Originally posted by St. Peter
Why so concerned, ebd1? Just because he doesn't spout Christianese like "Hallelujia, Praise Jehova Jireh, Amen to that" doesn't mean he's evil. He's human, just like you and me. Well, anyway, Ahoy there newcomer. Call me St. Peter (that's not my real name).
Originally post by ebdi
I wasn't saying he was evil, hey bud, welcome to the team, enjoy your stay.
Hi!! your avatar looks scary
Originally posted by oldphilosopher
Well, if it isn't my old friend Mr. McGreg. With a leg for an arm, and an arm for a leg!"
"Paging Dr Riviara, Dr. Nick Riviera. Please report to the morge."
"The morge? I HATE that place."
Oh Sorry, maybo I'm out of this league..."
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