Yeah, I think everybody knows how I really feel on the "graphics vs. gameplay" thing.
There are awesome games with bad graphics, but not vise-versa.
I mean, I played some Halo with my cousin... and MAN, was I bored! I felt like I stayed up until 5 AM, slept for 2 hours, woke up, took 2 sleeping pills, and drank some green tea. It was seriously starting to put me to sleep after oh... 10 minutes.
EDIT: Oh, I'm not saying Halo was a bad game, just, it bores me. :/ All FPS's have been (except MEtroid Prime) for a long time now...
Final Fantasy 7, on the other hand, the characters look like pixels and colors, but yet, I'm determined to keep playing until I beat it.
Yeah, I'm still playing. o.o My computer controller wouldn't work for a while, and I don't like playing games with the keyboard, so, I had to wait until I fixed the soundcard to play.
kaemmerite wrote:And seeing as how after the SNES, Nintendo has always been dead last in terms of graphics capabilities, it's understandable that they wouldn't get many FPS games, and why gamers would be opposed to it (the Xbox Live feature with Halo merely sealed the deal, since Nintendo was too stupid to do the online gaming thing).
ummm.... sorry, just had to point this out.
N64 (even without the expansion pak) gfx > PS1 gfx, GCN gfx > PS2 gfx, matched or surpassed XBox (in a few cases) = not dead last. Compare the specs (not even counting the effeciency of the gekko) if you don't believe me.
Sony has been dead last (in terms of graphics) for 2 generations, which is, the whole time it's been in the gaming industry.
And still, PS2 had more FPS than GameCube, and is the current leader in the console wars.
But, you may be right about the FPS fans and graphics. I mean, it IS a myth of the uninformed that N64 and GameCube had the worst graphics. And, most FPS's, as of now, are all the same, in terms of gameplay...
had enough.