yay! i'm not afraid of people online anyways. nothing they can do with this info.
Name : Lorentz Kim
Age : 16. i think.
Gender : Male.
Country of Origin : South Korea
Country right now : Australia
Church : Sydney Central Prebysterian Church
Strengths : a few. computers (anything from 3D all the way to web designing), anime, science stuff... all the nerd activities...
Weaknesses : my addiction to computer games.
What anime i like : most of all, Evangelion. then it'll be CBB. after that, well, it's all blurry to me.
What anime i don't like : anything weirder than pokemon. up to pokemon, i can understand, but after that then i really can't take it anymore.
Languages : of course, i speak english. and i also speak korean as first language. and write too.
When did accept Christ : when i remember, it was in yr 7. 12yo? 13yo?
that's about it.