Why do most anim fans hate dragonballz?

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Why do most anim fans hate dragonballz?

Postby DragonSlayer » Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:23 pm

Yes I know coming to the us dragonballz was portraied as a kid's(Beleive it or not it wasnt intended that that way)show and that the majority of veiwers are kids under ten. Qiute a while(Roughly almost a year,begginging of 2003) ago I grew weary of watching the show and began to see how, ahem stupid it was becomeing. So I was wondering why most anime fans absolutley Hate dragonballz and the art it was done in?I know some people here have exspressed their feeling as that dbz characters would make them puke or somthing like dont know exactly, anyway! opinons!
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Postby Locke » Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:40 pm

i dont nececerily hate it just grown out of it . When i first saw the commercials i was all exited for it. Guess it didnt live up to the hype.

but strangely enough i cant get enough of Dragonball .
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:43 pm

*Crackes hands* Dragonslayer... here are a few questions that shall answer yours. *Ahem* Do you still read books that you read as a First Grader? You know, something like Susan Ran to School or something like that. Do you still watch Barney... or do you want to *Censored for trauma that may be caused for Barney fans if they read about such a gruesome demise he shall suffer at my hands... muhahahahaha :evil: ... (cough)...*? That is how many feel toward Dbz. They simply feel that they have outgrown it in anime knowledge to the point that it disgusts them.
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Postby glitch1501 » Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:50 pm

it just became a hassle for me to watch the fights that lasted 200000000 episodes

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Postby Keiya » Tue Jan 20, 2004 4:23 pm

I think DBZ is an pretty decent show in Japanese because of the cool stuff is still left in but here in the USA it is pretty much crappy, plus the anime style isnt all that much to look at.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Tue Jan 20, 2004 5:34 pm

I actually don't have a problem with Toriyama-san's art style. Hey, he did Chrono Trigger too, yanno ^_^

I don't like DBZ much anymore because I've seen all the (good) episodes about 15 kazillion times. I was watching that show from the very first day it came on Toonami back in 98 or 99. I quit watching it after that Frieza fight made 5 minutes last for like, a month. o.O However, I have been thinking about reading the manga, since it's not quite as kiddie-fied as the FUNimation anime. And manga is cool anyways ^_^
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Postby Little T-chan » Tue Jan 20, 2004 5:49 pm

I think it's because the plot got outta control. It was great up to the Cell Saga...then all that weird Buu stuff and Uub stuff and DBGT got crazy. I mean, come on, what's up with the Black Star Dragonballs? They came outta no where.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Jan 20, 2004 6:19 pm

The series should have stopped at freiza
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Jan 20, 2004 6:27 pm

You hit it right on the nose Cephas
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Postby MasterDias » Tue Jan 20, 2004 6:47 pm

I don't hate it.

It's not my favorite though. Part of the problem many people have, I think, is that it's been so extremely overhyped by Cartoon Network and whoever that people have gotton sick of it but...

I have enjoyed what I've read of the manga.
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Postby Kite » Tue Jan 20, 2004 7:04 pm

*Spleen puch* BAP BAP BAP TO THE PWER OF 1000* Yup thats DBZ that and Piccilo and Mujjan Buu.
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Postby Michael » Tue Jan 20, 2004 7:15 pm

Because every time you mention to someone that you like anime they say: "Oh, I've seen Dragonball Z too."
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Postby DK_Sol » Tue Jan 20, 2004 7:30 pm

DBZ is cool in some ways. however there are better animes out there than DBZ and people don't seem to notice them because they got stook on DBZ. @.@ That's kinda of confusing right? But that's the way I feel towards the show.
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Postby zoupzuop2 » Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:00 pm

Faster than bad dubbing and dumb action...More powerful than a gazillion layers of cliff... and able to deliver dumb, pointless violence that makes no sense whatsoever with nooooooooooo plot advancement whatsoever... it's DGBZ! Come on. It gives a HORRIBLE name to anime lovers. True, it may be what gets people to this site these days, but people make SOOOO much fun of anime because it's just like "that dragon thingie I saw before that Roo-rownee Krunchy or something-rather show."
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:50 am

I don't hate DBZ, though I'm not fond at the anime. More episodes doesn't mean better, guys. Personally, I do like the manga. Cephas is absolutely correct in saying that the plot is rather unsophisticated. Up through the Cell Saga the plot was reasonable (how to top the most powerful being in the universe? a combination of many of the most powerful beings; makes sense), and then the Buu Saga made me basically stop caring.
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Postby Gremio » Wed Jan 21, 2004 6:01 am

Becuase five minutes of fight time usually takes 10+ episodes to show.

Dragonball was funny, and I must admit I thought it was pretty alright becuase of its humor appeal. But DBZ is just a repeditive showing of the same thing only with a different potential bad guy. Seriously, and the fan boys annoy me "oh wow i want 2 c soopar saaaiyan 1 millionz lol!!!11". I do like anime with lots of action, but not anime that insults my inteligence.

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Postby cbwing0 » Wed Jan 21, 2004 7:04 am

First of all, let me say that I like Dragon Ball Z. However, I watched all of the episodes when they were on Cartoon Network, and that was enough. I didn't appreciate the fact that it took them so long so show all of the episodes, with endless re-runs thrown in between the new stuff.

Some of you have said that it is silly or funny, but that is part of the reason that I like it. I like to laugh, so I like things like the Ginyu force, Majin Buu, Gohan in school, Hercule/Mr.Satan, etc. They provide a break from the fights, which are not that bad at any rate. This is also found in Dragon Ball, which does it better (and probably more intentionally), in my opinion.

Another aspect of the series that I like is the constant escalation of the conflict. It is almost like professional wrestling, or one of those shows where people do stupid/dangerous/gross things. They must constantly surpass the stuff that that did before, and it is entertaining to see how they go about doing that.

Then there is the simple and inspiring message found throughout the training, fights, and ultimate attacks in the show: self-improvement is a lifelong process that requires hard work and dedication. Of course you can find this in other places, but rarely is it's essence show with as much clarity as in DBZ. I suppose it could be argued that it sets up false standards, but I don't know anyone who things they can move faster than the speed of light if they do enough push-ups.

I also became attached to the characters over the course of the series.

[spoiler=Buu Saga]I was up out of my chair rooting for Goku to crush Buu with the giant spirit bomb.[/spoiler]

Having said that, there are also a few things that I dislike about the series.

I really hate how Funimation has released the episodes. It would cost something like $1000 to own the whole series along with the movies on dvd, which is outrageous, even for a series of this length. I realize that they are exploiting their commodity by putting a mere three episodes on each dvd, but it is still annoying for those that would like to own the series, yet don't have rich parents.

At least in my age group, a lot of the people who like DBZ also liked Pokemon, which was is an even bigger embarassment to the anime community. No offense to anyone here who happens to fit the description, but these people tend to be the nerdiest nerds ever to bear the title of nerd (or geek, if you prefer). They are a lot like the Christians who, when pressed for a reason why they believe, can only say something like "You're going to hell!" In other words, a lot of DBZ fans are long on emotional attachment for the series, but pathetically lacking in maturity, intelligence, restraint, or reason. As many of you said, anime fans tend to dislike DBZ, because DBZ fans give them a bad name.

I haven't read the manga, but I suppose I might some day if it is not as outrageously overpriced as the anime.

In conclusion, the series in itself is somewhat simplistic, but this is part of what makes it enjoyable. It is to anime what hot dogs and soda are to food. They taste good, but if that is all there is to food, we are in trouble. i can also see how it would have much more of an appeal for male viewers, as it is very similar to professional wrestling; then again, I stopped watching that years ago.
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Postby Twilly Spree » Wed Jan 21, 2004 7:30 am

DK, I love your avatar by the way so cute!

Anywho I enjoy muting it and dubbing over my own lines. It's like a party game! Everyone can join in! "Grr I'm powering up!" "Are you powering up!?!?"

Hahahha no I don't like the show. But I have a weakness for Sailor Moon, so I'm not gonna throw stones.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:00 am

Hey cbwing0, I'm pretty sure the manga is Shonen Jump now, and is about 8 bucks a pop. Pretty good in comparison to what, 20 bucks a piece for the DVD/VHS? o_O
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jan 21, 2004 10:25 am

DBZ makes sense if you follow one basic principle: power is insanely easy to get. If it had actually been based on exploring that idea, it would have been interesting.

By the way, I dislike DB with a passion. I've never liked Toriyama's humor, and the action isn't worth anything. Plus, it's just about as drawn out.
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Postby Straylight » Wed Jan 21, 2004 10:39 am

I've never been a fan of DBZ -- probably because I started on the "deeper" types of anime.
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Postby rinoa_heartilly » Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:21 am

I love anime. I hate DBz. More than likely becuase i find it to be incredibly obnoxious and childish. The animation isn't bad, but the plot and everything is redundant.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:47 am

I did like the original Dragon Ball. At least that had a smoothly running, adventure-style plotline that wasn't repetetive or boring. But I haven't seen hardly any DBZ since Frieza died on Namek, and I don't really miss it.
Still, for all the good reasons people have for disliking DBZ, there are some snooty, uppity, anime-elitist jerks who claim that Dragonball Z is "not real anime", mainly because it's super-popular over here in the states. And the only "good anime" is the stuff they like which they would just as soon abandon if it suddenly became super-popular. But this goes into the whole objectivity thing, which I won't get into any further because that way of thinking irritates me to no end.
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Postby LorentzForce » Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:50 am

here's how all their ephisodes go.

*insert theme song*

*insert brief recap of last ephisode's story which isn't much different from this one*

Good side powers up.
Punches each other.
Bad side powers up.
Punches each other.
Stare at each other.
Talk to each other.
Good side powers up.
Punches each other.
Bad side powers up.
Punches each other.
Commentator: Will the forces of darkness prevail, or will Goku and his team walk into the light? Stay tuned for the next EXCITING ephisode of Dragon Ball Z!

da da da da daaaa *insert theme song*

oh yeah. only like 3 out of 20 odd ephisodes are unique in some way.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Jan 21, 2004 12:02 pm

Ok... The hated anime, by anti-establishment Otaku:

DBZ: I personally watched it until I got bored... It is too repetitive.

Pokémon: I loved the game, I still think it's genius (marketing genius, mostly) but for that I have moved on to .hack which is much more intelligent plotwise and actually merits the crossovers into all the other media types...

Sailormoon: What can I say, I still love it... It's pretty cheeseball, but it's also got the makings of Good anime. It never gets too deep, but (in the Japanese version anyhow, DiC changed the story to water it down) it is complex enough to hold my attention and deal with the "monster of the week" aspect of which it is infamous.

Speed Racer: I don't like it, but if SM was edited, Speed Racer was a different story alltogether... Lost all traces of Japaneseness and has very bad voice acting, not to mention sub-par audio equipment. I don't know HOW spliced up the show it, not to mention that it wasn't very good to begin with...

Digimon: While pokémon was based on a game with a simple plot, Digimon was based on a toy with no plot whatsoever... You raise your digital pet fighting monster, and you fight it... The fact Saban did the american version was more reason for me to not watch it (Saban is of Power Rangers fame... Power Rangers sort of used to be a Japanese show, but what they did to it makes Sailormoon and Robotech look like, oh I dont' know, animeigo... It makes them look like blessings from Heaven...)
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Postby DrNic » Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:00 pm

DBZ sucks because:
1) The fights go on until you're bored to hell.
2) The idea is stupid.
3) The characters suck.
4) I don't want to spend my life watching cartoon characters flexing their muscles.
5) Its childish and yeah the anime style sucks a little (but hey its not all about the animation, shame everything else let it down as well.)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:13 pm

Hmm, I take a bit of offense at the good doctor.

DrNic wrote:2) The idea is stupid.

Unless you mean "big villain gets killed" I think you're wrong. The Cell Saga at least had a decent plot going about it. ("multiple big villains getting killed or not getting killed")

DrNic wrote:3) The characters suck.

If DBZ has nothing else, it has some good character designs.

DrNic wrote:4) I don't want to spend my life watching cartoon characters flexing their muscles.

I would hope not.
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Postby DrNic » Wed Jan 21, 2004 1:19 pm

I would hope not.

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Postby DragonSlayer » Wed Jan 21, 2004 3:56 pm

At first I never took any of these aspects into consideration but after many years of watching dbz(Waiting for the bloody Cartoon network to air the new episodes) I picked every thing about the series and I entertained myself with it from the beginning to the end of the dbz showing. And another reason im now finding dull and boreing is because I have seen every episode many many many many many many times. I would say that on a lot of points dbz sucks and ona lot of points dbz is awsome.
good points

1.The Characters werent always the more powerful fighter(Which was the case of every other show I had seen)
2. It spaned a long tiome and took in to consideration that characters age as where some shows(Not likley to be anime) will have a 9 year old kid on it for three years and not have him age a day.

3.tHey fight a lot.

4.The humor is sometimes good good but exactly funny.

5.dunno nothing else really that I can think of now.

bad points.

1.It does the same thing in every fight over and over!!!!!(But its still cool)

2.the character design of a few of them simpoly almost makes me puke.

3.No plot development what so ever!

4. And that all I can think of now.
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Postby MasterDias » Wed Jan 21, 2004 6:26 pm

DrNic wrote:2) The idea is stupid.
3) The characters suck.

If by idea, you mean the premise of the show then I don't agree with you. The premise is pretty decent IMO. Of course, it doesn't have a twisting plot designed to give you a headache, but neither do a lot of other anime.

As for the characters, I actually think the characters are one of the better points of the series.
With perhaps the exception of some of the females, the characters are fairly likeable.
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