Nintendo Revolution Controller Reveiled! Are they joking?

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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:22 am

Ummm...I may not be the brightest sock in the sockdrawer, but that looks like a TV remote control...what's the deal?!
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Postby Nate » Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:30 am


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Postby Scribs » Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:35 am

Very Nice Kae.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:45 am

I imagine it would be the best with first person shooters!
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Postby TurkishMonky » Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:46 am

i've watched the video glitch linked to on page 2 about a dozen times or so... It's cool. My favorite part is the three junir high girls swatting the flies...Second was the guy at the end swinging his sword.

oh yeah - The controller looks weird, but cool.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:41 pm

Link Antilles wrote:You know, a company like Double-Fine (Pyshonuats) or Free Radical (Timesplitters). It’s a risk that can pay off.

Psychonauts and Timesplitters might not be the best examples. Psychonauts is PS2/Xbox only, whereas Timesplitters is a mulitplatformer that started its life on the PS2. With it's huge installed user base, the PS2 has drawn a lot more quirky, experimental titles (Katamari Damacy, Psychonauts, Karaoke Revolution, etc.), for the simple reason that developers can count on more potential buyers for their product. Call me a skeptic, but I do not envision a mass exodus from Sony and/or Microsoft just to work with a system that is only slightly less expensive to support.

I have even less confidence after reading the October Issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly earlier today. When asked about the Revolution, one industry consultant said, "I think everybody is kind of confused by [Nintendo] right now. Publishers don't know what to think--whether this Revolution thing is even going to happen, whether it's going to be cool or not, or whether Nintendo's just going to stop making consoles and just become a software publisher" (EGM Issue 196, p.52).

That isn't exactly an expression of enthusiasm over the new remote-controller.

skynes wrote: Everything Nintendo do is innovative and up until now it has always worked with a few exceptions.

Yes, everything except:

-The Power Glove
-The Power Pad
-The Virtual Boy
-The Super Gameboy
-The Famicom floppy drive
-GC-to-GBA connectivity
-the decision not to work with Sony on a successor to the SNES

Some of their decisions have even been counter-innovative, such as failing to support online play with the Gamecube, and sticking with expensive carts with the N64.

I will leave you with some of my favorite YTMND's on the Revolution controller:

That's all for now.
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:04 pm

Somethings work, somethings don't. We're not going to know until we've all tried it for ourselves.

I would also be most appreciative if you would stop posting the Revolution-bashing links. Thank you.
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Postby desperado » Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:14 pm

and those comics where hilarious, on thing though myoti you said earlier that we didnt have enough faith in it to begin with (i was going to preorder one when the local shop started taking preorders for it (WAS)) if we are changing our minds now. but the thing is isnt it prudent not blindly liking something? i dont know im overthinking this but the N made me quite mad and i really wanted the system to work but the controller just ruins it...
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:24 pm

Myoti wrote:Somethings work, somethings don't. We're not going to know until we've all tried it for ourselves.
I have never tried steering a car with my feet, but I am pretty sure that it wouldn't work for me. I've also never tried playing Duck Hunt with my tv remote, but I think it would be about as fun as feet-driving.

Hopefully Nintendo will succeed with the Revolution. I just don't see it happening. In the meantime I will be paying attention to the launch of the Xbox 360, about which I have an entirely different set of concerns.
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:44 pm

on thing though myoti you said earlier that we didnt have enough faith in it to begin with (i was going to preorder one when the local shop started taking preorders for it (WAS)) if we are changing our minds now. but the thing is isnt it prudent not blindly liking something? i dont know im overthinking this but the N made me quite mad and i really wanted the system to work but the controller just ruins it...

And how the heck do you know that unless you've tried it?! They said the same thing about the GC and DS and both did incredibly well. I've always had faith in the N and still do, but I can't give final judgement until it comes out, and neither can you.

I have never tried steering a car with my feet, but I am pretty sure that it wouldn't work for me. I've also never tried playing Duck Hunt with my tv remote, but I think it would be about as fun as feet-driving.

I don't think I can even honour that remark by replying to it...

Nintendo took hits with the SNES... Whats this? 6 buttons!? what happened to 2!?
Then the N64... "Huh an analogue stick? That's going to get broken easily, Nintendo suck for this."

Then rumble paks.
Then analogue buttons (L and R on GC controller)

-Making a controller without a joystick (NES)
-Making games in a time when they thought the video game fad had ended
-Voice control
-Light guns
-Disk games (Famicom)

Actually, many things Nintendo did ended up being copied by the other industries.

Yes, everything except:
-GC-to-GBA connectivity

Funny. And here I was thinking that that actually ended up doing quite well.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:09 pm

Myoti wrote: -Making a controller without a joystick (NES)
-Making games in a time when they thought the video game fad had ended
-Voice control
-Light guns
-Disk games (Famicom)
Let's look at those, shall we?

1.Controller without a joystick-Actually the first controller without a joystick was made for the Magnavok Odyssey, which was released in 1972 (well before the NES).

2.Voice control-That would be Karaoke Revolution, which was first released on the PS2. One could also point to the inclusion of voice chat by Microsoft in Xbox live, which came even earlier.

3.Touch-screen-Nintendo did introduce touch screens to gaming, but it has yet to be copied.

4.Light guns-These actually have a long history:

It was Ralph Baer who first introduced the light gun to console gaming, long before Duck Hunt and the Nintendo Zapper.

5.Disk games (Famicom)-This might work if the disk in question wasn't a floppy disk. Even if it was a cd, the fact that they didn't go back to discs until the Gamecube would rule this out as an innovation.

Myoti wrote:And here I was thinking that that actually ended up doing quite well.
It had the potential to be a good idea, but it never really gained popularity; and with the release of the DS it will only fade into obscurity.

I honestly hope that you end up enjoying your Revolution very much. You seem to have so much invested in defending Nintendo that it would be a shame if they disappointed a hardcore fan/apologist like you.
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Postby desperado » Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:13 pm

First off I do believe that I quite know what i like and it is more solid games with a controller not a remote.
secondly the topic was started as a "dude are they serious? ah man..." kind of thing about the new controller so the argument against the links is moot.
thirdly my freind helps run a video game store (i always refer to it as the local game store) and he cant get rid of the connectors...
also one thing the ds is taking a hit for is it has no good games out that are normal games. (rogue agent doesnt count because frankly it sucks and some of the games i want for the ds (such as harvest moon and animal crossing) arent even out yet) i know people who dont want one until some normal games come out besides mini game fests (wario ware and such are cool but most games are like that) though they have attracted a whole new crowd a lot of people just kept on playing the gbas or got psps (i know thats pretty much the biggest reason for me getting the psp besides the superior specs (what can i say going into the field i admire graphics)) i think Nintendo is going to far this time and if not what about hte next cycle? some day they are going to push it to far and a lot of game magazines say they did that with the controller (why couldnt they have given a touch screen controller with a dpad or anlog stick? i really thought that would have been cool)
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:38 pm

2.Voice control-That would be Karaoke Revolution, which was first released on the PS2. One could also point to the inclusion of voice chat by Microsoft in Xbox live, which came even earlier.

I don't know if it did well, but I believe it was the Famicom controller that first introduced voice command.

It had the potential to be a good idea, but it never really gained popularity; and with the release of the DS it will only fade into obscurity.

True. I rarely used it myself, but it was still a good innovation.

I honestly hope that you end up enjoying your Revolution very much. You seem to have so much invested in defending Nintendo that it would be a shame if they disappointed a hardcore fan/apologist like you.

I do too. The thing about this is the way so many nag on it simply because it's "different" from the norm. I've haven't run around (that much) and bashed the PS3 and XBOX360 for the way they are. :/

also one thing the ds is taking a hit for is it has no good games out that are normal games.

The DS was never meant to be normal, which is the reason it is not considered a Gameboy. Super Mario 64 is probably the closest you'll get to "normal" and it did fine. Alot of people are excited for Metroid Prime Hunters, and it's not normal. Heck, it's not even normal for a FPS.
The Revolution is not meant to be "normal" either. It's meant to introduce new gameplay techniques that attract everyone, and not just you're average gamer.

i think Nintendo is going to far this time and if not what about hte next cycle? some day they are going to push it to far and a lot of game magazines say they did that with the controller (why couldnt they have given a touch screen controller with a dpad or anlog stick? i really thought that would have been cool)

And I actually thought that would have been a terrible idea.

As I've said before, none of us will know for sure until it's released. My best friend despised the DS for the longest time when he hadn't even tried it(though he also hated the PSP), but he started playing with his brother's DS awhile back and now he loves it (and he tends to be a difficult guy to please).
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:48 pm

you know... I was thinking


Since when did a "controller" design make a big difference on how much a game can be fun? Perhaps everyone is just too accustomed to the tradional "controller" A lot of you are overreacting, "ohh boo hoo the controller looks like a little remote! the whole project is gonna bomb!"

Besides, if you DONT like it you have the ability to use a regular nintendo controller....

But in all honesty, I think FPses will rock on the Revolution compared to any other console (excluding metroid prime, I do not consider that a traditional FPS... more adventurey... and it doesnt rely on accuracy, because it has an auto-lockon)... When ya play halo on an xbox, you hold the fire button while moving... HOPING that the bullets will hit someone and have the crosshair move around and attempt to get it on the guy... because of the analog stick it's a lot harder than a simple mouse...

If you move the rev controller with your hand, you can move the crosshair with more precision, and have more accurate shots (nail all the headshots). Just like a mouse

you know how hard it is to keep a sniperrifle stable on a guys head on timesplitters 3? (any console) it's hard! Because the analog stick always moves around and when you fire you end up shooting past their head....
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Postby Godly Paladin » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:19 pm

All right. I've just popped into this thread; haven't read all 73 posts. However, all I can say is:

1) Nintendo always tries to be revolutionary with their controllers, and now it looks like they've gone a bit too far.
2) Those initial screenshots were the most underwhelming things I've seen in many a moon. Contrast that pic of Zelda to Killzone 2, for instance.
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:20 pm

Myoti wrote:I don't know if it did well, but I believe it was the Famicom controller that first introduced voice command.
After looking into the issue, I found the same thing]The thing about this is the way so many nag on it simply because it's "different" from the norm.[/quote] That would be annoying. I don't dislike the Revolution controller (or Nintendo products in general) due to their differences from the norm. What I dislike is that none of these differences seem like good ones. The Revolution controller has potentially three separate components (the remote/wand, the add-on, and the traditional GC controller "shell"). In my opinion, that is not a good design. It definitely isn't more intuitive than traditional designs. I don't know about you, but I would like to have one hand free to hold a drink, eat food, or basically do anything other than worry about looking in the right direction on an FPS.

I also empathize with your annoyance with those who bash the system simply due to its quirkiness. In the same way, I get annoyed when people look at Nintendo as brilliant saviors of the game industry just for being different. They may have brought new life to gaming in America with the NES, but those days are long past; and frankly if Nintendo can't do anything other than be different they will continue to languish in third place in the North American console market.

Mr. SmartyPants wrote: Since when did a "controller" design make a big difference on how much a game can be fun?
Microsoft learned very quickly that controller design can make a big difference in gameplay; I mean, how many people do you see these days playing Xbox games with something other than the S-model controller? At the very least a bad controller design will force a console maker to redesign their product and thereby force gamers to buy a new set of controllers if they want to get the most out of their games. I believe that the Revolution controller is at least twice as bad as the original Xbox controller, so it would certainly make a difference in gameplay. Maybe you like it, but I think those that do like it are firmly in the minority (looking at gamers as a whole, not just Nintendo fans).
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:26 pm

The Revolu
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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:32 pm

Volt wrote:Y'all are just haters.

Ah yes...and here comes Sir Voltius, layin' down the law, keepin' it safe, and quotin' Nintendo reps about their own products! Hoo-rah! :rock:
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Postby truthgone12 » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:41 pm

This is what I'm humming when I think of the Revolution controller. ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:49 pm

I use to hate
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Postby Silvanis » Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:54 pm

teh strangeness. O.O
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:21 pm

Volt. You rock. That's all there is to it.

Oh, and I've heard about GAME.COM, but I believe it flopped before it truly got anywhere.

you know how hard it is to keep a sniperrifle stable on a guys head on timesplitters 3? (any console) it's hard! Because the analog stick always moves around and when you fire you end up shooting past their head....

So, so true. I haven't played TS3, but I know it was tricky on TS2 and practically any FPS other than Metroid (yeah, what genre is Metroid in, exactly?).

2) Those initial screenshots were the most underwhelming things I've seen in many a moon. Contrast that pic of Zelda to Killzone 2, for instance.

They were GC screenshots used as speculating examples, not shots from the Revo.

They may have brought new life to gaming in America with the NES, but those days are long past; and frankly if Nintendo can't do anything other than be different they will continue to languish in third place in the North American console market.

Guess it's a good thing I've long lost hope in the North American market, then.
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Postby Zilch » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:25 pm

If I wanted to flp through the channels, this thing would be fine, but playing Mario 128 just doesn't have the same appeal with that monstrous contraption, as sleek and Ipod-ish as it is...
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:34 pm

We still know barely anything about what Mario 128 is suppose to be, so it might work better than we think. :/
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Postby blkmage » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:34 pm

Nintendo is all about gameplay. That's what this controller is about too. It's about opening up new possibilities for gameplay. They seem to be the only ones who realize that in the end, graphics are not going to win the day. We all know that the Gamecube is inferior in terms of specs to the Xbox. Does that make the new Zelda look any less bloody awesome?

Is the Revolution controller basically an Eye Toy? Maybe. But you don't see Sony making the Eye Toy the PS3 controller, do you? Speaking of PS3, the remote control does look easier to hold and more comfortable than the boomerang.

Usually, Mario games take advantage of the new controllers quite nicely and are the things that really convince people that this crazy contraption might actually work. Take a look at Mario 64 and that crazy three pronged thing with the analog stick in the middle and think how fun it would have been playing it on an SNES pad.
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Postby desperado » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:37 pm

now i have to disagree there, it looks very comfortable (its no where near as big or wide as the bannanarang for the n64 and that thing wasnt bad so you can know that the boomerang design wasnt BAD and that it can decent and comfortable) besides it looks like a modified ps2 controller and it and the new xbox controller are the best ergonamically (i would say the gc controller over the new xbox controller (except for the huge then the small button)
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:42 pm

Um, no offense Desperado, but your posts are kinda hard to read. O_o
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Postby desperado » Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:58 pm

oh how so?
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Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 17, 2005 5:03 pm

[SPOILER=For Desperado]Everything is scrunched up, there's no periods, and some stuff is misspelled, and you used too many parentheses. Aren't you 18? O_o[/SPOILER]
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Postby desperado » Sat Sep 17, 2005 5:13 pm

yes im 18 but im also a person in a hurry. i do use periods and stuff (though i love parentheses and use them often) and who cares about spelling, nobody likes a grammar nazi and unless something is misspelled to the point of "omgz newbzers zpe11ing." then leave it be...
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