mitsuki lover wrote:Ok.
Back on topic:I don't understand why people feel the need for 'special eidtion'
type of Bibles to attract teens in the first place.I mean when I was a kid I was excited to get my first KJV when I was in 5th or 6th grade.
dyzzispell wrote:I have to agree there. Why do we need to make other versions of the bible that are, but somehow aren't, the Bible? It seems these days everyone wants to make their own version of it, and hope people will read it. Why can't we just go read the real thing?
My mother told me about a book - Finding God in Harry Potter - and all I could think was, why do you NEED to find God in Harry Potter? Or the Lord of the Rings for that matter? How about, "Finding God in the Bible"? Or is that too brazen?
Now, mind you, there is plenty of allegory to find God in the Chronicles of Narnia - but C.S. Lewis wrote them with that intention. The others did not. (Some say Tolkien DID intend that, but I don't know that for sure.)
And on a side note, I loved the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Harry Potter movies weren't that bad, but that's because I grew up with the fantasy stuff and never had too much of a problem with it. Although as Harry Potter goes on, it just gets darker and darker, and that I'm not liking so much.
dyzzispell wrote:Why can't we just go read the real thing?
dyzzispell wrote:My mother told me about a book - Finding God in Harry Potter - and all I could think was, why do you NEED to find God in Harry Potter? Or the Lord of the Rings for that matter? How about, "Finding God in the Bible"? Or is that too brazen?
uc pseudonym wrote:But what I mean is that any English translation of the Bible is only an attempt by various humans to make the Bible accessible to the culture. That is why the Bible is today being translated into hundreds of languages and indeed why it was translated in the first place. However, language changes, and translations no longer communicate as well as they once did. Therefore, it is necessarily to again translate from the original text in order that new generations might read and understand.
KJV translators wrote: Now through the Church were thus furnished with Greeke and Latine Translations, euen before the faith of CHRIST was generally embraced in the Empire : (for the learned know that even in S. Hieroms time, the Consul of Rome and his wife were both Ethnicks, and about the same time the greatest part of the Senate also) yet for all that the godly-learned were not content to haue the Scriptures in the Language which themselues vnderstood, Greeke and Latine, (as the good Lepers were not content to fare well themselues, but acquainted their neighbours with the store that God had sent, that they also might prouide for themselues) but also for the behoofe and edifying of the vnlearned which hungered and thirsted after Righteousnesse, and had soules to be saued as well as they, they prouided Translations into the vulgar for their Countreymen, insomuch that most nations vnder heauen did shortly after their conuersion, heare CHRIST speaking vnto them in their mother tongue, not by the voyce of their Minister onely, but also by the written word translated.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I don't see what people have against The Message. No, it's not really for Bible studies but nor is it blasphemous. Hmm...
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