be random people around. And yeah.. I don't know.. I agree with Rex though, very good idea

7.) Outline/synopsis and order of story arcs.
I also agree with Rex on this one XD

8.) How to introduce first story arc[/align]
Like Rex said, it's a comedy, we don't need to worry to much, but we should at least have something to back us up XD
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Postby Valkaiser » Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:01 pm

1.) Is coloring really needed?
Valkaiser loves color :brow: But Valkaiser is also a lazy bum, so if someone who is motivated enough can color it within a reasonable time frame then great; otherwise, I guess not....

2.) Who would like to do what job?
Valkaiser could probably do formatting without too much trouble :eh:
Other artsy things could be attempted if needed...

3.) Setting for the comic
Errr..... The bump thread?

4.) Scripts for the first few One Shot comics (In order to keep production moving)

Leave it to the writers...

5.) Character profiles/descriptions
Is there input needed from the portrayed?

6.) How to introduce characters?
Leave it to the writers...

7.) Outline/synopsis and order of story arcs.
Leave it to the writers...

8.) How to introduce first story arc
Leave it to the writers...

Leave it to the writers? Valkaiser's brain hurts.... :eh:
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Postby SigmaKnight » Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:56 am

Ok... So our solutions to are current problems are as follows:

1.) Color is not needed, BUT every set number of comics, we should have one color comic because there are a couple of us that do seem to want to do a color version (my self included would like that). So every once in a while a special edition comic will be colored by Q. Agreed? Yes/no?

2.) I'll edit the first post to relfect what kinds of jobs you seemed to want. XD If I get anything wrong, PM me and I'll change it.

3.) The setting for the comic will be random and yet simple. What ever is needed at the time I suppose?

4 - 8.) Is left to the writers (*COUGHREXCOUGH* XD). Seriously though, I do think that PMing the most influential bumpers and asking them if they have a preference as to their appearance is a good idea. Agreed? Yes/no? If you think so, then I'll get on that and PM the top 13 or so bumpers or at least the ones that I've noticed that are active.
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Postby QtheQreater » Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:45 pm

1) *agrees most heartily*

2) You might put Abassi down as a character artist...that's kind of what she wanted, I think...

3) Yes

4) Agreed...
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Postby Valkaiser » Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:16 pm

1) Sounds good

2) Ok

3) Yes

4) Agreed

Looks like this is going somewhere, cool.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:41 pm

1.) Cool deal, sounds like a plan. :D

2.) Sounds good to me~!

3.) Yep, sounds good!

4 - 8.) Agreed. This sounds like we're getting somewhere! :D
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:00 pm

1-4, 6-8) Yes.

5) Perhaps an 'artists impression' of each character, then that is sent to the respective bumper, who yays or nays it?

*can't wait to see it come together*
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Postby SigmaKnight » Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:41 pm

5) Perhaps an 'artists impression' of each character, then that is sent to the respective bumper, who yays or nays it?

Erm... I personally think that making an artist's impression that is then sent to a member for aproval would probably take up a bit of extra time. That is what you mean right? o.o
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Postby Nami » Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:23 pm

1) Good XD

2) Ok

3) Yes sir! XDD

4-8) Yeah, I believe that is a very good idea.. XDD
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Postby Locke » Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:40 pm

O.o I'd like to help Sigs... =X

Maybe for 7 we could do chats? =D
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:45 pm

Locke wrote:O.o I'd like to help Sigs... =X

Maybe for 7 we could do chats? =D

Yes a Chat manga i could be included in that one partially. even though i am not in it as much anymore
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Postby SigmaKnight » Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:02 pm

Locke wrote:O.o I'd like to help Sigs... =X

Maybe for 7 we could do chats? =D

XD A chat manga would have to be completely different though, it would require a whole other cast of characters. And thats just a bit too much at the moment. I think for right now, unless I get a whole slew of artists and writers, we're only going to be doing a bumpthread manga for now.
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Postby WrestlingOtaku » Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:25 pm

This sounds awesome!! Unfortunately I won't be able to help with the art, but I'll be here for emotional support!! Quick question, will you have "guest stars" of less prominent bumpers, like me?
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Postby SigmaKnight » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:29 am

WrestlingOtaku wrote:This sounds awesome!! Unfortunately I won't be able to help with the art, but I'll be here for emotional support!! Quick question, will you have "guest stars" of less prominent bumpers, like me?

Depends on how important you are to the story line at the time XD You might make a cameo you might not... Im not making any promises
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Postby SigmaKnight » Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:31 am

Ok, Update!

I've PMed a lot of the (as ive noticed active) bumpers, especially those that are at the top, stopping at mebo, and not including you guys. So, since youre all going to be in it (I figured the creators might as well be in it, right? XD) What do you guys want to look like?
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Postby FarmGirl » Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:53 am

Uh... pale with glasses and short, dark hair.
Aside from that, whatever the artist wishes.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:38 pm

Something like this: http://christiananime.net/showthread.php?t=37249

XD That's very close to how I look (minus the crazed eyes).
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Postby QtheQreater » Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:27 pm

You said chibi, right? So I want neko-ness, aka kitty ears, baggy pants and shirt, and as a guidline I found this piccy...but I don't want to be a full animal chibi, just normal personish with kitty ears...
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Postby SigmaKnight » Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:57 am

Ok art people character appearances are as follows:

Wants to look like this, more or less

wear casual clothes
Basically wants to look like his profile pic

"clothing style would be gothic- either dressy or punk"
Appearence- long purple hair and huge green eyes!

Hair: spiked black hair
eyes: black
clothes: blue jeans with a black and white striped collared shirt
height: 5'6

medium height, thin, and have relatively short hair
hair is red
wears shorts and a button-up shirt and glasses

kinda tall
short hair
Jeans and a t-shirt
and a beard
If all else fails look at his pic :P

Like this but with out flat hair:

"a turban wearing monkey, if that would be possible. if not, then just go with a turban."


pale with glasses and short, dark hair

kitty ears, baggy pants and shirt

Kitty ears, baggy pants, jacket and glasses


A shirt like this http://ecommerce.pbb.com/SHOP/cirque/IMAGES/506895.jpg
a hoodie
a sharp canine tooth
and a messenger bag

:P So where is everyone else's description? *pokes rex and nami and val and abissi and others* By the way Nami ask Kura what she wants to look like.

Also I have doe's to do but I saved it on my laptop since she told me in IM I'll add hers when I get home.
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Postby Rexman64 » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:57 am

*is poked*

Er... pale, skinny, really short brown hair, average height, jeans and a t-shirt.
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Postby Nami » Tue Oct 10, 2006 11:44 am

Ok.. here is what Kura wants to look like.

Brown hair, blue eyes, And mainly wearing ninja clothes, her skin is fair. And skinny. There XP

And now me!

Clothes: Baggy, baggy pants, shirt. Blue jeans/black jeans. XD

Skinny XD *grins evilly*

And lightly tanned skin, hair reaches almost right above the middle of my back. and my bangs look a lot like Ed's XD Same style. My eyes.. are to be Green/blue. Oh YEAH! And hair color.. light blondish brown. And I am 5'8
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Postby FarmGirl » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:59 am

Query. In what style are the backgrounds wanted?
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Postby SigmaKnight » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:41 am

Good question, personally I thought something simple, not too complicated or itricate unless need be. Something befitting a "nondescript" kind of room, I suppose.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Oct 25, 2006 9:23 pm

Most importantly. We need a MANAGER. To manage all the other people with jobs and make sure that things go smoothly. I leave it siggy is going to do that?

If you disagree with me... then uh... you guys need like.... I don't know. But believe me! :lol:

Oh right... I want to be a character toooooo!
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Postby Nami » Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:12 pm

Ryan! *kick* You know we all know that Siggy is going to be in charge.. *mutters*
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