Pokemon's plot got soooo old after the first few seasons. Team Rocket comes EVERY episode. And the people don't act realisticly! The voice actors that did the pokemon must have been driven insane by having to say the same word all the time!
I think it was a cool idea, but they made it too kiddy. They keep trying to think of new ideas and pokemon to keep the show going, but it's the same old thing! Nowdays in the latest episodes, they are replacing Team Rocket with Team Aqua. I think that's better than keeping Team Rocket around, but don't you guys think that it will turn out to be the same old thing anyways?
I think DBZ is losing popularity because it ran out of episodes, and DBGT totally and utterly sucks. Also, I've heard that most people liked the Cell Saga the best (As do I!), so I think that made the Buu saga, the end of DBZ, a bit anticlimactic. That might have lost a few viewers. But DBZ still has ultrillions of fans (one of which is me). They just don't put as much priority into watching reruns.
Wow! I've definitely set a personal record for longest post!
It is the infirmity of little minds to be dazzled with everything that sparkles.