johnyouth wrote:I agree with the post that basically said that it depends on your own maturity level, but the main issue I see is parental approval. In the end, it comes down to whether your father believes these titles to be appropriate. You can present your issues and explain the details and even share the comments shared here (which have been well presented), but in the end it is important to repect the final decision of your parent. It may not be popular but ultimately he is looking out for what he thinks to be in your best interest.
Sami_jane wrote:personally i think you need to be a little older to watch FMA. like the rest of you i think the plot isnt meant for those of a younger age. full metal alchemist while a good show and has its funny parts most of it is full of murder, rebellion,and war. the ishbala masacre is an example of all that put into one really. my point is tho with all that happens in this anime you need to be mature enough to at least understand what is going on. i think that a 12 year old (depending on how mature they are) may not understand all taht is happening in the show and could even possibly be influenced by the violence. not to mention FMA isnt exactly a christian anime. the main character is athiest and shows it a lot of the time. As for doesnt quite have as serious of a plot as FMA and its really not that hard to understand. As long as the person realizes that the demons arent real, other than the occasional cussing i think a 12 yr old could watch it. i think someone above said that it has breif nudity in it but its not as bad as it sounds. They dont actually show anything. i can only think of one account where they didnt cover up but it wasnt looked like he was wearing skin tights or something. i have only seen a handful of ruroni kenshin episodes so i really couldnt tell you on that one.
memmer66 wrote:Wait a minuet what do you mean demons arent real? Demons are real, and while not in the form showed in Inuyasha, demons are very real.
memmer66 wrote:Wait a minuet what do you mean demons arent real? Demons are real, and while not in the form showed in Inuyasha, demons are very real. And I think that I would rather have a 12 year old (I'm 13, but I have opinions) read and watch Fullmetal Alchemist then Inuyasha. I started reading FMA when I was 12 or 11 and I understood everything perfectly still do (of course I read Battle Royale when I was 11 and Stephen King when I was 12). Really the end of the matter is it's up to him and his parents not us.
HisaishiFan wrote:Maybe you could pick one series - like FMA - and ask your Dad if you could watch it together, then decide if it is okay (it honors God, you are mature enough, etc.).
Miso_Chan wrote:I've not seen the entire RK anime,(or OVAs) because i borrowed the CDs from a friend and one of them didn't work, but Its not THAT bad
overall, i think Inuyahsa is the worst, then RK and FMA is the best(content wise, not storyline-wise)
rurouninaruto wrote:I have seen the OVA's of Kenshin w/out my dads permission. =( It is very gory, I think.
Radical Dreamer wrote:Question. It seems as though you have already watched/read a lot of the things you asked about. If you've already seen them, why ask about them?
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