Well. Having just finished this anime no more than five minutes ago, I HAVE to talk about it. XD
SPOILERIFIC POST AHEAD! I didn't add spoiler tags because of the spoiler message in the first post, but if I need to, I'll be glad to do so.
Kyaaa! I can't even BEGIN to explain how much I loved the ending--and the whole series!!! I mean, I went from being on the edge of my seat (there were about a thousand times, but one was when Takuto was about to turn into a ghost on the roof of the hospital), to almost crying (when Takuto LOST his MEMORIES...OH my GOSH!), to absolutely falling out of my chair from fangirling (Like when I saw Takuto near the end...AS A HUMAN!!)...It's surpassed Rurouni Kenshin as my favorite anime. Coming from the girl who joined this site as Rurouni_Kaoru, that is a BIG deal. XD
As far as a sequel is concerned, I don't think I'd want one, probably for the same reason Osaka mentioned. I can't wait to read the rest of the manga, though!!
Anyways, I love what a selfless character Meroko turned out to be (in the anime). When Takuto lost his memories, she could have told him that he never even knew Mitsuki, but instead, she told him that he had given up everything to save her (:D!). Also, when she cut her hair to give Takuto enough power to turn Mitsuki into Full Moon...That was so great!!
I also really liked how Mitsuki's Grandmother became less and less hardened toward her music. I was a little dissapointed that she never found out about Mitsuki and Full Moon's relationship, but that dissapointment was FAR outweighed by the absolutely fantastic ending!
I also really liked the messages that the anime was portraying. I mean, even though there's so much about suicide in it, it's really got a very strong anti-suicide message, and I think that's very good. I also liked the themes of selfless love and friendship. Now, for the (very few) downsides. XD
Izumi and Jonathan! They were so evil for a long time in the anime, while I loved them soon after their entrance in vol. 2 of the manga! Still though, Izumi gets bunches of cool points for keeping Mitsuki in her Full Moon form until she had finished singing. XD I also thought the lack of backstories for Meroko and the other shinigami (besides Takuto) was a little dissapointing; then again, it would have been about 70-someodd episodes long if they had left them in. XD Also, I didn't hear several songs that I downloaded on a website..."Crazy for You" wasn't there, or "Sayonara" and "Focus." I LOVED it when Mitsuki dedicated "Love Chronicle" to Takuto, though.
Anyways, one of my VERY favorite scenes was when Mitsuki told Takuto how she felt about him....KYA!! That was so SWEET!! But I was absolutely FLOORED when Takuto finally lost his memories...ACK, it was so SAD!! He didn't remember ANYTHING anymore! T_T But, when he remembered everything at the end, I was SO ecstatic!
In short, this anime was an emotional rollercoaster. XD But it was a VERY good rollercoaster!!