Good RPGs

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Postby Tommy » Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:03 pm

Peanut wrote::o out of curiosity... have you ever played any of the Golden Sun games?

As I`ve said many times before, golden Sun was a good game but seriously lacked in plot which is why I would agree it isn`t a TRUE RPG. TRUE for the standards of GBA though.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:57 pm

tomdinct wrote:why I would agree it isn`t a TRUE RPG

umm yea they are "True" rpgs seeing as they play similar to FF games and tehe whole turn based rpg battle =a TRUE Rpg

that being said the golden sun games are awesome
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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 01, 2006 6:04 am

Um, no.

I said the story is complete crap because it`s so basic and serious moments barely take place and I dislike the fact 7/10 of both games are mandatory sidequests.
THAT doesn`t make it a true RPG.
I like the game play alot though but the game has too many quirks to be considered a true RPG.

And I do not like that theory: If it`s like FF, it`s a TRUE RPG. Not true. FF games have great plots and characters, but their gameplay has always been weak. Golden Sun is the dead opposite but the gameplay just doesn`t excel enough to have the standards of what I WOULD consider a TRUE RPG.

Summary: Golden Sun is not a true RPG in General, but is as far as the standards of GBA are considered.

And my definition of a TRUE RPG: A Really, Good Rpg.
If you guys are just using ranks to decide if something is an RPG or NOT as opposed to if its GOOD or BAD then Grub, you are right.
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Postby jon_jinn » Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:41 am

i don't really care that golden sun lacks a plot because i still think it's a very fun game that kept me entertained for a decent amount of time. anyways, there aren't very many games that feature a very "DEEP" storyline for GBA. there are some but not many.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:09 am

My point exactly.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:37 am

tom dinct wrote:My point exactly.

ummm wait a second here ............

last time i read ur point it was golden suns story is crap and that it is not a TRUE rpg
sooooo that is kinda not ut point but then again i might be looking at it in the wrong way and also Tom plz give ur deffention of and rpg cuz from the sounds of things u don't like them after all u like third person adventure games (which yes givin that those can be classified as rpgs) and well look at the old rpgs like ff7 it has the same game play style as say Golden sun (given some things are different) but still same turn based formula. well on second thought look at all the ff's since they all use turn based battles (cept crystal cronicles) and well look at ur fav rpg's Wild Arms (1 thro 3 at least) they use turn based battles also. that being said YES golden sun is a rpg YES it doesn't have a great plot YES u can have different deffinitions of things like my deff of Rpg and yours Tom. and last is Rpg means role playing game so if i wanted to i could call halo an rpg cuz the player plays the role of Master chief and so if i offend anyone i am sorry i am just giving my Oppinion (wow wrong spelling ) and well i'll stop ranting now and i am gonna stop posting in this thread unless needed so well .......... :rant:
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Postby Peanut » Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:08 pm

WHoa, I didn't mean to start a debate on what a True RPG is and what isn't. I was just wondering why KBMaster said what she said... Anyway, both of you need to calm down. With stuff like the quality of storylines in video games or just the quality of video games in general everyone is entitilled to their own opinion. So, if Tom Dincht thinks the story of Golden Sun stinks then he is allowed to think it stinks. Now then, as for the issue of Golden Sun being a "True" RPG, I must ask you Tom... What is a True RPG? It can't just be a game with a good, deep story line, otherwise we would have to consider anygame with a deep storyline a "True" RPG even if it is clearly not an RPG. Most people would define a "True" RPG as any game that is similar to the early Final Fantasy games. In otherwords any game that has several characters doing battle against evil monsters using weapons, spells, etc... Anyway, I'm done talking about this subject, I've already told jon_jinn what he wanted to know and I am sure that if we take this petty little argument any further this thread will get locked. I would recomend that you do the same.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:26 pm

When they said True RPG I thought they meant "Truly Good" as in phenomonal.

Those RPGs would be IMO:

Grandia 2
Grandia 1
Wild Arms
ect, ect.

Now if we are talking about if Golden Sun IS an RPG then yes, it is.
The story didn`t stink, it just wasn`t good enough to be "Truly Good".

Yes, Golden Sun IS an RPG. `nuff said.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:51 pm

tom dinct wrote:When they said True RPG I thought they meant "Truly Good" as in phenomonal.

ok that makes since sorry for debating i wasn't in a very good mood when i posted that so sorry again i was being very dumb
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Postby Stephen » Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:01 pm

*laughs* Being a true rpg has nothing to do with if you like it or not. Thats just personal taste. I might hate tennis with a passion, but its still a true sport.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:50 pm

Ark wrote:*laughs* Being a true rpg has nothing to do with if you like it or not. Thats just personal taste. I might hate tennis with a passion, but its still a true sport.

Well, that does seem to be the basis a lot of people use for whether something is "truly" in some category...

Whether something is anime
Whether something is a video game
Whether something is art...

All of those have been "defined" by personal tastes... Something can't be art if I don't understand it. Something can't be anime if it's childish or silly. Something can't be a video game if there are long cinema scenes in it... Meh... Whatever...

On topic, Good RPGs

Most of the FF series (I don't like the first game, and I don't count MQ or the saga series as part of Final Fantasy)

Actually, I think Romancing Saga 3 was a great game!

Seiken Densetsu! 3/4 ain't bad! (or, 4/5 if I can include the remake of 1 as a separate game)

Mother 1 and Mother 2... Mother was more comic-book stylistic and serious (though still weird), the second game got more slapstick I think... Both of them rocked, though.

Hmm... Chrono (both),

I also liked Shadowgate and Deja Vu... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Stephen » Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:54 pm

Long cinema scenes....I guess Metal Gear Sons of Liberty was not a game then....^^
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:15 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:When they said True RPG I thought they meant "Truly Good" as in phenomonal.

It seems like you just pulled that statement out of your butt...

What else can a "true rpg" even mean? A true RPG means its a REAL rpg. Not a "really good RPG". You are taking your own statements out of context.

Golden Sun is an RPG. It has the SAME mechanics as other RPGS namely Final Fantasy. Whether it has a "good plot" or not. It is still a "true rpg". Deal with it. I for one thought it was an amazing game.

7th Saga was a crappy rpg. But it is still an RPG. Just because it sucked, does that make it not a "True RPG"? No. Like ark said, preference doesn't make something "true" or "not true". A "true RPG" is not a relative thing. It's either an RPG, or isn't an RPG. (Some games, that are "half-rpgish" are STILL rpgs by the way)
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Postby Stephen » Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:12 pm

Geez you guys. Way to go off on each other. Take further banter to PM. Back on topic, or thread gets locked. It's that simple.
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Postby Tommy » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:10 pm

I just had to make one last point.

I like Golden Sun.

People will say -insertitlehere- was a TRUE action movie, then I will assume it was phenomonal.

Anyways, I would just like to highly recommend the Grandia series to any one who likes RPGs. Grandia III was Average but the rest was phenomal.
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