ChristianRonin wrote:I think if half the Christian Anime fans showed as much enthusiasm for God as they did for Anime the world would be an awesome place! ^_^
(I am guilty of this too, so I am just stating a fun statement ok? not bashing anyone!)
Seriously though!! I know so many times I quote LOTS of anime characters..but how often do I quote scripture?
Or my favorite anime show is coming on tonight! I am so pumped!! but why aren't I as pumped about my quiet time with the Lord?
maybe if we got more defensive when people make fun of Christians rather than anime fans, we would see a change?
these are just things I think about sometimes...
I am so glad you brought this up. Sometimes, we just put so much importance on the things we like to do, but when it comes to the things of God, we're so apathetic that it makes me wonder if our behavior is really worth Christ's sacrifice.
The thing I wanted to point out the most was that we're so slow to defend ourselves as Christians that I'm not surprised that so many people make fun of us so often... Then, there's the disappointing fact that many of us don't even care about that. We're so absorbed in our own little worlds that we barely even fellowship like we so desperately need to... If only we would pull our heads out of the sand, put aside our differences, and come together under one banner, just think of the things we could do!
...anyway, I've gone off-topic for long enough... back to the action! Go!