Anime Dad wrote:I have seen most of the first 20 or so eps (fansubbed), my girls love watching it. But beware, one of the eps has a subbed "F-word" which i'm sure wasn't in the original Japanese
It is very cheesy, but fun.
termyt wrote:There's some latitude there when translating Japanese into English. There's a whole list of "bad words" in English that creators of American children's TV shows would never dream of using. There are no such words in Japanese. The literal translation most fansubbers use may be technically correct, but the affect of some words on the US audience is much different that the affect of those words on the Japanese audience.
I personally wish that fansubbers would keep the potential audience in mind when subtitling anime.
Anime Dad wrote:I never thought of it that way, but I guess you're right. I wonder what the translators were thinking when they slipped that one in?
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