but I agree with Hideo Kojima
Bobtheduck wrote:Actually, you're missing the larger context. He has been talking about video games for a LOT longer than the Silent Hill movie...
He says that the very fact of interactivity and player control negate the ability for games to be art. He says they offer nothing worthwhile, can never tackle issues that movies do, and are a waste of time that would better be spent reading books or doing volunteer work.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I say give him the Thief series to play. Then see if he doesn't have to use his brain!
AnimeHeretic wrote:I guess the question would be does any commercial art reach the level of fine art.
He said video games haven't tackled big issues. This is, however, the choice of the game creators, not something inherent in the medium. Besides that, I can't give many examples, but Silent Hill 2 dealt with issues like rape, abuse retaliation, and even a hot button issue like Euthenasia in a roundabout way. And Metal gear is a good story of war and betrayal... For giving the star wars movies such high ratings, he'd be hardpressed to not see that Big Boss made a much more convincing "hero to villain" than Anakin... Kojima was obviously a Star Wars fan, but he beat Lucas at his own game...
You Know Why So Many People Are Bashing Games and Not TV and Movies...
Because Games Are Still A Young Type of Entertainment and Are Still Evolving...
So of Course You're Going To Have People Who Know Nothing About What They're Talking About Making These Rediculous Statements...
All We Should Be Doing Is Not Worrying About What Critics Say and Worry About What Game Is Coming Out Next Tuesday...
AnimeHeretic wrote:Games on the other hand tend to be forgotten. I can remember when games as advanced as "Pole Position" were considered advanced. Nowadays? Who remembers it.
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