Aspiring Anime Artist

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Aspiring Anime Artist

Postby Hitokiri » Wed Jan 28, 2004 3:27 pm

hey guys, I was wondering bout something and wanted your view points.

I've always wanted a occupation in drawing and as my high school career is coming to an end, I've been thinking bout what I want to do. I thought of a History Teacher, Zoo Keeper, Author, but after a while those didn't seem so good to me. Like God didnt want me to go into those fields.

Well, I was sitting down drawings sketches for my new upcoming manga when it hit, a Anime/Manga Artist!! My friends say I have a unique skill in drawing in the style of anime and I already hav produced a very good manga that alot of kids at school and elsewhere love.

But should a Chrsitian pursue a job in anime since the format of anime can have a alot of un-christian themes (and I'm not intrested in drawings a Chrsitian Anime like......Super Book).

I've been praying on this. What are your guy's thoughts of a Chrsitian pursuing a career in a already secular job field of Anime?
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Postby andyroo » Wed Jan 28, 2004 3:54 pm

I'd say go for it. We already have a few Christian manga artists around the boards and elsewhere albeit not huge number, but it's not a shrinking trend either.

By Christian anime and super book together you mean stories that are not Bible based (e.g. Noah's Ark)? I think that you can have Christian themes in it if that's what you would wish to do with an anime if you are the one writing the story. As for any part of an anime project, I think Ann said it well enough in a thread in the manga forum ( that she would omit " - Nudity and sexual themes plus anything mocking/insulting to God in general." I, myself, would keep that in mind before joining any project for anime or manga.

Anime doesn't necessarily have to be un-Christian. It's just that Christians haven't really made any yet. ;)

I hope that I'm assuming some things correctly; hope this helps any. This is just my opinion on it anyway.

`edit` Btw, Nice avatar. Ey! Steve!
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:04 pm

Thanks, I noticed there were alot of Homestar Runner fans so I thought I'd jump on the bad wagon :)

Anyways, thing I'm trying to achieve is becoming a professional anime/manga artist. As in moving to Japan, establishing a studio, and however you do one ( i dont know that much on that process).

As in Chrsitian anime like Super Book, you were correct as not basing a anime on the bible. Actually, my current manga and my upcoming managa (Space Detective Go-Go) has alot of spiritual and christian themes.

Thing is, the format for most anime is violence, sex, langauge, nudity, etc. I guess seeing a anime that has it toned down (no sex, nudity, and langauge at all) for them would be wierd.

I'm just wondering if trying to become a professional anime/manga artist would be a smart idea. As my mom says, I obviously have a awesome talent in drawing anime.
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Postby mechana2015 » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:09 pm

I'm also trying to break into the manga arena, and have plans to do a specifically christian manga, and I already cut out the cussing, sex and blasphemous content out of my current project, but its cool to ave another person that sees the need!

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Postby Hitokiri » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:18 pm

yeah, I only have craip and freak in mine

My first project "Minajouroshijou", it's violence is somewhat less then Samurai X's.

I don't plan on doing a Christian Anime but if God has other plans for me, I'm all ears.
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Postby andyroo » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:21 pm

As for it being a smart move to make, I'm not too sure. I guess it lies in what your needs and wants are since you may not be getting a whole lot of pay for the work you're doing. I don't know the paying scale for what you're looking into in Japan. A good guess would be that it's going to vary quite alot. It would also depend on if this is absolutely what you want to do and enjoy doing. And your resolution with what God wants you to do which could effect all that I've listed.

And for the content: On one hand, I would guess it would have to depend on the story you're trying to depict without any service for the fans. But on the other hand, you see Miyazaki's films and his last one has been the largest grossing film in Japanese Cinema history and it only has one scene with blood in it that I can remember. He has had many of his films, excluding Mononoke Hime, that were for audiences ranging from children on up.
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:26 pm

yeah, violence doesn't make the anime I think. What's in it does.

So I'm just going to continue praying for guidance and continue drawings :)

Is there anyway to get my manga on CAA?? I dont have a scanner yet...well we do but not a scanner cable.
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Postby water-bearer » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:29 pm

Hey there. I think that if God is calling you to do this, well go for it! He's got a plan for you, and He'll reveal it to you peice by peice as you go along. As for the questionable content, it's not something you have to draw just because some choose to. There is always room for someone with morals in the art and storyboard section! I would advise prayerfully seeking God's will about taking this profession and if He gives the go-ahead, give it all you got. :thumb:
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