is blood and gore really bad

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is blood and gore really bad

Postby Christianotaku » Tue Jun 17, 2003 12:56 pm

IS blood and gore really bad?
Come on it is added to anime to create realism.
if somebody got shot and no blood came out animes would be cheap.
thats the way i see it
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Postby Lightbringer » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:04 pm

Well, blood is realistic,..... gore isn't so much really. In fact blood in most movies is very unrealistic, really the only realistic blood spurts come from dumb old horror movies, the pressure suddenly released from a broken artery... BLAM!

Gore on the other hand.... thats not so realistic, you dont shoot somebody and get reign of body parts. Even if your hit with a rocket launcher i believe their will be bigger ... um .. pieces.

Now is it wrong? depends on the person i guess. But Its my belief that even if you are strong agenst something that the place the enemy will attack more often is not always going to be your weak point, cause your usually trying to guard that place, Its sound stratagy to attack were your enemy is strong sometimes. Cause they wont expect it. or in other words, its not good to play or watch bloody gorey things in excess. If your thinking about it for more then a few minutes after your done blasting somebody in Unreal Tourny or After you watched some anime, then you need to stop watching it or playing it, and at that point i believe it has turned from a fun game or entertaining movie to a problem

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:06 pm

Well, blood does add realism, but there's different levels of being realistic. You can make someone get shot and have blood, or you can make the blood spray out violently. In my opinion, showing the blood isn't all that bad, in itself.

But few things can be considered by themselves. Seeing massive amounts of violent actions, real or unreal, does desensitize your brain to this sort of thing. For mature Christians, I feel this doesn't change their actions. For a little kid, or someone who doesn't feel like they have morals, it might be another case entirely. I'm strongly against any children touching anything violent. Plus, even if you never raise a hand against someone, this sort of violence can still cause socially violent actions.

And, of course, there's a difference between blood and gore. Some things, we all know, are simply incredibly disgusting. Not only do I feel Christians shouldn't promote anything like this, I also feel it's just in bad taste.

But these are just my thoughts...
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:19 pm

They happen to be my thoughts as well. Instead of repeating the two above posts, I'll just stress a few of the key points. Age is a major factor. For instance, I can personally handle a limb being ripped off in an anime, or even a war movie or something for that matter, but would I want a seven-year-old to see it? Not a chance.
And there are different levels of violence as well. There is realistic, and then there is flat out disgusting and unnecessary.
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Postby Izumi San » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:28 pm

I totally agree. One example is Princess Mononoke. I mean, I can stand blood & all, but like none of my siblings can, I guess cuzz they're 13 & 10 lol. But then again, they couldn't even stand the LOTR lol, so it really does depend on the person & the original intent of the movie. Whether it's trying to be relaistic or just make a big boom lol.
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Postby majanthehun » Wed Jun 18, 2003 10:44 am

i hate to be the only one who goes to the Bible, but, it is by far the best place to look when trying to find an answer to a question.

Phillipians 4.8 "Finally, bretheren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things."

just my two cents...
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Postby MasterDias » Wed Jun 18, 2003 2:42 pm

I don't mind some blood in movies and anime but I think the amount of blood and gore they put in modern horror films to be downright ridiculous.
Plus it gets kind've depressing...
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jun 18, 2003 2:49 pm

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Postby Ashley » Wed Jun 18, 2003 3:59 pm

i hate to be the only one who goes to the Bible, but, it is by far the best place to look when trying to find an answer to a question.

Well I would certainly hope SOMEONE around here would! Do not be ashamed for using Biblical references; after all this is of course a Christian community!
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Postby Rashiir » Wed Jun 18, 2003 11:02 pm

Well, if we're going to the Bible, we can't look past the fact that the Bible itself is pretty gruesome sometimes...Crucificion ain't no pretty thing, you dig?
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Postby LorentzForce » Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:25 am

facts of blood and fragging

1. if you're blown to bits at ground zero range, you simply blow up in fragments, big enough to see, but difficult to see which is which. depends on what kind of explosive and their power. a bit smaller than Half Life fragments.

2. if you're shot with a bullet type gun (anything from 9mm to .50 AE), it creates a big hole, because bullets spin. that's how 9mm were to be used. it doesn't pierce; it blows it. also why kevlar is useful against 9mm ammunition.

3. however, if you're shot with armour piercing weapons such as P90, then you'll just get a deep wound that it's almost impossible to heal if hit an important organ.

4. if you're railed, depending on which railgun, you simply cease to exist. similar effect as getting shot with a missile, except much more 'energised'.

5. if you're body part is cut off, depending on the bloodflow, it'll take a few seconds before it starts spewing without control. like, 1 or 2 seconds. while then, the artery blows and jets blood everywhere. after that time, you can't control the bloodflow unless in hospital conditions.

exception if to the head. there is no 'time' thing. it just keeps spewing, until pressure drops. which isn't long, btw.

back to topic,

yes, there is a fundamental difference between violence and gore. violence is when one object is aggressing on another object. gore is when one of the (or both) gets destroyed with lots of blood and such.

i think violence and gore is acceptable. but not when it's portrayed with 'respect'.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:12 am

In regard to Rashiir's question... I've actually already spoken on the issue elsewhere, so I won't repeat myself. I'm pretty sure it was in the thread about first person shooters. But I'd say there's a difference between the crucifiction (nasty) and mindless violence (nasty and pointless).

Of course, not to say that the Bible isn't extremely violent, just making a slight distinction.
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Postby Average Joe » Sun Jun 22, 2003 4:22 pm

I believe violence makes the show more believable while gore makes it less so.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:43 pm

Sometimes violence can serve a purpose when showing how horribly wrong something is. Has anyone seen All Quiet on the Western Front? I'm not a person to cry at movies, but the end of that one made me pretty sad...
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Postby Technomancer » Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:33 pm

You're absolutely right. But not just the thing itself, but also the system from which it emerges.

I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the novel. Have you ever seen "No Man's Land"?
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Postby kawahime » Tue Jun 24, 2003 1:20 am

I definitely agree with a lot of you on this issue, especially Gypsy, that age is a factor. Anyways, I think that the point of view on this type of thing has to be taken into account. My mom once told me about this movie she saw as a kid in Japan in which some people trapped on an island resorted to cannibalism and the movie contained some pretty graphic images of people eating others' arms, etc. I would never watch something like that.

Just my two cents.

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Postby LorentzForce » Tue Jun 24, 2003 3:28 am

the even scarier thing is that because of me being exposed so much to gore and violence that i don't usually get that disgusted feeling. even if i see people being ripped apart quite graphically.

ever played a game called Phantasmagoria?
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Postby madphilb » Tue Jun 24, 2003 4:51 pm

Originally posted by LorentzForce
the even scarier thing is that because of me being exposed so much to gore and violence that i don't usually get that disgusted feeling. even if i see people being ripped apart quite graphically.

I'm not a big fan of gore, and I avoid it when possible, but how do more real evens make you feel?

The reason I ask is that for the most part things I see in movies don't bother me as much as the did years ago (a certain amount of being desensitized) but there are still things that don't sit well with me.... for instance...

I can watch a movie like Aliens and don't flinch a bit at the "chest bursters" and such... I know it's all just made up... but take a movie like "Schindler's List" and I found myself turning from the screen with that "sick feeling" in my stomach.


I knew what Spielburg was showing on the screen represented reality... cold brutal violence... and yet the image was just a shot to the head and some dark liquid running in the snow.

Heck, I'm terrible around wounds and such... a guy at work tried to crack open his head like an egg with a poorly placed hand-truck (dolly thing to cart the boxes of chips around with) and I couldn't even look at it for him (makes me a tad queezy thinking about it :sweat: )...

Don't get me wrong, like I said earlier, I'm not a fan of gore, but aren't there different purposes and expressions of such a thing. War is bloody, many things in life are. The question should be asked of ourselves is "do I watch because of it?" If "Yes" then there is a problem. (of course the problem with self-questioning is that we often lie to ourselves, and are quite good at it :grin: )

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:21 pm

I can watch a movie like Aliens and don't flinch a bit at the "chest bursters" and such... I know it's all just made up... but take a movie like "Schindler's List" and I found myself turning from the screen with that "sick feeling" in my stomach. Why?

Ah. That's an important issue regarding all this: the treatment of said violence. When it becomes something that can just be ignored, or is portrayed like it doesn't matter, then I think we're straying onto some bad ground. On the other hand, some violence will make you sick... like it should.

On the topic, I'm praying for you, LorentzForce. As of now.
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Jun 25, 2003 1:20 pm

Also the fact of what is real and what is not. While I don't agree with pointless violence and gore for entertainment, there is always something in the back of your mind that tells you - it's not real. But when you see graphic images of something that really did happen, like the holocaust for instance, Pseudonym is right - it should bother you. Especially if they're not re-creations. For instance, I went to a link that showed the horrible images of abortion. They were violent, graphic, and completely shocking to my mind. And I literally got sick to my stomach. I'm not squeamish by any means, but something like that was not something that my eyes and mind could simply shrug off. My original point that I accidentally buried - too much exposure or the wrong attitude about violence can desensitize you to the horrors, or even reality, of the true thing.
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Postby MillyFan » Fri Jun 27, 2003 2:49 am

Originally posted by LorentzForce
the even scarier thing is that because of me being exposed so much to gore and violence that i don't usually get that disgusted feeling. even if i see people being ripped apart quite graphically.

ever played a game called Phantasmagoria?

Lorentz, you scare me. You seriously scare me.

As well as prayer, may I suggest that you PLEASE get some psychiatric help at once? You're waltzing down a dangerous road to say the least. :sniffle: :( :shake: ;;^.^;;

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we just have to remember!

Postby webranger7 » Fri Jun 27, 2003 6:07 am

We just have to remember, is the blood and gore glorifying God in any sense at all, or, is it dishonering to him. I'm not saying that all blood is bad and that God hates every bit of it. I'm saying we need to stick that verse. Oh, what is it? Is it "Everything that is pure, holy, etc.". I can't remember but I put that verse on my tv, especially after that Animatrix. That's what you call gore. Ofcourse, we have to see the difference between blood and gore. Gore is the aspect of a movie in which body parts fly off of a body, dead, mangled bodies on the ground, etc. Blood is seeing a person with an arrow in his chest with blood dripping out.
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Postby shooraijin » Fri Jun 27, 2003 6:41 am

Gypsy is definitely right about desensitization. In my field of work, though, you really do have to be desensitized to really horrible looking things (stories available on PM by request ... ick) just to make sure that you don't freak out and let someone slip away. It's not nice, but you have to do it.

It does seem to me, though, that things like brutality and cruelty (not to mention man's inhumanity to man, etc.), really cause a different type of reaction. I react really strongly to just the idea of brutality; hearing about some of the absolutely despicable things Saddam's sons did for their own self-gratification just made me ill. That's one of the sensations that I hope people don't lose, to be able to identify evil where it occurs and respond to it with body and soul.
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Postby LorentzForce » Sat Jun 28, 2003 12:56 am

yeah, the fact that i tolerate so much violence is scarier than the gore itself...

once at my church camp, the talker showed all these images and stuff of people blowing up, getting shot with a shotty at blank point range etc etc so to show the listeners not to be in such a temptation or whatnot. the talker's one weird guy...

anyway, i was actually the only few people who was going 'what?' instead of puking.

maybe i do need help. but i doubt it, since i do live a peaceful life :)
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:13 am

You DO need help. Although you may be peaceful now, you could snap someday, no?

(as for that speaker, I'm thinking he needs it just as much as you do, maybe more)

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Postby LorentzForce » Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:24 am

yeah, that speaker was weird.

and really, considering how i live, i'm only tolerant to it. i never encourage violence at all. i doubt i'll snap anytime.
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Postby LorentzForce » Sat Jun 28, 2003 11:51 pm

i blame it on the first game i ever played; Prehistoric 2. it was just a game where you kill innocent-looking dinosours for no reason.

and even before then when i was a console player, Super Mario Bros, the game where you step on innocent things and burn them to death with (my guess since that fireball burns for a long time) napalm.

pure violence.

only game i know that didn't have any violence was... none! all of them had violence, even Sailor Moon - Pretty Soldier RPG and Pokemon! good grief...
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Postby inkhana » Sun Jun 29, 2003 8:08 am

Oh yeah, I noticed those koopas and goombas sitting there and slowly burning to death with blood oozing all over the place. *sarcasm off*

It's hardly a comparison. Besides, if you have a bloodlust there's no one to blame but yourself. Don't go blaming it on a game; that's just nuts. (Even if you said it in jest)

And there ARE games without violence. While we're using this generic terminology, what about Tetris and its thousand variants? Some sports games (but only some)? Dance Dance Revolution? And so on. Most people will vouch for the entertaining value of at least one of these.

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Postby LorentzForce » Mon Jun 30, 2003 1:17 am

you have mistaken me. i don't have a bloodlust at any time during a 24 hour period of so called 'day'.

it's just that i'm tolerant to it. that is all. i never promote violence.

as for me blaming games, that's just me. yes, tetris isn't violent at all. so is DDR. so is BM98. so is puzzle bubble. so is...
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Postby kaibrightwing » Mon Jun 30, 2003 10:55 am

Blood and gore isn't that bad its the age and mature of the watcher and gamer. So instead downing the game or movie just don't watch it. hint hint why they have the rating system for movies and games. see im a military brat and chirstan and i can watch anything and dosen't worry me. all i have to say is "its a movie." so being open minded about thing help and the interesting thing is my roommate is a scriptwriter for horror films so we watch horror and laugh at it. but that just us why can we watch blood and gore we mature about it. the blood and gore isn't bad what is bad is when you watch and you what to do thing like that. like kids in the past trying to some of the scenes from a movie and one of the three kids died trying it. Starship troopers was a gore movie and still you can tell it was fake so in the end its up to the age and mature of the watcher of the movie and the player of the game.
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