What I've realized about modern gaming...

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What I've realized about modern gaming...

Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:35 am

I just had a conversation with a friend about the consoles.

Here's how it went.

"hey! Have you seen the rev control?"

"Yeah. For games specificly designed for it, it will be ok. but overall i think its pretty crappy"

"You've seen everything about it right?"

He ignored the question and the conversation went on.

"Nintendo isn't going to have any 3rd party support this time."

hmm... I wonder where he got that.

"Sure Nintendo is going to get some watered down ports."

Why are they watered down? Because he believes the gfx aren't going to be as good?

so I asked him

"why are they going to be watered down?"

"Because the hardware is going to be weak."

hmm... Already making assumptions. As if worse graphics means watered down.

"every journalist and most hardcore gamers that follow this closely."

hmm.... ok. I see. So they've all seen the rev... AND it's graphics huh?

I asked him

"and they've seen it?"

He answered.

"nintendo has said it time and time again. They arent pushing hardware. they arent even doing HD"

1. They're not pushing hardware, because it's not that important. Seriously, back in the SNES and Genesis days, did we CARE about the strength of a console? No! We cared about how fun the games were. These days Numbers are everything to people who don't even know what they mean! Because of that, Sony's decided to use the Cell processor. It has very high 'numbers' but most of the strength of the Cell can't even be used. It's too powerful and is not even meant for gaming.

2. Nintendo has not said that HD is officially out of the Rev. This really doesn't affect me at all, anyway. I'm not planning on getting an HDTV, and if I do, will it matter? Will the game on screen not be the exact same game as a an HD version?

"why would i want to play a port with lesser graphics and no hd when i have a console that i can get that on?"

I pretty much just let him talk about whatever from there. Which he did.

I didn't care about trying to convince him about fun anymore.

Because, this made me realize. Games these days are graphics shows. Not video games.

That's what it's all been reduced to. This made me wish that games were still 2d. That's when developers made games for fun, because that's what appealed to the masses. Now everybody says.

"How's the graphics? If they're not good, I'm not getting it."

The fact is, a great amount of the time, that is said about a really fun game.

Basically, ever since the this generation, Sony and Microsoft have been saying the same thing.

"Our games look better. But they're the exact same games you've been playing before."

That's like saying

"Our food looks better. It tastes the same though."

The GameCube is an N64 with a better control with a more comfortable design, better analog sticks, and so on.

The PS2 is a PS1 with better graphics.

The XBox is a spin-off of both the PS1 and the N64, but it has better graphics.

Why can't the gaming community be like it used to be? Will games ever return to the times when gamers played games... for their initial purpose? Fun?

It probably won't happen. Gaming is driving down a long road that leads to a brick wall. Eventually, gaming will crash and burn.

I play games for fun. Not graphics. That's why the only games I play are MMO Computer games or Mario games. They're fun.

MMO games are fun, because there's always competition.

Mario games are fun, because that's the quality that the game developers are working hardest on. Not graphics.

When I saw the Revolution's control, I said "Wha?!... but.. why....".

But, later, I realized that this control was a breath of fresh air.

Basically, Nintendo's trying to steer us away from the brick wall ahead. It's up to the gamers to let them.

The Revolution control is fun.

A tennis game is a great example of this.

You can run back and forth, playing against someone over the internet, just like you would in real life.

The control is your racket. You use actual physical skill to play.

Another good example is a ninja game.

The control is your sword. Swing it around, use your reflexes. Dodge out of the way or block an opponent's attack. Using your hand-eye coordination and skill.

These are what I call Video (Of or relating to the production of images on video displays.) Games (An activity providing entertainment or amusement).

I'm not saying graphics aren't important. I'm saying that they should only be emphesized to an extent.

Everything in a game should be treated equally.

You don't see that very often these days. If you did, you'd see me play something besides computer.

I'm a computer guy. I play my computer all of the time, but I think that when the Revo comes out, I'll be playing that much more than my computer. THAT'S what I've been looking for. Something that breaks tradition.

I guess playing with button tappers will be fun sometimes, but playing AS the ninja, the tennis player, or the gunner will make the gaming experience so much better.

OK, that's the end of my rant.


Ok... Lost teh happy... But I'm happy again! YAY!

Really cool gun add-on for the rev controller.



Really cool steering wheel add-on for the controller

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Postby CookinLikeSanji » Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:34 am

Revolution bashing is the new "Hip" thing to do amongst gamers.

One starts doing it, then the rest jump on the bandwagon because they don't want to be labeled as "Fanboys/girls".

I don't know about you, but I hate it when ignorant gamers take it upon themselves to label me a devout fan of one particular company simply because I stick up for it's decisions. I think the Revo controller is awesome, I think Nintendo could make a comeback with the Revo, does that make me a fanboy though?...

Sure, to most people it would. But what those people will most likely ignore is that I'm falling head over heels for the PS3 with things like DMC and MGS4, the same thing with the 360 and Perfect Dark Zero. Now that's a predicament there isn't it? A defender of the Revo who's also completely psyched about the other 2 next gens...What is a fanboy labeler to do!?

I too yearn for the days of the N64 and PS1, where you would go to your friends house to play a few matches of Smash and Goldeneye, then head back to your place to get in a couple good rounds of King of Fighters. In those days labeling wasn't nearly as widespread and overused as it is now.

The message EVERY gamer needs to understand is that, games are made to play and have fun with. Bickering about what looks better than that is a complete waste of time that only causes dislike toward one-another. So instead of arguing if the 360 is going to whip the PS3, if the Revo controller is stupid or not, etc. Let's all get along, sit down, and rip out a some good matches of Mario Tennis, eh?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:20 am

is that gun for real?

if so this is my favorite console ever
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Postby desperado » Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:33 am

Ok i will admit that gun is cool, even though i dont like the rev controller that gun makes things slightly better (now can they even get a decent multiplayer fps?).
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Postby Nate » Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:07 am

Shia Kyosuka wrote:"Our food looks better. It tastes the same though."

I actually like that analogy, it's very apt.

You can run back and forth, playing against someone over the internet, just like you would in real life.

The control is your racket. You use actual physical skill to play.

That's absurd. It's a video game. If you want to run back and forth and swing a racket, GO PLAY REAL TENNIS. Seriously. How is this "innovative?" We're sitting on the couch playing video games because we DON'T WANT TO SWING A RACKET AROUND. If we did, we wouldn't be in front of a TV with a controller. THAT is why this is a stupid idea.

The control is your sword. Swing it around, use your reflexes. Dodge out of the way or block an opponent's attack. Using your hand-eye coordination and skill.

I have a hard enough time trying to play games like that with a simple button controller. Imagine how much MORE difficult it will be if I actually have to do stuff like that to play the game. It makes me less motivated to buy the game...and I thought the purpose of a game system was to make you WANT to buy games. Funny thing, that.

That's the difference. Video games are video games. Physical activity is physical activity. Sorry to sound redundant, but again, we're playing video games because we have no interest in swinging our arms around and running about.

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Postby Tommy » Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:27 am

PS2 is PS1 with better graphics? Very close.

PS2 can play DVDs and has HDD.

GameCube uses tiny discs, can`t play music or dvds...

Nintendo was always a game company within it`s century and a half of existance. It always produced card games up until a certain point about 20 years ago. They are not like Sony and Microsoft....they only make cards and videogames so they`re systems aren`t as impressive as PS2 and Xbox. If you buy a PS2, you save money instead of buying a dvd player and Stereo as well, but game consoles are made for games, it`s just cool when you have all those options available.

Graphics do matter depending on the genre. Sports games are better depending on graphics mainly, expect Triple Play 2001 is one of my favorites.

My freind who will remain nameless comes over my house and goes:

Friend:"Oooh, a new RPG -points to Xenogears- , are the graphics good?"
Me: "Yeah."
Friend: "Cool, let`s start a new game."
Friend: What the...? These graphics are like outdated, you lied Tom!"
Me: "You asked me if the graphics were good, not if they were realisitc."

To me, there`s a difference.

All I have to say, with an exception of some zeldas, marios, metriods, whatever...

Most of the good games on Gamecbe are on PS2 and Xbox as well.

My graphic rate of realistic.

PS2: 8 out of 10
Xbox: 8.5 out of 10
GC: 6 out of 10

Sorry, but Animal Crossing is early PS1 standards.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:48 pm

By show of
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Postby blkmage » Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:06 pm

Because the graphics are clearly inferior.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:28 pm

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:48 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:PS2 is PS1 with better graphics? Very close.

PS2 can play DVDs and has HDD.

GameCube uses tiny discs, can`t play music or dvds...

I have a dvd player

WHO THE CRAP WANTS TO PLAY MUSIC ON A GAME CONSOLE??? We have freaken stereos and computers to do that...

Who cares if it has a harddrive....

Hardware doesn't make game, game make game

Saying "Oh ps2 is better cause it has a harddrive" is like saying "my computer is better than yours because it has TWO harddrives.."

the drawback of having 2 harddrives is that it eats up lots of ram and slows down the performance of your computer...

Nintendo chose the mini-dvd format so people would not beable to pirate videogames. I know MANY people who copy ps2 games to dvdrs and play them with a boot disc...

Most of the good games on Gamecbe are on PS2 and Xbox as well.

Most of the good nintendo games are 1st party... thus not on other consoles

Games like Tales of Symphonia are gamecube only (cept in japan)

resident evil 4 was originally for the gamecube (they decided to release it for the ps2... but honestly it wont have the same performance...)
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Postby Fireproof » Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:28 pm

I agree with everything in this thread except Mr. Dincht's post.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:55 pm

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Postby battletech » Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:14 pm

I thank you all(except Cooking like Sanji) missed the point Shia was making . Games are to have fun. It is no fun bashing each other about graphics and extras. It just makes everyone angry at each other. Games are about having FUN!!!
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:18 pm

I don't give a crap how realistic graphics are. I don't care what hardware the system has. I just want to play a fun game. Is that too much to ask for?
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Postby Tarnish » Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:32 pm

I don't give a crap how realistic graphics are. I don't care what hardware the system has. I just want to play a fun game. Is that too much to ask for?

Yes!!! Rock, rock on!!
Games are about fun, not graphics, or controllers. They provide something for you to do to blow off steam (GTA, action games, FPS's), use your mind (Myst, Syberia), and just have something to do, like movies. Only interactive. I'm getting awfully sick of hearing:
"(insert console) is gonna rock."
"Nuh-uh. It's stoopid because it was made by (insert company) and teh graphics are gonna suck."
"Nuh-uh, (insert console) is still gonna rock because...(insert moronic excuse)."
Geez, if you don't like the game/console, don't play them. But don't try to explain to a person who likes the game/console why it sucks, 'cause no one is going to change their mind.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:05 pm

You guys e
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:58 pm

*clipped by Azier*

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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:01 pm

Azier the Swordsman wrote:This is true unfortunately. And I pity the people with this mentality.

Sorry, but I disagree again. The gaming industry as whole is too latainment media, and there is a steady stream of excellent, really good, decent, mediocre, ect. games. There will always be enough good games to keep the industry afloat. COMPANIES can fall, but the industry will never crash. It's simply absurd to say so.

So I guess if it's not a Mario or MMO game it's not fun? :eyeroll:

You WILL also be able to use a standard controller. As far as I know, it's said it's intended for backwards compatible games, but I do believe most 3rd party publishers will still design games for the Revolution with a standard controller D
Games are NOT about Fun. Games are about an "EXPERIENCE"
and It's IMPOSSIBLE to create an experience (Thrill, Scare, Tension, Excitement) with a Weak Console, generic controller, and low-end graphics.

Graphics, Hardware, Features, Innovation, are all Important.
The Problem is, that games have gotten more and more DULL over the past few years. Since Graphics have gotten better, gameplay has gotten worst. Or has it?

Games today are more exciting, more scary, more Thrilling than any SuperMario, DOOM, or Sonic game of the past.

To say that Games are still kinda DULL today, wouldn't be lieing, but it's foolish to blame it all on Hardware and Graphics. It's NOT the Crazy Realitic Graphics' fault, or the awesome clock-speed of the processor, it's the Old School Idiot Developers that are STILL making games without progressing or evolving And the Newbie Designers that don't know what they're doing.

Stop blaming Bad Games on Graphics. Today's Games are Actually VERY GOOD, (this is coming from me, who bashes every game) we keep trying to compair gameplay to the realitic graphics, and that's where we disapoint ourselves, because of the HUGE gap in Balance.

Now THIS is the best post in this entire thread.


I'm a very misunderstood person...

Maybe it's my typing skills at 4 in the morning... maybe it's just me... IDK... but that completely missed what I was saying.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:04 pm

n/a Mods, please delete this.
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Postby Nate » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:11 pm

Volt wrote:Today's Games are Actually VERY GOOD

We had a thread about this before, didn't we? Someone saying that all of today's games sucked and that the earlier systems were better?

And I think the conclusion was that there are no fewer good games today then there were in the NES/SNES/Genesis days. In fact...

Fireproof wrote:There really was no perfect golden age of gaming, and there never will be. Sure, there are ups and downs over the years, but having gamed in one of those ups is no excuse to turn into a cenophobic whiner every time the next round of consoles comes out.

cbwing0 wrote:My point is that there are just as many (if not more) Mario's and Zelda's today as there were in the 8- and 16-bit days. The only difference is that we are still seeing the hordes of mediocre knock-offs that surround them. For every Burnout 3 there is a Big Mutha Truckers. For every Ratchet and Clank there is a Spongebob Squarepants or Catwoman.

If we took an honest look (as you and I do), then we would find that the same is true of the gaming past. Most people have simply forgotten all of the bad, unpopular games of their childhood.

Taken from this thread.

Yeah, so anyone who says that "The games on other consoles were better than the games today!" has a very short memory.

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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:15 pm

That's still not what I was saying.

Eh, maybe it is my typing skills... or my ability to get a point across... I don't know, maybe you can help me with this.

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Postby mastersquirrel » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:29 pm

Maybe what you mean is merely that many people nowadays merely focus on one aspect of a game/system and automatically assume because of that aspect that the game/console is going to rock/stink and won't deviate from that position?

Also, maybe you mean that you wish it were more like when the older systems were out (Not meaning they were better) when people just played the games because they were fun (Which by the way can be catergorized as games with: Excitement & Stragety, Scares & Tension, Challenge, Thrill, Adrenaline Rush, or any combination thereof.) and not merely because they had great graphics?

I may be completely off, but that's what I thought this was about.
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Postby Shia Kyosuka » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:33 pm

Geez! Yes!
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:10 am

Shia Kyosuka wrote:That's still not what I was saying.

Eh, maybe it is my typing skills... or my ability to get a point across... I don't know, maybe you can help me with this.


lol don't worry we get it, we're just making our own observations as well
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Postby blkmage » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:28 am

Excitement & Stragety, Scares & Tension, Challenge, Thrill, Adrenaline Rush

Which are all fun. Excitement is fun. Challenge is fun. Thrill is fun. Adrenaline rushes are fun. Being scared (if you're the type) is fun.
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Postby skynes » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:30 am

Console wars are never going to end.... They've been going since before the SNES and will continue until the end of console gaming...

I like this idea of a remote controller. I like how it connects to different bits. I've seen a pic of it connecting to a Gamecube-esque controller too. I think that Nintendo will probably have different controller options. Do you want to use the remote or use a traditional controller etc. that way, everyone is happy.

Call me retro, but I prefer more SNES style graphics. I don't know why but most of the SNES-era games are better than later ones. FF's in particular.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:29 am

Fun:"A so
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Postby Nate » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:38 am

Volt wrote:No one enjoys being scared crap-less. . . non-the-less people like that and want to experience it.

Boy, you just contradicted yourself right there. No one enjoys it, but they enjoy it.

Just because you don't understand HOW people enjoy being scared, doesn't mean they CAN'T.

I don't understand how people can like broccoli, but they do. :P

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Postby mastersquirrel » Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:10 pm

... Uh, what? Yes graphics make games more immersive, yes it makes you feel like you're right there, and yes the experiences do involve more than just fun.

However, when I watched my friend play Doom 3 and we got scared out of our wits by the evil babies of doom I found that to be pretty down right fun, and funny. You should've seen him, screaming and shaking and firing like a mad man.

It's the same concept as riding a roller coaster. People ride it for the thrill, but having that thrill is fun. Anyway, this conversation is pretty downright pointless, and isn't really on topic.
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Postby Tarnish » Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:06 pm

Controllers, Graphics, and Hardware are all VERY important to run

Maybe for you.
Oni, an old, low-budget, game made by Bungie, had terrible graphics, worse control, and it was just ridden with bugs.
But I enjoyed the heck out of it, and it is now one of my favorites.
Meh, probably just a matter of taste.
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