Tabliture: How do you read it?

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Tabliture: How do you read it?

Postby Jman » Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:14 pm

well as the Topic says I'm a newb and I need to know HOW you read it.

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Postby Kkun » Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:33 pm

Okay, here's how tabs work.

Each fret is numbered from left to right, from your view while holding the guitar. The first fret is 1, the second fret is 2, and so on.

Now, each string, low E, A, D, G, B, and high e are represented by the lines on the tab. The line at the bottom is going to be your low E string, the line above that is A, above that is D, above that is G, above that is B, and finally, the top line represents the high E string.

Now, here's how it works. If you see a tab written out and the first note is on, say, the 3rd line from the bottom and the number is 5, that means you would finger the 5th fret on the D string and play it.

That's basically it. It's not difficult.
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Postby Sonic_13 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:48 pm

yes, heres another easy way to remember it. you have 6 lines representing each of the strings and a number on one of the lines. The very very top of the guitar is the first fret and (if your guitar dots your frets) the double dotted fret is the 12th fret. So say out of 6 strings the bottom string has a 1 on it, you hit the very top fret of the guitar on the thickest string.
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