Mega Man X Collection

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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:45 pm

Nah, Tom, you're reading way too far into that one. :/

Megaman is not related to Sonic in anyway.

They just happen to have the same colors. That's all.
had enough.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:08 pm

Yeah, I think I just had too much sparkling cider or something...:/
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Postby Nate » Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:58 pm

To answer Tom's question, no, Roll is not in any of the Megaman X games. None of the characters from the original series are (except Dr. Light and Dr. Wily). Well, I take that back, if you're playing Megaman X8 and you have a Command Mission save file on your memory card, at the end of the sunflower's stage you can fight Cut Man. That's about it though.

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Postby Roll » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:10 pm

Hehe, nope, you've got Alia instead of Roll.
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Postby Tommy » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:30 pm

Oh, come on X and Megaman are basically the same person. X is just a futuristic remodel. Same personality.

BTW, the Xtreme those tie into Megaman X games?
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Postby Nate » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:30 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Oh, come on X and Megaman are basically the same person. X is just a futuristic remodel. Same personality. Megaman is a complete and total robot, with no free will of his own. He has to do what Dr. Light tells him. X has complete free will and can make his own decisions, and can decide not to listen to anyone if he chooses. The biggest difference, however, is that Megaman must follow the first law of robotics: A robot must never harm a human being. Megaman CANNOT violate this law. It is impossible for him. X, however, is fully capable of violating this law. X could harm or even kill a human if he so desired]BTW, the Xtreme those tie into Megaman X games?[/QUOTE]
Actually yes, they do. In fact, Iris from Megaman X4 was first introduced in Megaman Xtreme 2. Nothing really important happens in the Xtreme games to affect the overall storyline, so if you don't play them you really haven't missed anything.

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Postby Tommy » Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:40 pm

Um......well, I always found them the same when I was in that "Megaman" phase in my life.

What I meant to say was that they look the same and have the same structure, but whatever. Those things you mentioned, I never picked up. Thanks, Nate, you refueled the Megaman nerd within me.

Back on topic, I do plan on purcashing X collection, but I think I`m fine with the normal collection for now.
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Postby Rogie » Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:21 pm

Well, I just got the X collection earlier this week, and I'm enjoying it very much. The only problem is that since I got so used to the Gamecube controls on the original collection, that I'm having to rework the controls to reflect that for this one (B button for jump, A button for fire). Although a lot of people criticized the Gamecube version's controls for the original collection, I got so used to them and replayed the game so much, that it just feels natural. The old way somehow feels wrong now. :sweat:
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:17 pm

i tried the original collection for the ps2 but the controls were off but then i played it for the Gamecube and it almost felt natural and from the sounds of it they X collection seems like they would be pretty easy to get used to man i really need to get a Gamecube again so i can get it cuz the controls seem like a perfect fit
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Postby Chosen Raven » Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:07 pm

I recently finished MMX1-8 and MMX:Command Mission. I had a great time with these games...except for X7, but I'll get to that in a moment.

Picking up where I left off, I found X6 to be a good game. It was better than X5 but not quite as good as X1-4. It was the hardest one yet, but I didn't really mind that...until High Max showed up. Geez, you'd think Capcom would at least give you a hint about how to beat him. I hit him with every weapon I had and didn't even dent him. I found out that the shadow armor could beat him, but if you fight him late in the game, the shadow armor's lack of abilities make it to where you can't progress through the level after the fight. That marked the only time I had to cheat in an MMX game. Made me so mad. The reploid saving was a bit annoying as well, mainly because if one died they were gone forever. Sure it was realistic, but that didn't make it fun. The translation for the game was horrible. It's so bad that I just don't see how it wasn't caught and fixed. Enough of the bad stuff. The music was the best in the entire series. I especially liked the beginning and ending themes. I actually liked the story. Well, what I could understand of it(crappy translation). There were also some fun boss fights(Gate, Zombie Sigma). Then there's the gameplay which is, of course, great. All in all it was a fun game.

Mega Man X7. One word sums up this game: travesty. The only good thing was the voice acting. While not great, it was much better than X4's. Except for X, who's voice actor sounds like he's constantly yelling his lines. Now for the bad stuff. Everything else. The 3D portions of the game are awful. You get hit by enemies you can't see, it's hard to correctlly target enemies, and you can't tell how far away platforms are(the hardest part about the final Sigma fight isn't Sigma himself, but trying to jump in the right direction of a platform). I wonder whose idea it was to eleminate the gameplay that makes the Mega Man series what it is and replace it with this garbage. Zero is completely useless as a character. His sabre has such crappy range that he spends more time getting hit than hitting. X and Axl play almost exactly alike. Since this is Axl's first appearence, you'd think they would have made him more unique(his copy ability is only used to get to secret areas). Speaking of Axl, he obviously is meant to be the focus of the game which should have been named MMX7:Axl. I don't have a problem with the Axl character, it's just that this is an X game. You should be able to play as the title character from the start and not have to unlock him. Instead, X is sitting around whining about fighting and such(thank God they changed his character for the better in X8 and Command Mission). Also, because the story focuses on Axl, X7 doesn't move the series storyline ahead at all. Axl should have been an important part of the story, just not the focus. There are plenty of questions in the X series that still havn't been answered. Another thing that annoyed me is that the specific weapons that are supposed to be used on specific bosses hardly hurt them. You'll have just as much luck with X's buster if not better. This was easily the worst game in the series so far.

I have a new favorite Mega Man X game. Mega Man X8. X finally has a good voice and the rest of the cast ain't bad either. Capcom must have gotten alot of complaints about X7 because X8 returns to its 2D format. And they've managed to greatly improve upon it. Zero plays better than ever. He swings his sabre in the perfect arc(hitting enemies above and in front) to make up for his lack of range. I love that they gave him different weapons to use as well. Fans, a hammer, a glave, hand-to-hand and the Sigma sword. Equip him with the Sigma sword and he becomes the best character in the game except against bosses where he's only over shadowed by Ultimate Armor X. Axl is now truly his own character. He plays completely different from X and Zero with his rapid fire, wall cling, hovering and and 360 degree aiming abilities. He really adds to the enjoyment of the game. X is improved as well. His Icarus and Hermes armor's have abilities we've never seen before in the X series. For example there's the Icarus helmet part which allows X to hurt enemies simply by jumping straight up, and the Hermes arm part which lets you shoot a three-way powered-up X-buster shot. Then theres X's Ultimate armor which is basically a mix of parts of the Icarus and Hermes armors with the (finally usefull) invinsible dash(it utterly destroys bosses). I also like how the weapons you get from bosses are different for each character. The ice weapon for Axl is a gattling gun that shoots ice bullets, for X it's a two-way ice shot, and Zero jumps straight up in the air while spinning an ice sabre. The stages are very well designed. They contain some unique challenges and puzzles. Avalanche Yeti's stage is basically a combat focused racer where each of the three characters' rides have unique weapons. Zero's bike shoots short range, powerful beams that cover a wider area than the others. X has pretty short range beams that can be charged to shoot powerful long range shots. Axl has medium range but extremely fast firing shots. If there's one stage I don't like it's Electric Man-O-War's. The whole level is you flying around in a vehicle trying to shoot down Man-O-War. The vehicle plays the same no matter what character you use and it's very hard to aim you shots. Other than that, the stages are the best the series has seen. The navagator system is a nice touch and it introduces two new characters: Layer and Palette. At least these characters get an introduction this time. This also happens to be the first game where [SPOILER] Sigma isn't the true final boss, [/SPOILER]which is a nice change. X8 also has the best secrets of any game in the X series. Fullfill the right conditions and you can play as Alia(who plays like X), Layer(who plays like Zero), Pallete(who plays like Axl), Utimate Armor X, Black Zero, and White Axl. There are also different endings and secret items. Words cannot express how much I love this game.

Whew, it's getting late. I guess I'll talk about Command Mission tommorow.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:24 am

Chosen Raven wrote:I recently finished MMX1-8 and MMX:Command Mission. I had a great time with these games...except for X7, but I'll get to that in a moment.

Picking up where I left off, I found X6 to be a good game. It was better than X5 but not quite as good as X1-4. It was the hardest one yet, but I didn't really mind that...until High Max showed up. Geez, you'd think Capcom would at least give you a hint about how to beat him. I hit him with every weapon I had and didn't even dent him. I found out that the shadow armor could beat him, but if you fight him late in the game, the shadow armor's lack of abilities make it to where you can't progress through the level after the fight. That marked the only time I had to cheat in an MMX game. Made me so mad. The reploid saving was a bit annoying as well, mainly because if one died they were gone forever. Sure it was realistic, but that didn't make it fun. The translation for the game was horrible. It's so bad that I just don't see how it wasn't caught and fixed. Enough of the bad stuff. The music was the best in the entire series. I especially liked the beginning and ending themes. I actually liked the story. Well, what I could understand of it(crappy translation). There were also some fun boss fights(Gate, Zombie Sigma). Then there's the gameplay which is, of course, great. All in all it was a fun game.

Mega Man X7. One word sums up this game: travesty. The only good thing was the voice acting. While not great, it was much better than X4's. Except for X, who's voice actor sounds like he's constantly yelling his lines. Now for the bad stuff. Everything else. The 3D portions of the game are awful. You get hit by enemies you can't see, it's hard to correctlly target enemies, and you can't tell how far away platforms are(the hardest part about the final Sigma fight isn't Sigma himself, but trying to jump in the right direction of a platform). I wonder whose idea it was to eleminate the gameplay that makes the Mega Man series what it is and replace it with this garbage. Zero is completely useless as a character. His sabre has such crappy range that he spends more time getting hit than hitting. X and Axl play almost exactly alike. Since this is Axl's first appearence, you'd think they would have made him more unique(his copy ability is only used to get to secret areas). Speaking of Axl, he obviously is meant to be the focus of the game which should have been named MMX7:Axl. I don't have a problem with the Axl character, it's just that this is an X game. You should be able to play as the title character from the start and not have to unlock him. Instead, X is sitting around whining about fighting and such(thank God they changed his character for the better in X8 and Command Mission). Also, because the story focuses on Axl, X7 doesn't move the series storyline ahead at all. Axl should have been an important part of the story, just not the focus. There are plenty of questions in the X series that still havn't been answered. Another thing that annoyed me is that the specific weapons that are supposed to be used on specific bosses hardly hurt them. You'll have just as much luck with X's buster if not better. This was easily the worst game in the series so far.

I have a new favorite Mega Man X game. Mega Man X8. X finally has a good voice and the rest of the cast ain't bad either. Capcom must have gotten alot of complaints about X7 because X8 returns to its 2D format. And they've managed to greatly improve upon it. Zero plays better than ever. He swings his sabre in the perfect arc(hitting enemies above and in front) to make up for his lack of range. I love that they gave him different weapons to use as well. Fans, a hammer, a glave, hand-to-hand and the Sigma sword. Equip him with the Sigma sword and he becomes the best character in the game except against bosses where he's only over shadowed by Ultimate Armor X. Axl is now truly his own character. He plays completely different from X and Zero with his rapid fire, wall cling, hovering and and 360 degree aiming abilities. He really adds to the enjoyment of the game. X is improved as well. His Icarus and Hermes armor's have abilities we've never seen before in the X series. For example there's the Icarus helmet part which allows X to hurt enemies simply by jumping straight up, and the Hermes arm part which lets you shoot a three-way powered-up X-buster shot. Then theres X's Ultimate armor which is basically a mix of parts of the Icarus and Hermes armors with the (finally usefull) invinsible dash(it utterly destroys bosses). I also like how the weapons you get from bosses are different for each character. The ice weapon for Axl is a gattling gun that shoots ice bullets, for X it's a two-way ice shot, and Zero jumps straight up in the air while spinning an ice sabre. The stages are very well designed. They contain some unique challenges and puzzles. Avalanche Yeti's stage is basically a combat focused racer where each of the three characters' rides have unique weapons. Zero's bike shoots short range, powerful beams that cover a wider area than the others. X has pretty short range beams that can be charged to shoot powerful long range shots. Axl has medium range but extremely fast firing shots. If there's one stage I don't like it's Electric Man-O-War's. The whole level is you flying around in a vehicle trying to shoot down Man-O-War. The vehicle plays the same no matter what character you use and it's very hard to aim you shots. Other than that, the stages are the best the series has seen. The navagator system is a nice touch and it introduces two new characters: Layer and Palette. At least these characters get an introduction this time. This also happens to be the first game where [SPOILER] Sigma isn't the true final boss, [/SPOILER]which is a nice change. X8 also has the best secrets of any game in the X series. Fullfill the right conditions and you can play as Alia(who plays like X), Layer(who plays like Zero), Pallete(who plays like Axl), Utimate Armor X, Black Zero, and White Axl. There are also different endings and secret items. Words cannot express how much I love this game.

Whew, it's getting late. I guess I'll talk about Command Mission tommorow.

Well, in X7, I found the enimies easy to target in 3D mode as well as the whole game itself as opposed to the 3rd to last boss.

I have heard nothing good about X8 so I`ll try it again.
I liked the 3D stuff, but 2D is overall better.
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Postby Nate » Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:02 am

All I have to say, Chosen Raven, is I couldn't have summed it up better myself. :thumb:

I disagree with the voice acting statement about X7 though...but to each their own. I really, really hated Zero's voice in X7, but the voices in X8 are excellent. And yes, Man O' War's level sucks.

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Postby Chosen Raven » Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:53 pm

Well, in X7, I found the enimies easy to target in 3D mode as well as the whole game itself as opposed to the 3rd to last boss.

I had real trouble targeting enemies like those bee things. When there were groups of them my lock-on would target one, but then another would suddenly speed up I'd have to cycle through enemies to get to him. It was often too late. It would also have been nice if the lock-on would stay on a target if you held down a certain button. That way you could target one enemy while dodging others.

I have heard nothing good about X8 so I`ll try it again.

Did you mean "nothing but good"? But, yeah try it again. It was definitely the most fun I've had with a Mega Man game.

I disagree with the voice acting statement about X7 though...but to each their own. I really, really hated Zero's voice in X7

The voice acting definitely wasn't great, but I thought it was better than X4's. I kinda liked Zero's voice, though maybe it was a bit too deep.

Now on to Command Mission. I found this to be a very enjoyable RPG. It had good voice acting(it was done by the same people who did X8), and a fun combat system. I really liked the character designs(X's new normal armor with the multi-colored energy scarf is too cool). I also found the story to be pretty good too(it had a great ending). They need to get rid of the random battles, though, or at least give you an item towards the end of the game that makes it where you don't fight any unless you want to. It's a pain being forced to battle weak enemies when you go to past stages to look for an item. The characters other than X and Zero could have used second hyper modes as well(more developement too). Also the deployment system could have been better thought out. I hate having to just sit and wait for my units to return with items. The game contains a lot of unlockables, which I think is a good thing. There are sketches(which contain cool looking X hyper forms that I hope are used in the next Command Mission installment), figures, music tracks, movies, posters, bosses and different colored scarfs for X. I just wish I had found out that the GC version contains more stuff than the PS2 version. I guess I'll just trade this one in. Being a completist, I gotta have the best version of a game.

For those interested Command Mission takes place around 100 years after X8. X8 takes place in 21XX while Command Mission takes place in 22XX. I guess that explains X's new normal armor.

Also, I found an interview with the guy who was behind MMX1-4 while looking to see if there was a Mega Man X9 coming. The interesting thing is that the guy says he wants to make a Mega Man X9 and a Mega Man 9, but only if the PSP remakes of the original MMX and Mega Man sell well. I wish I had a PSP...
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Postby Tommy » Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:31 pm

I wasn`t paying attentiont to Zero`s voice obviously because I thought he sounded the exact same 4 and up. Same for X.

As for Axl, HORRIBLE VA. In line with the 2nd Musashi.

Chosen Rave, I really meant nothing good about X8.
I just follow the opinion of my cousin who is a hardcore Mega Man fan. He said X7 sucked but I disagreed. He said X8 was even worse.

And they`re making an X9 anways. The PSP release thing you`re talking about is only for Megaman 9.

X9 is going to be the last MMX game.
Think about it:

MMX1-3 Had similar gameplay.
MMX 4-6 Had similar gameplay.
MMX 7-9 have Axl and a 3d style.
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Postby Nate » Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:35 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:The PSP release thing you`re talking about is only for Megaman 9.

Um...there IS no Megaman 9. What in the world are you talking about?

And I seriously doubt X9 will be the last X game. As long as they keep making money, Capcom will keep making them. Although...

[SPOILER=Ending of X8]I'm pretty sure at the end of X8, when Lumine hit Axl's gem with that tentacle thing, he transferred himself into Axl's body. So Axl will probably be the bad guy in X9.[/SPOILER]

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Postby Chosen Raven » Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:13 pm

Chosen Rave, I really meant nothing good about X8.
I just follow the opinion of my cousin who is a hardcore Mega Man fan. He said X7 sucked but I disagreed. He said X8 was even worse.

I just don't see how anyone who liked MMX1-6 could dislike X8 to such an extreme. X8 has the same gameplay style as those games(except for two of the stages which equal about 10 percent of the game), but manages to have more depth. If you liked the previous X games, you should like this one. In this instance it would probably be better to try out the game than listen to your cousin.

And I seriously doubt X9 will be the last X game. As long as they keep making money, Capcom will keep making them. Although...

Since Command Mission takes place so far in the future, you can tell that Capcom wanted a lot of room for things to happen in the main MMX timeline.

Here's the link to that interview:
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Postby Nate » Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:19 pm

Oh man, remakes of X2 and X3 for the PSP? THAT would be freakin' sweet. Especially since I loved X2 so much (Crystal Snail's music rocks).

And I agree with your assessment of X8. They took the series back to its roots with that one. I haven't heard a single bad thing about it, to be honest. Most people said it went back to what originally made the X series fun. And they did make all three characters radically different, with their own strengths and weaknesses. I really liked Axl, personally, his Master Weapons were insanely useful.

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Postby jon_jinn » Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:47 pm

my favs were: X4, X5, 8, and command mission. the megaman zero games were pretty good but i stopped playing it after i beat the first one.
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Postby Chosen Raven » Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:38 pm

Another thing I liked about X8 was the boss battles. They were much more intense and dynamic. When you first fight them, they're not that tough. Take 1/4 of their life down, they get angry and get harder by using different moves or affecting the surroundings. Get 3/4 of their life down and they use an awesome, damaging, hard-to-dodge super. Because they were invinsible when doing certain things, you couldn't just waltz into a boss fight with the weapon that affects them and expect an easy battle. Boss weapons made the fight easier, but they didn't make it a cake walk. I liked that.

I really liked Axl, personally, his Master Weapons were insanely useful.

I didn't use Axl much mainly because of a sentamental attachment to X and Zero. I plan to go through the game using just Axl, though. In fact I'm probably going to do it after this post.

the megaman zero games were pretty good but i stopped playing it after i beat the first one.

That remindes me, I need to start getting the Zero series. Well, after I get a PSP. I really want to show my support for the making of MMX9 and MM9 by getting the remakes.

One question. Has anyone noticed a difference between normal Zero and Black Zero or normal Axl and White Axl in X8? Aside from making them look cooler(not that their original designs aren't good) they seem the exact same to me.
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Postby Mega.EXE » Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:37 am

:dance: yeah im gonna get this one soon i would have played them earlier but i only own a gamecube so im gonna get it a soon as possible :dance:
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