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Postby emoninja » Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:42 pm

Has anyone ever gone?.. Or maybe been to this con before? I'm debating going and I want to know if it's worth it. It looks like it's going to have lots of guests.. but I have no idea how big it is or anything..

heres the link if anyones interested http://www.oni-con.com/
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Postby chimera189 » Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:57 pm

I've been twice, but I wish they would stop moving where they meet, it is worth it although I am not sure how they plan on hadeling it this year because of it being a convintion center instead of a hotel(will it be a 24 hour or have a closing time).
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Postby Ashley » Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:39 pm

Keely and I went to Oni-Con last year and had a Christian Anime panel. It was really quite fun. It's a smallish con--not quite so crazy as like, A-kon, but it was pretty fun. I may or may not be going this year. As for the move, the hotel gave the people running the con ALL sorts of grief and were actually kinda rude to people, so they went with a different locale. As far as I know, the convention center is indeed 24 hours. But don't quote me.
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