Rev. Doc wrote:Well, after watching the first two episodes I would have to say that I am somewhat disappointed and unimpressed. While I am sure the computer graphics and special effects will draw in a new generation of Dr. Who fans, I missed the cheesiness of the older episodes. The older regenerations of the Dr. each had specific quirks, that while different, seem to keep the character connected to his earlier incarnations. This Dr. seemed a mixture of Dr. Who/James Bond/Mr. Wizard and very out of touch with his past. One of the first things was a trip to the wardrobe closet for an outfit that would stay with the time lord throughout his run. Our new fellow seems to have jumped from the pages of GQ. I'll contine to watch to see what directions the episodes will go, but personally at this point I'd rather pop in a DVD of one of the older episodes. I'm going to have to start watching for those on Ebay.
Orenji wrote:(though Tom Baker is his favorite)
mitsuki lover wrote:The one with the Zombies running all over London according to the previews.
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