Felix wrote:*nods* They did that with the older Gamecube one as well - made a version of it for girls.
Okay thanks, I'll look into those two. Is there any one in particular that you'd suggest as a first? Like the N64 one or something?
Well, it's really a matter of opinion. I think the BTN world is a good one; it doesn't make you do as much work as the others, but you can up your workload to rival that of the newer ones.
Basically, FOMT and MFOMT are simple enough to teach you the HM basics, but offer you the ability to make it more in-depth and strategic. As far as which of the two to pick... it's all a matter of opinion.
I personally like MFOMT (HM for girls) better due to an update in the interface between the two games. Most of the updates are simply little nuances here and there that just make it neater. For instance, you are typically limited to one outfit in HM - the blue overalls. But in MFOMT, you can change it to pink, red, orange, blue, green, or white. I usually ended up changing it every couple of days (in-game days) just so I didn't end up getting bored with the same-old same-old.
Um, when you get married, it offers you the same 'nicknames' as always for your husband/wife to call you - Honey, Dear, Darling, or simply by your character's name (Alex, in my FOMT game's case, and Yuki in my MFOMT game). In MFOMT, if you dont' like any of those, you can actually input one yourself. In my MFOMT, Gray (Yuki's husband) calls her Yuki-chan =P But it can be anything you want... even if you want him to call you Stupid face or something.
I believe there are others, but I can't really remember what they were. It's been awhile since I played XD I gotta find my GBA charger.... now!
Given, those are minute details, but they're enough to make me like it more ^^ Good luck finding one, though. You might have to ebay it. I traded in my FOMT game one time. Worst mistake I ever made. I re-bought it... I got the last copy in my town (amongst all new and used copies - no used ones anywhere, and no stores had it, save for Gamestop). This was a year after it came out, and it still cost me $25.
EDIT: I need to comment on HM64! I forgot to ><
Of all of the HM games, this is my 3rd favorite (second being the original). The interface is kinda clunky, since the camera is at a 3/4 perspective. It's rather simple to play through, as well. The characters themselves (names and appearances) are the same, except their personalities, jobs, and relationships amongst one another are all different. The game isn't difficult at all, and doesn't really offer the same in-depth content that you can get out of FOMT.
By far though, my favorite thing about this game is... that you can actually *date* a girl before you marry her. It's not literal dating... but it's more like the two of you become boyfriend/girlfriend before you actually get married. This is carried out in a makeshift sort of cutscene, where the girl approaches you. She talks about how you've made it quite apparent that you like her, and asks you why you haven't propsed to her. I personally think this is the best thing in any HM game to date. I'll admit - I'm a romantic. I play these games partially for the strategy, but primarily for the romance and the pseudo-drama (I think a T-rated HM game would probably let them be more dramatic, but I do commend Natsume for sticking with an E rating). So seeing a girl I've been giving stuff to ask me why I'm not marrying her is kinda neat (especially since I can't get a girlfriend for beans IRL)^^;; After the little cutscene, her dialogue towards you changes, and she generally seems more like she actually cares about you, rather than the normal reaction from most games, where the girl seems to be merely friends with you right up until you propose.
All in all... on HM 64, I can't say I'd recommend it as a first. DEFINITELY a good game, but not so much of a good introduction.
And yes. I COULD talk about HM forever. I know at least one of you is thinking that XD