I've read this article before.
"Effin' Windows"... bwahahaha... I wonder if that's allowed, though. O.o
Not a single game has been announced or shown for the Revolution so where did they get Kid Icarus from?
Once again, I display
(unfortunately, there seems to be a minority of good games released for the comp... )
Well, alot of stuff on the XBOX can be gotten on PC anyways, so...
Eh, whatever. Doesn't matter to me. Buy what you want. Me and my green is gonna support Nintendo, and hope Microsoft gets buried in the console business faster than you can say "It'sa me, Mario!"
I love you. In a straight kinda way...
okay, that sounded worse...But when you think about it, if Revolution has the same specs as 360, but it doesn't support HD, that means that on a non-HD tv it'll look nicer, because it doesn't have to reserve power or the extra resolution.
You can easily see it on computer games: up the resolution and the frame rate immediately goes down.
Ah-HAH! Very nice. Didn't think about that. X3
Yeah, Bill Gates has the best computer programs! I love having Windows crash every week! WOOO! It rocks! I love the "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down" message. That little dialogue box makes me happy!
Just wondering, but... what's better then? :l