sample my greatest series

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sample my greatest series

Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:20 am

Chapter 1: The Beggining
Staten Islander,Phil Kasprovitz{a tall skinny whitedude with ??hair},is a an average funloving guy,who is on his way home from collage. phil arrives home and checks his mail.after checking his mail,phil sitsdown in his chair and watches TV. While phil flips through the channels,his phone rings.
Phil{picks up and talks into phone}:Yeah.
Man{on the phone}:Phil,Where the Hell are you,we were supposed to work on that project are 20 minutes late.
Phil{on the phone}: What time did you say we were supposed to start?
Man{on phone}:4:00pm
Phil{still on phone,looks at watch}:Whoa,I AM late. Sorry Professor,I guess i lost track of time.
Professor{on phone}:well,just get to the Lab at once. Do you still have the teleporter belt I gave you?
Phil{on phone}:Somewhere.
Professer{on the phone,sighing}:Get it and meet me at the lab{hangs up}.
Phil hangs up the phone,gets up,and searches for his belt. and eventually finds it..buried in his room.
Phil{puting on the belt and looking at the key pad on the buckle}:Now which button was it?{remembering}Oh,yeah.{pushes a button and teleports to the lab}
Inside a Small high-tech Lab in the middle of nowhere{the outside looks like a dome},Professor Sony{a white scientist with long blonde hair,which was in a masculine ponytail} is waiting for Phil.Phil teleports in.
Phil:Sorry i'm Late,so what are we gonna do?
Sony: your gonna aid me with my greatest experiment yet.
Phil: Cool,so what do i have to do?
Sony: i'm glad you asked{takes a ruby out of a metal box} this is my special project.
Phil{unimpressed}: A Ruby? I hate to burst your bubble,but the Ruby has been around for thousands of years.
Sony{holding the ruby}: This is no ordnary ruby,with this a person can transform into a masked superhuman.
Phil: whatever you say,Prof.
Sony: Hopefully this gem will work.Phil,Your gonna test this for me.{hands phil the ruby}
Phil{takes the ruby and examines it}:how does this thing work?
Sony: Its powered by Solar and Lunar power,when coupled with the key phrase "Angel Henshin",you will become Angel X.If this works,it will revolutionize crime fighting. plus i can hopefully make more.
Phil:So my role in this project is to be just a guinea pig?
Sony: No,my assistant,you shall be a pioneer.{goes to his main controll panel,presses a button and the roof opens up,letting the daylight in} Try it.point the ruby up to the sky and say the phrase.
Phil:got it{holds up ruby to the opened roof} Angel Henshin.
Phil transforms into Angel X,a black armored fighter with a black helmet that had an eye visor.the chest plate had a gold X on it. he also had a sword.
Sony{astounded}: It worked,It really worked.
Phil{checking himself out}: Incredible,I feel so powerful. so how do i reverse the transformation?
Sony: clench the ruby and say "power down"
Phil{clenches ruby}: Power Down{phil returns to normal}.cool
Phil gives the gem back to professor Sony.
Sony{gives the gem back to phil}:No you keep it,I have a gut feeling that you'll need it.Just don't lose it,Ok.
Phil: thanks professor{looks at watch} Whoa I have to go,I promised my friends that i would meet them this afternoon.
Sony: Before you go,you must promise me that you'll keep your identity and that gem a secret from the rest of the world.
Phil: I don't know why,but Sure.See ya{teleports out}
meanwhile,in a vacant wastland in S.I.,a dimentional portal opens up and a bunch of mysterious and weird looking aliens wearing cloaks,along with some horned black and green grunts,come out. The portal closes.
The Leader{looking around}: So this is planet earth,not bad. we will make this spot the perfect place to place our spaceship base.
Cloaked Warrior 1{to the leader}: Master Overlord,according to my caculations,our ship should be here in hours.
Overlord:Good. Soon,the Dark Armada Will Rule this planet,and no one can stop us due to the fact that earths weaponry is to weak to stand up to our defences.
Cloaked Warrior 2: Master Overlord,I'm Sencing some powerful energy somewhere out there.
Overlord: Yes,I sence it too.A power like that could be useful.Ghoul,send the Devilz to find this power source and bring it to me.
Ghoul: Yes. {to the horned green and black grunts}Ok,you have your orders,find that energy.
the grunts leave.
Later,at the PS26 schoolyard{in staten island},phil meets up with his female friends{mina and serena,2 caucasian blue eyed blonds;lita,a tall caucasian green eyed brunett;amy,a smart black hair blue eyed caucasian;and raye,an asian girl with long black hair}who are sitting on the front steps of the smaller part of the building.
Phil: Hey Guys.
Girls: Hey Phil.
Raye:Phil your late.
Serena: So whats everyone doing for the summer?
Mina: I'm Gonna go to the beach,the arcade,and just hang out with friends.
Lita: I'm gonna be hangin' around,doin' whatever.
Amy: I'm going to Cram School
Mina: I cant beleive your going to school when there is absolutely no need to.
Amy: well there is nothing wrong with a little extra learning.
Raye: right,well, I have to teach at my granfathers dojo all summer.
Phil: Oh,thats right,your granfather owns the Hinoken Dojo.
Serena: Raye's a master at martial arts. Teaching at a dojo sounds fun,unlike going to summer school,which is where I'll be for half the summer.
Lita: thats what you get for slacking off.
Mina: So,phil,what are your plans for the summer.
Phil: I have my part-time job as a scientist's assistant.but when i'm not doing that,I'm gonna hang.
suddenly,they are visited by Devilz{horned black and green henchmen of the Dark Amada}.
Mina:What the hell?
Lita: Who or what are these guys.
Serena: Aliens Maybe?
Amy:Serena,there are no such things as aliens.
Raye: Could they be Demons?
Mina: I doubt it.
The Devilz blast the heroes with energy,the heroes dodge.
Phil: whoever they are they wanna fight.
Raye: than, i say we give it to them.
The 6 bravely fight back,and eventualy beat them.the devilz teleport away.everyones exsausted except phil,raye,and lita.
Amy:What was that about,who were those guys?{in disbelief}hey,did they just teleport away?
Phil: Yeah,I did.
Mina: Well whatever,I'm gonna head home. it's getting late anyway.
Serena: Me to,I'm hungry.
Raye:I gotta go as well
Amy:I have some studying to do
Phil: I gotta get going to.
Raye: Well See ya tomorrow,then.
They than get confronted by Ghoul{a dark armada general that looks like a grey KKK member.who's a little block headed}.
Phil: Who are you what do you want?
Ghoul: Forgive my Devilz,for attacking you,they were in the mood for war. We senced a strong energy source coming from this area and we sent the devilz to retrieve it.I bet you 6 know somthing about it.
Mina:what are you talking about? Who's We?
Amy: and what is this Energy?
Ghoul: Don't play stupid,you know about this energy.the energy is here in this area. if you don't give me the info i request ,i'll beat on every one of you until i get what i want.
Phil: but you still didn't answer our questions. Who are you?
Ghoul{angry}:Enough,You,Boy,will bring me the energy. or these beautiful girls die
Phil{thinking}:What the hell is he talking about?{realizing}could he mean the ruby?
Ghoul{still angry}:well,whats it gonna be,Boy?
Phil: I bring you the power,just don't hurt them.{goes to the back of the school yard}
Lita: What the Hell is he doing?
Phil is in the back of the schoolyard,no ones around so he decides to transform
Phil{holding the ruby up to the sky}:Here goes.{shouts} Angel Henshin
Phil becomes angel X and teleports to the front of the schoolyard.
Angel X enters.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:21 am

Ghoul{sees A.X.}: What? Who the hell are you?{realizes} So it was you that I was sencing this whole time.your that energy sourse.
Angel X: Whatever,Now I want to know who you are?
Ghoul: I am Ghoul,General of The Dark Armada,led by the Overlord. We came here to plunder earth.when we senced your energy we wanted it for ourselves. Now who are you?
Angel X: I'm Angel X,Defender of Earth.
Ghoul: Defend This. {attacks the hero}
Angel X fights Ghoul,while te girls watch.
The Hero beats Ghoul.
Ghoul{getting up,out of breath }:You're Formatable,but mark my words I'm not finished with you. I'll get your energy yel.{teleports away}.
the girls run upto Angel X.
Raye: Thanks,Angel X.
Angel X: No Problem. By the way,I sent some tall skinny guy home.he was hangin out in the back of the schoolyard searching for somthing,I assume he's a friend of yours. I Gotta go.
Amy {stops him}:Wait,do you know anything about this Dark Armada that the KuKluxKlan guy was talking about ?
Angel X: Actually, I never heard of them up until now. You ladies better get home.
Angel X teleports away.
Serena: What a Cool guy.
At Professor Sonys lab,Phil is talking with the professor.
Sony: I never would've anticipated an alien attack,I made the Ruby to combat criminals of earth origin. however,I'm glad it works against alien villians as well. Anyway since the power of the ruby woked very well,I plan to make more,just incase you needed help.
Phil:Cool {looks at watch} Id better go It's getting late.
Sony: Ok,See ya tomorow phil.
Phil teleports out.
Sony: better get started on those gems.
Meanwhile inside the Dark Armada's Shipbase {its a big black and grey spacecraft thats now located in a vacant wastland},The Overlord{a black armored warrior with a cape and a helmet with visor that covered his face} is sitting on the throne in his quarters yelling at Ghoul for failing.
Overlord{angry}: Idiot,you failed to get that energy,and whats worse is that you were beaten by an earthling.
Ghoul{nervously}:B-but,master,this Earthman was most formatable.That power he has is onpar with our own.
Overlord{extreamly ****}: ********,You are a disgrace of a warrior,but I might give you a nother chance..Now Out of My Sight.
Ghoul Leaves. .
Overlord{annoyed}:If I'm Gonna get that energy source,I'm gonna need a stronger less bafoonish warrior,but since they're on their break,I'll just use a monster.{stands up,shouting} I Summon Octomammoth.
Octomammoth{a blue mutant that resembles a squid with octopus arms} arrives.
Octomammoth: You Summoned,Mighty Overlord.
Overlord:that's right, have a misson for are to find and capture the one that posseses great power,Understood.
Octomammoth: Right.
Octomammoth teleports out.
Meanwhile,Phil is sitting in the PS26 schoolyard waching the sunset and enjoying the evening air.
Phil: I love watching a beautiful sunset.nothing can possibly ruin this moment.{sees octomammoth run ing tward him} Except that{gets up}****,what the hell is that thing.
Octomammoth{stops running}: greetings from the Dark Armada.Now you have a choice punk,either come with me willingly to overlord or i kick your *** and THAN bring you back to Overlord.
Phil: So your in league with that hooded ******* from earlier?You want my Ruby,well you ain't getting it.{holds up ruby}Angel Henshin.
Phil transforms into Angel X,but what he doesnt know is that Raye,walking by,witnesses the transformation and decides to watch the battle.
Angel X: Let's Go Ugly.
Octomammoth attacks and the fight begins.
After a tough fight,Angel X wins and Kills Octomammoth.
Angel X:Finished.{sees raye}Huh,how long have you been here?
Raye:Everything,Angel X..or should I call you Phil.
Angel X: What?,****,you saw me transform huh?
Raye: Yup,But don't worry,I'll keep it a secret.
Angel X{clenches ruby and turns back into phil}:You'd better.
Phil Goes home.
Meanwhile,back inside Overlords Spaceship Base.inside overlords quarters.
Overlord{sitting on throne}: Where the hell is that stupid mutant? he should've been back here an hour ago with those powers.
Dark Armada General Eaststone{a grey knight that has a head like a moai statue}and Dark Armada General Cyber Demon{a crimson armored warrior with a scary looking crimson power ranger-like helmet} Enter.
Cyber Demon: Sir. we just got word that Octommamoth was killed in combat with a warrior calling himself Angel X.
Overlord: I Can't believe this.{gets **** and slams fist on the armrest of his throne}How could he be so stupid? That Idiot. Eaststone,Cyber Demon Tommorow You will leave to carry out the task that Ghoul and Octomammoth failed to accomplish. And as some assurence,you will take Phanto with you.I got a feeling you might need him.
Eaststone: Yes sir.However,not to question your judgement or anything,but we can handle this Shithead by ourselves,we don't need a monster to give us aid.
CyberDemon: Agreed. Ghoul was a baffonish sidekick-type who was a General in name only,we on the otherhand are True Warriors.We don't make mistakes.Phanto would just be in our way.
Overlord{angry}: Tough Crap,he's going with you and thats final. this Angel X is one warrior we can't afford to toy with.
Eaststone:But Sir he's just an earthling.
Overlord{angry,shouting}: Shut The Hell Up And Get Out Of My Sight,You Leave First Thing in The Morning.
the 2 Generals Leave.
The Next morning,at the PS26 schoolyard,the girls are just hangin out talking while waiting for phil when they get confronted by Eaststone,Phanto{a giant mask that was half red and half blue},and Cyberdemon.
Mina: Who are you what do you want? Are you friends with that Klansman Mutant that was here yesterday?
CyberDemon: You must mean Ghoul.{looks around} Where is Angel X?
Amy:we don't know? And we wouldn't tell you if we did.
Cyberdemon{annoyed}:liars,if you don't tell us where are foe is,well beat the answer out of you.
Eaststone: Can I rape them?
the girls get ready to fight.
Cyberdemon{chuckles}:Oh,look,these earthlings think that they can beat us.
Eaststone{to phanto}: Phanto,take care of these,girls. and try to keep them alive so that they can tell us where Angel X is.
Phanto Attacks The girls,But They fight back and than beat phanto up,using team work.the Generals are shocked to see that the 5 girls{who are a bit tired}beat phanto.unknown to the villians or the girls,one professor sony's mini spy cameras was watching them from above.
Amy{out of breath}: Fighting that was suicidal,but i can't believe we beat it.
Serena{out of breath}:That was fun{looks at the 2 generals}Hey,Cowards. It's your turn now,or you can summon another monster to hide behind.
CyberDemon{really ****}: **** you,How dare you. we'll show you what happens when you mess with the Dark Armada.C'mon eaststone,lets teach these brats a lesson.
Angel X Appears and confronts the generals.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:24 am

Angel X: So,you like picking on girls do you?well i'm hear to end you're thugary.
Eaststone{extreamly ****}: How dare you,compare 2 Generals of the Dark Armada to ordinary thugs,you asshole I'm gonna make you sorry.
CyberDemon: So you are Angel X,huh? Not Impressed.
Angel X: I could care less.leave or theres gonna be trouble.{to girls}while you 5 leave this place ,it's to dangerous for you to be here.
Lita: no way,we can help you,we beat up phanto.
Raye: yeah phil,let us help you.
The other girls are shocked.
Angel X:{disappointed at raye}: you promised not to tell anyone.
Raye{a bit embarrased}: Sorry,it sliped.
Angel X: whatever, just don't tell anyone else,is that clear ladies?
Girls: Yes.
Angel X: now go.
As the girls leave the schoolyard they are teleported away.Angel X sees this and is confused.Phanto rises and attacks A.X. but gets killed.
Eaststone: foolish warrior, if you think that your a match for us,your brain dead.
Angel X: Whatever,Jerk.
Eaststone attacks X and a fight begins.Eaststone get beaten.
Cyberdemon{shocked}:Impossible,how the hell did that happen,huh?
Angel X: Surender now,or it'll be your turn.
Cyberdemon: Fool,I'm not as weak as my buddy. you will have really tough time with me.
Angel X: whatever.
Cyberdemon{chuckles}:cocky *******,that will be your final word.
Cyberdemon attacks X and a fight begins.after a long fight Cyberdemon get beaten.
Cyberangel{slowly getting up}:**** You.
Angel X: my job is done,I gotta go,See Ya.
Angel X teleports away.
Cyberdemon{yelling}: this is not over,not by a longshot. you Angel X,will pay for screwing with the Dark Armada.
Both evil generals teleport out.
Phil teleports into sonys lab. Sony is watching a giant moniter that shows what his mini spy cameras are veiwing.
Sony{sees phil}:Ah,Phil, your here,good. I have big news.
Phil: Cool.
Sony: I have created 5 more rubies like yours.
Phil: Why?
Sony: because,thanks to my mini spy cameras,i know about the Dark Armada.and you might need the help.
Phil: No In won't.I beat 3 of their generals and 2 of their monsters.
Sony: I hate to burst your bubble,but,those alien generals that you faught were probaly just toying with you.
Phil:what ever you say where are the rubies.
Sony: in the hands of the brave girls I've chosen.
Serena,Mina,Amy,Raye,and Lita enter with their rubies.
Phil{sees girls}: You mean?
Sony: yes,meet your new team mates.
the girls transform,the way phil does,into female versions of angel X only with short leather in the back,their hair can be seen while they are wearing their helmets. each lady had a number on their chest plate,this number represented their own individual angel number.
Mina{salutes phil and sony}: Mina Aeno,Angel Number 5.
Lita{salutes sony and phil}: Lita Keno,Angel Number 4.
Raye{salutes sony and phil}: Raye Hino, Angel Number 3.
Amy{salutes sony and phil}: Amy Anderson,Angel number 2.
Serena{salutes sony and phil}: Serena Brooks,Angel Number 1. And Second in Command.
Sony: Their powers are similar to yours. Welcome,Girls.
Phil: Whatever,welcome to the team.
the girls get excited.
Meanwhile,back inside Overlords Spaceship Base.inside overlords quarters. Cyberdemon and Eaststone enter.
Overlord{angry,sitting on his throne}:You Arrogant Idiots,you told me that Angel X would be no trouble for you.But according to the reports,You did no better than Ghoul.
Eaststone: Look Sir,we underestimated his powers.It won't happen again.
Cyberdemon:Yeah,we were just toying with him.nextime the kid gloves will be removed.
Overlord{angry}: Phanto was beaten by 5 powerless earth girls...You know how embarassing it is to have a warrior who can't beat 5 weak and pathetic earth females. Leave me now,Toadies.
The 2 generals leave.
Overlord: In time the powers of angel X will belong to me. and once i get them,I shall dominate the Galaxy{laughs evilly}.

lemme know what ya think,

Oh,yeah excuse the swearing. There are No F-Words in any of my stories. So those 4 letter words are not F-Bombs. I oppose that F-word
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:33 pm

Again I appologize for the swearing,but i wanted the dialoge to be realistc.

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Postby CAAOutkast » Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:05 pm

Awsome Huh?
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Postby rab357 » Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:31 pm

I like the premise. Really cool. Keep writing and can you post a kind of character guide (don't have to put backstory or secrets or anything) and also where do you plan on taking this? Again, don't put any secrets or spoilers.
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Postby Anna Mae » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:23 pm

Well, I don't have time to finish everything that you have posted right now, but so far I have two questions. 1. Is this intended to be an anime, manga, or both? 2.You say Angel X is "a black armored fighter." Do you mean that his armor is black, or his skin is?
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby CAAOutkast » Fri Jun 30, 2006 1:56 pm

Anna Mae wrote:Well, I don't have time to finish everything that you have posted right now, but so far I have two questions. 1. Is this intended to be an anime, manga, or both? 2.You say Angel X is "a black armored fighter." Do you mean that his armor is black, or his skin is?

Its Intended to be a Manga and than,If it succeeds as a Manga,I want it to be a Live Action Series. and Angel X and the Other Angels wear black armor. An African American Angel comes Much later in the series.

I'm still working on episode 2.

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Postby Esoteric » Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:27 pm

Well, there are a number of miss-spelled words and grammer errors, but that's to be expected in a draft. Other than that, I'd say you've got a nice start. I do have a question for you... are you aiming for a humorous manga, or an action manga?
There reason I ask is because of the numer of cliche's used. It's all a little too easy for Phil to be believable, so I'm guessing you're aiming for a more carefree superhero story. If so, add more humor and make it even more laughable/unbelievable. If not and you're going for serious, you may want to rethink your start and make life more challenging for Phil. Right now, the writting kinda feels in between, and I'm not sure how to 'read it' if you know what I mean.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Fri Jun 30, 2006 5:35 pm

Esoteric wrote:Well, there are a number of miss-spelled words and grammer errors, but that's to be expected in a draft. Other than that, I'd say you've got a nice start. I do have a question for you... are you aiming for a humorous manga, or an action manga?
There reason I ask is because of the numer of cliche's used. It's all a little too easy for Phil to be believable, so I'm guessing you're aiming for a more carefree superhero story. If so, add more humor and make it even more laughable/unbelievable. If not and you're going for serious, you may want to rethink your start and make life more challenging for Phil. Right now, the writting kinda feels in between, and I'm not sure how to 'read it' if you know what I mean.

Thanks for the Critique. I'm Kind of a very weak starter,but I get better as I go along. Now this is Supose to be an Action Manga.Phil is supposed to be somewhat carefree. Phil wont be a hero for long,because I have plans to write him out,and make This an All-Female Superhero team. Think of my Series as A Mature version of Power Rangers. BTW,I leave the Fight scenes to the Imaginations of the fans. All fight scenes are supposed to be somewhat realistic. The time line in which the story takes place is 1996-97,because thats when I originaly wrote the series. I have summeries writen down on paper.

Anything else?
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Postby Esoteric » Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:37 am

Phil wont be a hero for long,because I have plans to write him out,and make This an All-Female Superhero team. Think of my Series as A Mature version of Power Rangers.

Really? Hmm, it's rather unconventional to switch main characters after the start. If that is your intention, I seriously recomend you introduce your main female character at the same time you introduce Phil. Otherwise, when you get rid of phil, readers will likely feel betrayed-having formed an attactment to the character they presumed to be the most important. Make sure it's clear from the start that phil isn't the most/only important character.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:19 am

Esoteric wrote:Really? Hmm, it's rather unconventional to switch main characters after the start. If that is your intention, I seriously recomend you introduce your main female character at the same time you introduce Phil. Otherwise, when you get rid of phil, readers will likely feel betrayed-having formed an attactment to the character they presumed to be the most important. Make sure it's clear from the start that phil isn't the most/only important character.

I did introduce you to the Main female character,Its Angel 1,Serena. and as far as phil is concerned,he isn't that important,so replacing him won't be any trouble.he will lose his powers and move on with his life.Much Later in the series,the heroes get stronger,cooler,better,individual powers. But they also stronger,more un forgiving enemies. And Jesus Christ Himself makes his way into the series. as new the main mentor of the heroes. BTW,The series will get more realistic in the fight scene department. Any thing else you wanna know?

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Postby Esoteric » Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:21 pm

Hmm okay, sounds like you've got it pretty well all planned out. Good luck with finishing this.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:59 pm

Esoteric wrote:Hmm okay, sounds like you've got it pretty well all planned out. Good luck with finishing this.

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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:52 pm

I won't post anymore of the Angels Saga,Due to the Foul Language. I Don't wan't to get banned I Love this Place and the People.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:53 pm

I'm Currently Working On Another Series that will Appeal to Almost All Of You...with minimal Cursing.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:54 pm

It will be great Just you wait and see. You Will Love It.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:56 pm

Again,Please Excuse The Cursing.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:45 am

Check this out everyone,If you liked The Witch Hunter Robin Anime Series,Your gonna love this:

Story: In the year 21XX,On Planet Elysian, Normal Elysians and Elysian Sorcerers lived in peace with one another..or at least tried to. one day,Prof. Abel an Normal Elysian Scientist uncovered a baby sorceress inside a cave.He named the girl,Robin and rased her up as his own. as a child,Robin learned the ways of the Elysian Sorceror from Seraphi,a master sorcerer and friend of Professor Abel. Years have past and Robin grew to be a beautiful young lady,as well as a good sorceress,who was unaware of her unlimited potential. During the moments of peace,a radical organization of Sorcerers was secretly forming. the Group called themselves the SecPro Org and they hated Normal Elysians.SecPro's goal was to oppress and kill all of the Normal Elysians,than Rule the Planet in the name of all Sorcerer kind. Months later,The SecPro Began their attacks,and since the Elysian armada {made up of normals and lower class sorcerers}was no match for them,The Elysian King decided to Create a special Task Force of Sorcerers and Sorceresses called the Warlock Killers. Led by Master Sorceress,Nefertori,The Warlock Killers were succesful in destroying the Evil Organization and its members.However months later,random Sorcerers and Sorceresses started to become Wizards and Witches{evil sorcerers and sorcereses}. The New Wizards and Witches started a rampage on the Normals and killed some of them. The Evilones were eventualy stopped and killed by the Warlock Killers. However,weeks later Nefertori became a Witch and Converted most of the Warlock Killers to her side..and before Elysian knew it ,SecPro was reborn,with Nefertori as the Leader. Expert Sorceress Ophani, Daughter of Seraphi took over as leader of the Warlock Killers,vowing to destroy the SecPro Org and save the Normals. Robin,having a strong sence of justice,decides to join up with the Warlock Killers. Robin is given her first mission: destroy the SecPro mutant minions who are terrorising the city.
Eternal Fan of Sailor Moon and the Original Mega Man!
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