Full Metal Alchemist Gaming Discussion

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Full Metal Alchemist Gaming Discussion

Postby Tommy » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:14 pm

Okay, so I`m purcashing the sequel today and I`m stuck on the last boss in the first.

1) Has anyone played the sequel?
If so, are there key plot elements in FMA1 that you must know?

2) Is anyone disturbed at what the title of the 3rd one is?
FMA: "The Girl that Secedes God" or something similar to that.

3) Can someone please give me tipd on the last boss!

4) What level am I expected to be at for the last boss?

5) How much HP does [SPOILER]Camilla][/SPOILER] have?

Thanks in advance guys. :thumb:
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Postby Tommy » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:59 am

Come on, I SERIOUSLY need help on this one....
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:49 pm

I never got to play the FMA games how are they? anyways sorry i can't help
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:07 pm


just use that from now on when you need help in games.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:10 pm

MSP, I use Gamefaqs all the time but the FMA quides are crap as far as the lost boss goes. You should look into what I`m requesting.

NO website will help me.

Yes, Grub, the FMA games are excellent. the first one is average at best (has an arc that takes place before arriving at Lior) and the 2nd one is in par with Kingdom Hearts. Actually, I think it`s a kingdom Hearts rip-off seeing how there are creatures identicle to Heartless that you have to destory. And SCAR is IN IT!
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:14 pm

Tom, I found 2 good FAQs, each giving some good detail. I don't really understand what you mean by "crap", they seem pretty good strategies for me.

heres some stuff I found in faq#1
The Fused Chimera has very little Hp and low defense. A couple hits will
defeat it, but Camilla can revive it. Camilla teleports a lot, so she will be
hard to hit. The easiest way to defeat her is to find something and transmute
it into a crossbow. It will be hard since the Fused Chimera will block the
item unless it moves away. Once Al gets on the crossbow it is all over.

Camilla jumps onto the edge of the castle and then falls down. The professor
gets Armony and said that he could treat her in his lab. He then tells Ed and
Al to gather all the feathers since the energy could be used to save her.

Go and collect all the feathers. They are on the floor and giant arrows
pointing at them. The Grindstone can also be picked up here, but it won't
appear all the time. After collecting them all, Ed doesn't feel anything from
the feathers. They realize what the professor is going to do and rush to the

You have completed the area and now you will be able to save.

|Boss Fight: White Tiger Chimera |
| - Claw: Slash you. Try not to stand in front of this guy |
| - Fireball: Spilts out fireball. Cast a RB or keep roll |
| - Ember: Burst out flame within a small area: Stand close his or jump |
| - Throw: Throw rock when he is at the chandalier. Cast a RB or roll |
| |
|You need a few things to end this fight fast. A weapon you are comfortable |
|with, your accuracy and also a few reloader. |
|Immediately rush to upstairs and transmute a statue(a lady whoms in praying)|
|to a large cannon. You need to fire 4 hits to bring him down(Also be ware |
|he will keep throwing rocks at you or Al) Once he is down, simply jump down |
|and use a weapon and hit him. Try your best to hit his mask and if the mask |
|drop down, have Ed to transmute the wooden bench to a large arrow weapon and|
|keep hitting him. Repeat this step and he should be down in no time.*If your|
|cannon runs out of ammo, use the relaoder. *You may want to use special |
|attacks once his mask is down. |
|For target A rank, you really need some accuracy. Take his down quickly from|
|the ceiling then take his mask down, quickly deplete his HP plus don't let |
|him jump anywhere. |
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Postby Tommy » Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:45 pm

I`ll tell you why it`s crap.

#1- This person said: If you get on the crossbow it`s all over. I fought this for an hour with a crossbow and she just took the damage and NEVER DIED.

#2- White Tiger Chimera is NOT the last boss, but that person did not finish the FAQ.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:00 pm

Oh well tom. I guess just keep doing the same method or something...
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