Tom Dincht wrote:Yes, which is why i stated my opinion and said it leave that statement alone.
What do I need to back up?
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Then tell me. WHY on earth did you even bring this up? It's like you purposefully try to get on peoples nerves. If ya got an opinon, state it in a more proper place. (Like make a new thread about it) AND Be sure to back up your claim
glitch1501 wrote:i want more ff's to come to the pc, like 7 and 8 did....
Mr. SmartyPants wrote::lol: so? Microsoft changed "Longhorn" to "Vista" but some people still like to call it "Longhorn"
Ark wrote:Tactics over rated? Thats pretty funny. Last I knew, fans of Tactics have not spent the last like umteen years crying for a sequal to somthing that does not need a sequal. (FF7) As far as gameplay? Yes, Tactics is far more strategy based then other FF's. Now as far as characters go, Tactics buries the PS1 FFs. Ramza was a more indepth character then Cloud, Squall, Zidane, and Tidus combined. Thats not blind loyalty from me because I loved the PS1 FF's. But because you don't like Tactics, don't say its overrated. When you can show me 500 website shrines dedicated to Ramza...then I will say its overrated.
everdred12a wrote:Also, the red/orange lion creatures are called Moombas. I don't remember there being any way to summon them in the game, though. Are they summonable through some kind of item, or is this just another hack?
glitch1501 wrote:an ff8 sequel IMO would be better than doing a ff7 sequel...cause IMHO ff8 is the best final fantasy..... /hides
KrescentMoon wrote:Moombas are summonable through an item you can only acquire through the Chocobo World which is only accessable through Pocket Playstation. PocketStations are only available for Japanese PSXs. They're quite powerful, Moombas, but if you have Squall's Lionheart and Eden, I don't think there's a need to take that extra long step.
everdred12a wrote:And FFT had Meliadoul who was, IMO, one of the most useless of the special characters in the game. And Rafa and Malak, who I also found to be quite useless.
Radical Dreamer wrote:Yeah, they've made four already. Is that not enough? O_o
Tom Dincht wrote:I think making a sequel to FF7 would be better because...
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