It was pretty dumb how the last chapter was omitted from the American version simply because the U.S. publisher thought it should have a depressing ending. I tend to consider the inclusion of a glossary to be a poor choice as learning the slang as the story progressed forced one to come to Alex's vantage point of perception. I always thought Alex's fandom of classical music was a classic choice as the thought has perpetually recurred that somehow playing the great composers would act as a bug spray for violent criminals. I can't speak for the movie as I have not seen it, but the Wendy Carlos original score for the film with all the classical music played on synthesizers is a rather excellent CD, with a pretty good (though more openly dark) remix of the score appearing on Tales of Heaven and Hell.SirThinks2Much wrote:I liked the book a lot. Sadly my first exposure to it was the American print, that discarded the last chapter (which is VERY important). But it did have a handy glossary though. I was calling people my droogs for weeks. Also, I credit this book for getting me back into classical music.
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