Super Smash Brothers Revolution.

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Postby Peanut » Sat May 06, 2006 1:33 pm

Lol...*Imagines how it would feel to smack Navi around for all the pain she caused him in TLZ:OT* The funny thing is that picture might actually contain some of the new characters for SSB on the Revolution...thought that is only because it has like every Nintendo character ever made...ever...
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Postby skyblue » Sun May 07, 2006 6:50 pm's missing Wario and Meta Knight. And we need some Golden Sun characters.

BTW, I just hope that this game doesn't have a lot of clone characters. *cough* I just hate clones! So unoriginal!

And Link would be my new favorite character in the SSB series if he could turn into a wolf like in Twilight Princess.
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