"The Celebration of the Slain Children; That Damned Women Celebrates her Sin"
Wow, that is dark. I must confess that I don't really understand it, though.
"'O' Marduk, Whence Did Thy Fall?"
'O' Marduk, usurper of the throne.
Whence did you fall from grace.
To play as a jester in lesser mans courts?It should be "man's"
To become a drunkard in a adultresses blood?"Adultresses" should be changed to "adultress' "
Stricken dead with leoprasy.
'O' Marduk, slayer of the civilizations.
Whence did you lose your power.
To lesser gods and goddesses.
Despire your endless widsom,
You did not forsee your fall.
Your women fled.
The concubines were slain by the sword.
Laid to waste was your walls.
Marduk, you ******* of malicious ideals.
"O" Marduk, you false god.
Whence did you believe?
That you're as great as you think you are?
That you become drunk on your power and riches?
That you kill for pleasure?
'O' Marduk, rapist of innonce.
Whence did you begin to,
Enjoy slaughtering your followers by a whim?
That you demand sacrifices to gods of deciet and malice?
Sacrifices of maids and babes.
Your temples were torn down.
Marduk, father of bstards. I believe you mean "bastards"
Your followers forsake you.
Kocking your ideals in the dirt.
Stabbing you with thier swords of revenge.
Kicking your face in and spilling your guts.
Across the valley of death.
'O' Marduk, leech of the true God.
You have fallen into the abyss.
Enthroned in darkness; enthroned in shame.
'O' Marduk, spawn of your sin.
You feel when you were concieved.
I feel like I have heard the name Marduk somewhere before... I assume that it is referring to Lucifer?
I would say that you definately got the job done. I was beginnign to worry about you. Why in particular were you experimenting with lyrics as such?That was when I was experimenting with violent and gory lyrics. Shortly after, I tried to tone it done and go for a poetical snse.