Chibi Vampire

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Chibi Vampire

Postby Icarus » Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:44 pm

I was in BAM the other day looking through manga when I saw this one. Has anyone read it?

What's kind of funny is that the cover was on backwards.
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Postby chimera189 » Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:56 pm

I am currently waiting for my copy, I have been watching the anime that was based on this [Karin], I'm not sure how much alike the manga/anime are but the story goes:

"Karin Maaka is the middle child of a family of vampires which immigrated to Japan 200 years ago. Karin, although technically a vampire herself, is very different from the rest of her family. Instead of lacking blood, her body overproduces it. In order to get rid of the excess blood, once a month, she must give in to her urges and find someone to bite. Instead of drinking their blood, she gives them some of hers, leaving both her and her “victimâ€
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