Kingdom Hearts 2

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Postby Nate » Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:39 pm

desperado wrote:Kaemmerite wait till you fight [spoiler] the organization member that you met in the coliseum, in my view he was way harder because he had that water flash thing and he could juggle you for litterly 75 percent of your life, and no mickey to help you out this time. [/spoiler]

[SPOILER]Wait, are you talking about Demyx? I already stomped his butt. The water guy who makes clones, right? Yeah, see...right after Agrabah, I went to Twilight Town (skipped the Halloween Town and Pridelands levels completely) and got thrown into the huge Hollow Bastion fight, so I ended up fighting Demyx BEFORE I fought Xaldin. I found Demyx to be way easier, though... *shrug*[/SPOILER]

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Postby desperado » Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:49 pm

[spoiler] I did the same thing, oddly enough the pridelands havent even appeared yet and i have done all the quests except kill jafar and some pooh stuff (of the available) I just hated demyx because I couldnt do my favorite run in do a combo and run out because he would always juggle me into submission if i did that. The guy in beast's castle (cant remeber his name) seemed a lot easier because he didnt keep interrupting everything i attempted to do. besides I think the whole mickey helping element made that fight so much easier, demyx you didnt get that kinda help. [/spoiler]

also about the different forms
[spoiler] anyone got heartless sora yet? gotten it twice once on the second pirates of the carribean boss and also on oogie boogie seems like a slower but more damaging and combo driven valor form. looks crazy to see sora clawing everything in sight as well [/spoiler]
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:40 pm

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow!!

XD They better still have my reserved copy...
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Postby Nate » Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:10 pm

desperado wrote:[spoiler] I did the same thing, oddly enough the pridelands havent even appeared yet and i have done all the quests except kill jafar and some pooh stuff (of the available) I just hated demyx because I couldnt do my favorite run in do a combo and run out because he would always juggle me into submission if i did that. The guy in beast's castle (cant remeber his name) seemed a lot easier because he didnt keep interrupting everything i attempted to do. besides I think the whole mickey helping element made that fight so much easier, demyx you didnt get that kinda help. [/spoiler]

[SPOILER]Yeah, the Micky helping thing DID give a bit more help, but what got me was when Xaldin put all his lances together into one HUGE lance and just swung five or six times in a row...Sora would get trapped in a corner and it would take away like 3/4 of his life bar. By the way, Mickey will only come out and help you twice...[/SPOILER]

also about the different forms
[spoiler] anyone got heartless sora yet? gotten it twice once on the second pirates of the carribean boss and also on oogie boogie seems like a slower but more damaging and combo driven valor form. looks crazy to see sora clawing everything in sight as well [/spoiler]

[SPOILER]Yes! I got one in Hollow Bastion yesterday when I tried to change into Valor Form. Actually, Sora is a LOT faster in his Heartless form. His speed and strength go up, but his defense goes way down...and even worse, you can't pick up HP orbs. It's still pretty crazy though.[/SPOILER]

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Postby desperado » Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:55 am

[spoiler] a trick is to run to the very back and most times the wind will just pass you and do just that damage and not carry you along [/spoiler]
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:48 am

How often do you guys play?
It`s not even a week old and your that far?

I`m at the Olympous C. and I can`t wait to get Auron in my party.
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Postby Nate » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:26 pm

[SPOILER=The World That Never Was]Finally, a good place to level up the Wisdom Form. There's a never ending stream of the weak Shadow Heartless Speaking of forms, I got the Heartless Sora form THREE times's irritating, especially since I was trying to use Valor Form on a boss.

Anyway...HOLY CRAP, RIKU. I was very much not expecting THAT.[/SPOILER]
And heh heh. I faced off with Sephiroth just to see how he was. Died in like two seconds.

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Postby desperado » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:49 pm

Yeah I am level 50 and one of his combos will kill me. And I am not talking about the ones you can dodge with the triangle button.

oh I also just beat it

[spoiler] yes the plot twist with riku was sure something im just glad it wasnt permanent but the deaths of axle and ansem the wise make me sad because they both turned out to be really good people. Also I have to say this game has to have one of the longest ending boss progression I have seen in a while. [/spoiler]

Oh and I have yet to unlock the secret movie but the ending I did see was pure awesome, though it leaves it open for another it wasnt the lame ending that was kh1.
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Postby Nate » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:54 pm

desperado wrote:Oh and I have yet to unlock the secret movie

I hear the secret movie is insanely hard to get. You basically have to complete Jiminy's Journal, 100%. That means fighting all the Rare Heartless, and doing ALL the minigames. I went back to Phil's Training Session, I'm level 52 and I still could only get like the crap are you supposed to get 1,000 points?

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Postby desperado » Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:04 pm

You can unlock it by simply beating the game on the hardest difficulty. Im to lazy to do it, ill probably download it first like i did with kh1's movie. Funny thing is I had already seen it and didn't realize that. that was the hidden movie, I honestly thought it was something else.

oh and speaking of the hidden movie in kh1

[spoiler] its so funny I realized "hey this is the building riku was on in that clip, Oh and HEY riku looks like he did then and HEY he has a blindfold on [/spoiler]
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Postby Tarnish » Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:57 pm

I rented it yesterday!! :D

I'm just going to say that was the LONGEST, MOST BORING TUTORIAL LEVEL I'VE EVER HAD TO DO.

With that out of the way, the rest is worth it. ^^

I like the new Gummi mini games, but not how I can't just hold down the X button and change the channel, that gave me a chance to rest.

I'm currently in Agrabah...and can't get past that stupid time trial thing. But I'll never beat it if I'm sitting here typing.

*Goes off to play more KH2*
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:59 pm

Just beat it and let me say, it was WELL worth the wait! Awesome AWESOME game! *addrenillian still high* @_@
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:49 pm

wow the game came out a week ago and there are ppl who have beaten it thats like one of my all night gaming sessions ^_^
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Postby Tarnish » Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:05 pm

Um...yeah...those a life >__>
*played 10 hours in one day*


One thing that would make it more enjoyable, would be to take out those horrible "Speed Racer" scenes. BLEH.

Character in game: *Horrible joke*
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Me: Please tell me this isn't happening!!!11
*Repeat every five minutes*
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:05 pm

ok I bought it on the way home from the airport and I LOVE IT!!! Even the SUPER LONG FREAKING "Tutorial" was okay for me. I like Roxas XD

I only got to Mulan's world before my dad kicked me off T___T I could be farther!! I only played for like... 4-5 hours. It makes me sad.

*ehem* Anyhow, I feel bad for the Nobodies .___. I want them to have souls/hearts or whatever. Its so sad that they don't... Well don't mind me, I usually have sympathy for villians.
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Postby Nate » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:19 pm

Orenji wrote:One thing that would make it more enjoyable, would be to take out those horrible "Speed Racer" scenes. BLEH.

Oh, just wait until you do the second missions for each world. It gets WAY worse.

*Character 1 and 2 share a touching moment of holding hands or embracing or gazing into each others eyes*

Donald/Goofy: *insert statement about Sora and Kairi*
Sora: *embarassed*

Character 1 and 2: *let go of each other and pretend to not be interested in each other while blushing*

All characters: AWWWWWW

Yeah. It gets sickening after a while.

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:26 pm

wow thats kinda sappy and lame but hey it does have disney in its name so u should expect some corney moments. i want to play the game really bad now cuz of all the good reviews its gotten
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Postby Nate » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:28 pm

By the way, my only complaint about the Roxas thing...800 munny?! Coulda made it like 300 or 400...when jobs only give you 100 munny tops (and only if you do them super well) it's irritating.

And yeah, read the strategy guide closer. If you're playing on the hardest difficulty, you get the secret ending automatically. It's only if you're in Normal Mode that you have to completely fill out the journal.

*has a feeling he will be downloading said ending*

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Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:47 am

Sora: Let's go see Santa!
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Postby Tarnish » Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:20 am

Sora: Let's go see Santa!

Rats, beat me to it.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:51 pm

XD Best line in the game.
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Postby Nate » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:53 pm

Beat the game today. Pretty decent ending.

So I went on youtube and checked to see if they have the secret ending. Here are my thoughts.

[SPOILER=Secret Ending]I wish they had an English version up so I could read the text. Anyway...what the crap is this? Power Rangers or something? Those suits just look ridiculous. If they wanted to make it look "dark and mysterious" they failed miserably. That said, what's up with all those Keyblades? Words that caught my eye..."The lost two" (Sora and Riku maybe?), "Chasers" (Hmm...) and "Keyblade War" (Now THAT piqued my interest). Supposedly KH3 is gonna be the last one, so...we'll see.[/SPOILER]

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Postby Kawaiikneko » Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:10 pm

heh I'm so behind everyone... but I have to share this with a sibling T_T

So I'm at Olympus now. I was trying my hardest not to be pessimistic, but I really didn't like the Mulan and Beast's Castle levels. I feel like they slacked on the level design in this game. One of the fun parts about the first game was the platform-like stuff and exploring and figuring out the puzzles to get places. Now you just... run... and run... and turn down a different hallway...

I was also disappointed with Mulan and Beast's storylines. They seemed really drab to me and things just felt.. off somehow. So anyhow I was getting kinda sad about all this and trying my very hardest not to be such a tought critic when I finally came to Olympus. Now, I wasn't looking forward to Olympus b/c it was my least favorite in the last game, but YAY~ This part is actually fun~ Made me happy again.

Altogether though I think the levels are a little too straightforward/easy/short. Are they trying to dumb the game down or something? Here's hoping it gets better... A level like Wonderland or Hollow Bastion in the last game. But I'm not letting my hopes get too far up.

(I say Wonderland not b/c it was hard, but because there was tons of stuff to discover there)
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Postby desperado » Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:27 am

Nope almost no platforming though, they make up for it with hundreds of enemies and some fights that are quite huge, though I miss levels like wonderland i DO NOT miss levels like the whale from kh1.
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Postby KBMaster » Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:38 am

WAAAAHHHH I almost read a spoiler about the end!!! You guys are killing meeeeeeee!!!! I have to wait until saturday NIGHT (gonna pull an all-nighter woo!) because my sister's stupid boyfriend decided to propose LAST Saturday! Well, I guess I'll just have to play until it's time to go to church. :P
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Postby Tarnish » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:23 am

I'm stuck at Xaldin -___-
I get to the second-to-last health bar and then he brings out a death-ray thing...
I've been playing since 3 this morning. Can someone help me, please? >__<
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Postby ~BlueRose~ » Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:15 pm

I really don't think it's very smart for the people who haven't beaten it to come onto this thread. You're BOUND to read something you didn't want to.

Anyway, last night my sisters and I were trying to beat it before we went to sleep, so we were anxiously awaiting the ending. Here is the rest:
[spoiler=My ramblings of KH2] So, finished it at just about midnight. I must admit, that for anything, I loose control during reunions. When Sora saw Kairi again, it wasn't that epic, but when he saw Riku!
Before I had even gotten far, I was telling Ranch (My younger sister) that I wanted Sora to cry when he saw him again. Yeah...well..he did. That made me cry too. It was the first time I had cried through the whole game.
Then I beat all of the bosses (Which there were so many- I would've gone crazy without the game guide to know when it would end!! O.O). I thought the Triangle button during the 2nd encouter with the Knight looking boss was really cool. Riku got to do a lot! And then the last boss, and the last attack was SO WICKED! :D I didn't even have to DO anything! lol! And now we can say that you are Riku in KH2....for like 10!
Once I was done, I found out that you couldn't pause during the ending movie, so my sisters and I sat back, and watched the ending video. I was sooooo worried that the story wouldn't turn out with Light beating the Dark, especially when Riku said he would stay at that shore. But when the bottle washed up, my hopes boosted up! We were like "OH THAT'S SO COOL!" when the animation turned to CG within the next camera view of Riku giving it to Sora. Then that's the Poem! The KH Poem was the letter that Kairi wrote to Sora! Ok- now I think that's cool!
Then the door opened, and there was another reunion......<_< I got all teary eyed at the slow music and the embraces. But the thing that KILLED me, was when Sora said to Kairi: "I'm home." and she replied with "Welcome home". Oh my gosh I lost it! My sisters are all lookin at me, and I'm trying to tell them why I'm crying.
I keep stumbling over my words, then finally I say, "I'm crying- because that has such a meaning to it in Japanese." *sniffs and takes a breath* "Because- in Japanese, he said "Tadaima" and Kairi said "Okaori" back." I started getting teary-eyed over again at the thought. For an explanation, if ya still don't get it, I've watched dramas, and understand the Japanese culture fairly well since I'm very interested in it, and it is very Japanese of them for them to say that. When anyone is returning home, or coming back into the family, they say that. Whoever reads this is probably like "You're crazy!", but it really touched me. ^_^
Then the ending Note was like "OH BOY!", and I've seen the short trailer for the second one I beleive. It looks REALLY confusing! Just like the ending trailer for KH1! But I gotta find, or beat KH2, the Secret ending!

But anyway, as to what I thought of the game. I hope not to be rude, but Sora does not turn into a Heartless when he continues to use his Drive. He turns into "Anti-Sora", though he looks like he's insane. >.>
I kinda just went through the game, just to the see the story, when I play it again, I'm really gonna watch what I do. I didn't get to visit Atlantica, since both my sister and I just wanted to get it overwith already. So next time I play, I'll visit there! ^_^
I really disliked having to re-visit the worlds. I really didn't like the Underworld either, but who does? lol. I only used like...5 summons the whole time, cuzz I didn't really want them. lol.
Did anyone but me think that Port Royal was kind of....stupid? I mean, it was cool to see it, but the story was kind of... forgetable. It was kind of boring, except for the final boss. *shrug* But we all have our opionions.
I was soooo sad when Axel died. Ranch and I are like "DID HE DIE?!", and he did! I was also glad that Riku retained his normal form! But I knew he would because my sister said that he was really cute- >_> So he must've retained his form at some point!
Then Namine. Ranch is like "I betcha Namine is Kairi's Nobody!" and I'm like "No! She didn't die! How could she have a Nobody if she's still alive?" then later on, while I was reading the Ansem Reports, I was like "Oh yeah! When Kairi was in Sora! I get it!". Yeah, it was cool. I like Namine and Roxas, they're cool. ^_^

I think that's all I have to say for now....<.< >.> .....*goes off*
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Postby Tommy » Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:26 pm

The only spoiler I saw that I really didn`t want to was
[SPOILER] The Death of Axel[/SPOILER]

I can`t believe you guys. All this waiting and you just beat it in less than a week?
I`m taking my time.
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Postby ~BlueRose~ » Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:40 pm

lol, it's like watching a movie Tom. Waiting so long is why we play it so quickly.

EDIT- *watches Japanese ending* It's kinda chopped up...the version you can download. But oh! *gets chills* It's so good!
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Postby Tommy » Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:48 pm

All I know, is that the game is not complete with FF worlds.
I mean at least two or three.
I know the FF games have more vast worlds than Disney Movies but still, it could work. Like if there was a level dedicated to the Garden in FFVIII then I would be truly satified. A fully blown 3D version of the GArden is what I`ve been waiting for!

From what I`ve heard, there is a 3rd one planned. Who thinks there will be a DS game to conntect 2 and 3? XD
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