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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri May 12, 2006 11:25 pm

I didn't notice the poll until now, but...

"You have already voted on this poll. Please press back to see the results."

What? No I didn't... If I could have, I would have voted "3rd party" when the thread started, but now I'm definately saying smash brothers... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Link Antilles » Fri May 12, 2006 11:36 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:I didn't notice the poll until now, but...

"You have already voted on this poll. Please press back to see the results."

What? No I didn't... If I could have, I would have voted "3rd party" when the thread started, but now I'm definately saying smash brothers...

Ignore it, I changed the poll back to like it was. I couldn't get the poll to "forget' who voted on which option and make a new poll. *shrugs* It was worth a shot.
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Postby Rogie » Sat May 13, 2006 8:46 am

Link Antilles wrote:Microsoft likes the Wii? Well, according to Peter Moore, they do... this is an interesting article:

This had me thinking... you know, while completely unlikely (stranger things have happened though), it'd be interesting to see what would happen if Nintendo and Microft released a bundle at $599 during the PS3 launch. Or maybe a $699 one that'd include Oblivion and Mario Galaxy alongside a few free online downloads. That'd shake things up.

This is a smart move by Microsoft. Instead of trying to conquer both new consoles, why not join the cheaper one and beat the juggernaut? Unfortunately, the Xbox 360 is still the least appealing console on the market to me. The games are just too... American? Heh. Microsoft just doesn't have the Japanese software support like the PS3 will. And I have always preferred Japanese games over American-made ones (for the most part).

So, the Wii is most appealing, followed by PS3, to me. I'll be adopting the Wii first, mind you, but I'm planning on getting a PS3 eventually. But it needs to drop in price and prove its worth first.
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Postby Debitt » Sat May 13, 2006 12:11 pm

I've been sort of ping-ponging between whether I think Nintendo is being smart or being absolutely nit-witted with the entire Wii concept. But after E3, I must say that Nintendo has managed to prove themselves with all the things they've showed off, and I think they're once more my favorite choice for the next gen.

That and the $500 PS3 is not making this future starving college student very happy. XD

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Postby Mega.EXE » Sat May 13, 2006 12:22 pm

and taht's for the regular version the core one is $600
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Postby skyblue » Sat May 13, 2006 5:26 pm

Mega wrote:and taht's for the regular version the core one is $600

That's another reason why I just can't understand Sony and Microsoft. Releasing two versions of their consoles just makes things confusing IMO. Nintendo is to-the-point and isn't trying to make a huge colossus of a console. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand the need of having everything built into a console (that I would never use anyways). But that's just me.
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Postby Nate » Sat May 13, 2006 5:33 pm

skyblue wrote:I'm sorry, but I just don't understand the need of having everything built into a console (that I would never use anyways). But that's just me.

Actually, the reason the PS2 sold so well was because of its built in DVD playing capabilities. Think about it. Which makes more sense, to buy a 200 dollar console and a 200 dollar DVD player, or a 200 dollar console that has the ability to play DVDs? Option 2 saves you 200 bucks. That's a no brainer there.

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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sat May 13, 2006 5:51 pm

Yes, but, the DVD as extra features actually made more sense back then. Everybody wanted a DVD player, because they were becoming mainstream pretty quickly and that was around the time the PS2 was coming out. I'm not sure that's the case with the extra features in PS3...

I mean, sending pictures to my relatives with my PS3? Yeah right.

I'll have to see what other extra features PS3 actually has, though.
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Postby Nate » Sat May 13, 2006 7:02 pm

Shia Kyosuka wrote:Yes, but, the DVD as extra features actually made more sense back then. Everybody wanted a DVD player, because they were becoming mainstream pretty quickly and that was around the time the PS2 was coming out. I'm not sure that's the case with the extra features in PS3...

PS3 is a Blu Ray DVD player. Blu Ray DVD players are about 1,000 dollars right now. The PS3 is 600. Still 400 dollars cheaper to get a gaming system that does the exact same thing the regular Blu Ray DVD player does.

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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sat May 13, 2006 7:36 pm

but why would one even need a Blu-Ray player, in the first place?

I haven't met a single person who wants one... or even mentions it in public. I don't want it, either.

I hear it gives a much high definition than regular DVD, but does the standard movie watcher, who just wants to see their movie, want to observe every little detail of everything in the movie? I don't think so.

The move from VHS to DVD's reason was appearant, and everyone knew.

Blu-ray, on the other hand, just seems to deliver the same thing, with more detail. The only thing that sounds good to me, is the better "indestructable" cover for the blu-ray disks.

I don't see too many blu-ray movies (or any at all) out, and I'm sure the regular DVD format is going to continue to be supported by movie studios, and remain mainstream for a long time, at least.

DVD's are high enough definition, already, in my opinion, so, tell me why the public needs to move from regular DVD's to Blu-ray, and why they'll be willing to do so.

I, myself, can't really justify the reason why, as a standard movie watcher, I would want a blu-ray when I already have a regular DVD player, that plays movies very well.
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Postby MPX42 » Sat May 13, 2006 7:42 pm

Shia Kyosuka wrote:but why would one even need a Blu-Ray player, in the first place?

I haven't met a single person who wants one... or even mentions it in public. I don't want it, either.

I hear it gives a much high definition than regular DVD, but does the standard movie watcher, who just wants to see their movie, want to observe every little detail of everything in the movie? I don't think so.

The move from VHS to DVD's reason was appearant, and everyone knew.

Blu-ray, on the other hand, just seems to deliver the same thing, with more detail. The only thing that sounds good to me, is the better "indestructable" cover for the blu-ray disks.

I don't see too many blu-ray movies (or any at all) out, and I'm sure the regular DVD format is going to continue to be supported by movie studios, and remain mainstream for a long time, at least.

DVD's are high enough definition, already, in my opinion, so, tell me why the public needs to move from regular DVD's to Blu-ray, and why they'll be willing to do so.

I, myself, can't really justify the reason why, as a standard movie watcher, I would want a blu-ray when I already have a regular DVD player, that plays movies very well.
I agree on every point.I just don't see what's so good about Blu-Ray.

Although if you do want a Blu-Ray player,I would recommned getting a PS3...
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Postby Nate » Sat May 13, 2006 7:51 pm

The point is, Shia, it IS changing. Blu Ray is about to be in direct competition with HD-DVD. Though yes, it will be a few years more before regular DVDs will be abandoned, they WILL be abandoned in the near future. Blu Ray and HD-DVD both have a lot more to offer than the standard DVD format. Which one wins out, it is too early to determine, but very soon, regular DVDs will be rare.

I'm not saying rush out and buy a PS3 right now because of it. Blu Ray won't catch on for a while, nor will HD-DVD. I personally won't get a PS3 until a year or so from now, and it's going to be for the games. But having a Blu Ray player will be a nice feature since regular DVDs will be decreasing in the next few years.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat May 13, 2006 7:58 pm

*whistles* This is a Wii thread *laughs hysterically, both at the name and the fact that I'm trying to force people to talk about the Wii and not bash the PS3 on a Wii thread when i can't do that by any means even though I'd hope that people would be able to simply disucss the wii on the wii thread... wow, long emote* So, if you want to discuss Blu-ray and why it's going to pwn all else, go into the PS3 thread or start a Blu-ray discussion in Computing. For now... Is there any further news on the download service? *taps foot impatiently* Come on, this is what I've been waiting for...

Why do they dangle this in front of my face and... Well, if they HAVE said something, i'd like to see it... Pricing, licensing, emulation capabilities (the PS2 certainly didn't have perfect PS1 emulation, will the Wii players be able to say "Wii, it works" or "Wii are going to go back to playin on the actual systems instead of using this lame expensive download service" Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sat May 13, 2006 8:00 pm

EDIT: But I'm really curious! and we can't just move the discussion to another thread. o.o

But in the next few years, Blu-ray players should be going down in price, as well, just like DVD players have, AND Ninendo and Microsoft will be getting ready to release the successors of Wii and 360.

PS3 is aiming to compete with both of those, I know, but, around the time Blu-ray becomes mainstream, and regular DVD's will be supported less and less, Nintendo and MS's new systems will be out either by the time blu-ray is mainsteam, or 1 or 2 years after. Even so, Blu-ray players will be much cheaper by that time, as well.

At least, I think that's how it's supposed happen....
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat May 13, 2006 8:03 pm

Years between PS2 and PS3: Around 6? There is no reason to rush out another generation of systems 3 or 4 years from now... really... An update for every new graphics card or shader of whatever that comes around isn't really necissary... It's a game that rather rich PC gamers have played, but the console market is aimed at a group that isn't dedicating to the unnecissary upgrade at the drop of a hat...

By that, of course, I mean *whistles* So, about that download service... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sat May 13, 2006 8:05 pm

Consoles come out, like, 4-7 years after the previous.

Kae said a few years. That's an estimate.

EDIT: hahaha, *is on topic*

Yeah, I wonder what games I'll be getting for it...
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Postby battletech » Sat May 13, 2006 8:29 pm

Shia Kyosuka wrote:EDIT: But I'm really curious! and we can't just move the discussion to another thread. o.o

But in the next few years, Blu-ray players should be going down in price, as well, just like DVD players have, AND Ninendo and Microsoft will be getting ready to release the successors of Wii and 360.

PS3 is aiming to compete with both of those, I know, but, around the time Blu-ray becomes mainstream, and regular DVD's will be supported less and less, Nintendo and MS's new systems will be out either by the time blu-ray is mainsteam, or 1 or 2 years after. Even so, Blu-ray players will be much cheaper by that time, as well.

At least, I think that's how it's supposed happen....

Blue-ray has to bet HD-DVD first before anyone can talk about Blue- rays future. If the past repeats it's self HD-DVD will bet the Blue-ray just like VHS bet Beta. So buying a PS3 just for the Blue-ray does not make sense. Let's wait and see who wins this version war.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat May 13, 2006 9:26 pm

battletech wrote:Blue-ray has to bet HD-DVD first before anyone can talk about Blue- rays future. If the past repeats it's self HD-DVD will bet the Blue-ray just like VHS bet Beta. So buying a PS3 just for the Blue-ray does not make sense. Let's wait and see who wins this version war.

Yeah, I think the download feature will rock if they do it right, too. Man, and the blu bomber on smash brothers would be awesome... That rayman game coming out... Well, I've never been much of a rayman fan... Waiting for info on that new survival horror franchise... That made me drool like the ringing of a bell...

*coughbluraydiscussionherecough* Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sun May 14, 2006 6:25 pm

Holy Crap...

SNK says they want Neo-Geo games on Wii download service!!!!

Rack 'em in, Nintendo. ;)

Also, Sony recommends Wii with PS3, in the same fashion as MS.

This is hilarious...
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Postby Nate » Sun May 14, 2006 6:36 pm

I love the new VGCats comic. I think it sums up my position perfectly. XD

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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sun May 14, 2006 6:55 pm

Yeah, lol

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Postby Nate » Sun May 14, 2006 7:03 pm

Oh yeah. It is just like Nintendo to use the most incompatible browser on the entire internet for their service, so makes sense, I guess.

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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sun May 14, 2006 7:14 pm


Yeah, I wish they would've used FireFox, instead... but, whatever. I'm still going to finally be able to surf the net in my room, after I wasn't able to put my computer in there... and that's what really counts.
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Postby Rogie » Sun May 14, 2006 7:29 pm

But Nintendo's partnership with them could be a positive thing for Opera. It might even take them in a different, and possibly profitable direction.

Besides, I'm okay with Opera. I don't use it a lot, but it's not that bad. *tries to be positive* ;)
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Postby glitch1501 » Sun May 14, 2006 8:46 pm

i dont use opera, but it is definatly a faster engine....i think it was a wise choice for nintendo

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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun May 14, 2006 9:40 pm

Shia Kyosuka wrote:hahaha.

Yeah, I wish they would've used FireFox, instead... but, whatever. I'm still going to finally be able to surf the net in my room, after I wasn't able to put my computer in there... and that's what really counts.

Have you tried surfing the net on a TV??? It sorta sucks...

Now, if it was High Definition, that'd be different... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Sun May 14, 2006 9:52 pm

Interesting... but as Bobtheduck mentioned, surfing the net on a standard def TV connected to your computer kinds sucks. I hope that nintendo has some nice modifiers on that browser, otherwise it will be almost useless, not to mention hard on the eyes.
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Postby Pent » Mon May 15, 2006 1:54 pm

What exactly is Opera like? Never heard of it.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Mon May 15, 2006 1:58 pm

Opera is pretty good, and I think, it's a good alternitive to FireFox, it's just, it's not really supported by as many websites. I'm not sure if CAA chat even works with it (they might've updated it, I'm not sure).
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Postby blkmage » Mon May 15, 2006 4:14 pm

I used Opera for a few months a few years ago, back when Firefox was Firebird. It was quite nice and it was a pleasant change from IE.

Considering the choices for a browser that doesn't run on a personal computer (that automatically rules out Firefox and I assume most Gecko browsers, IE, and most KHTML and WebKit browsers), I would say that Opera was a good choice.

Unless of course, the Nintendo devs suddenly decided they wanted to do some hacking and hack up some Firefox source for the Wii and DS.
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