Final Fantasy VIII (In comparison to other FFs)

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Final Fantasy VIII (In comparison to other FFs)

Postby Tommy » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:36 am

This is definately on my top 5 of favorite games but it appears it is on the top 5 list of least favorite games to others. I`ll give my review:

Story- Starts out average or even below average but becomes my favorite story ever.

Music- This game has the second best soundtrack I`ve heard from a Square game (Chrono Cross takes the cake).

Gameplay- I can agree this system isn`t as 'simple' as the others, parsay, but it`s just as fun IMO. Here`s what I did to make the game easy for me. I think Squall was at Level 20 when I beat the game. You see, I drew the most powerful spells and equipped them to my HP and Weapons and leveled up as little as possible so eneimes wouldn`t do the same. The best draw point was at Shumi Village, except you had to pay money each time you drew, but have no fear, If you guys ask, I`ll get a list of all the answers to the SeeD test so you can get to level 32 and be paid a lot of money randomly. Don`t think of it as cheating, think of it as Squall cheating.

Characters- Squall was kinda unlikeable cause of his personality but he gets cool as the game progressess. I mean, Zell was in this game. What, did you think Dincht was my real last name? Wow, that`s a shame.

Love Story- Strongest of the series IMO. The only one I found enjoyable in any game I ever played, you know why? It`s fake and I`m a guy, that`s why.
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Postby Kezu-Chan » Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:09 pm

I have to agree with you, Mr. Dincht. FFVIII is one of my most favorites as well, but overshadowed by the more popular FFVII. People hate it because it is not FFVII. (When the game first came out, I bet people were expecting it to be like FFVII but were dissapointed! Hah!)

The gameplay isn't as simple, and that is good because it gives a bit more strategy. :D And I like how the monsters evolve with YOU. (I couldn't beat the game with Squall as Lvl 20. He was at Lvl 100 when I beat it, and I beat it by chance) I also liked how your Limits were interactive. It's better than sitting there and watching Cloud pwn everybody with Omnislash. >.<

I...I mean, SQUALL cheated in my game and passed every SeeD test. XD....

Characters-The characters in this game are probably the most real in the FF world, I think. You can find people like Squall, Seifer and Rinoa in the world. However, you can not find people like Sephiroth, Zidane and Auron. I can relate to the people in FFVIII but can't in the other games. :P

I hated the love story, though. Because I hate Rinoa. She was dating Seifer for a year, was still going out with him when she asked Squall to dance with her, and then ran away with Squall. Hate hate HATE.

That doesn't mean that I still can't like the game, though.
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Postby Myoti » Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:38 pm

I LOVE FFVIII, and must admit that is very well done (much better than 7 and 9). Still, my favorite remains as FFVII (for a bunch of reasons, just ask if you wanna know), but FFVIII is second (and often competes for first), thanks to how amazing it truly is.
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Postby *Hope* » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:25 pm

GO MYOTI!! *unabashed FFVII fan* Okay, this is a message soley for Kezu-chan. Everyone else can disregard it.
I have nothing against FFVIII or Squall, but if Kezu dares to challenge me and Cloud with anyone, they go down!! BWAHAHA!!!!

Bah! Cloud is WAY better than Squall and you know it! But since we don't want to clutter this thread or this board with our rantings, we can discuss it.... again .... tomorrow at Roy's house. Come Prepared!!!!! *walks out laughing evilly*

P.S: Oh, and Kez? I know where you sleep. And I can walk there! So don't think our best friendship will stop me!! AH HA HA! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA! (guess who?)
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Postby glitch1501 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:56 pm

ff8 is definatly my fav final fantasy

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Postby kazekami » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:33 pm

FFVIII is my second Favorite. I liked 9 better. But Squall was awsome. I loved him. Hes just too cool. Way cooler then Cloud with his identiy crisis. I liked how we could see what squall was thinking. Plus the story was awsome. Plus we didn't start the game out as eco terrorist blowing up a power plant. I thought the Junction system was easy. The concept was really cool. I liked the coustomability it offered. It starts out a little slow. However once you get to go on the SeeD test it gets very intresting. And yes I am a Squall Fangirl!

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Postby Rocketshipper » Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:01 pm

8 is my second fave Final Fantasy, after 7. I love the main theme, Eyes on Me
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:03 pm

In my opinion, VIII pwned VII... Yes, Pwned... All of you VII fans are mere pwns and I am the Kng. In any case, I prefered the story in VIII to VII, and I liked that there was more strategy involved... Eyes On Me was superb, as well, even if it was engrish ("Whenever sang my song") Also, the dance scene was a breakthrough if only because people hadn't thought of doing non-action stuff in CG like that before. Something so simple as a dance, and a very realistic situation...

Unfortunately, I haven't played FFVIII in a long time... I went through a phase where I tossed out all my "magical" stuff... Final Fantasy, Sailormoon, a few other games and tapes... All in the garbage... *sigh* I really wish I didn't go so crazy... My purging times have all left scars... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:46 am

Wow, people agreed. And me thoughted he stood alone.

Bobtheduck, I can`t agree with you over FF7 pwning 8. FF8 and FF7 are tied no matter where I go and if i said different before, I was being attacked by a killer banchee from Ireland.

FF8 is stronger in catergories that FF7 is weak in. I always thought to myslef, "How can there be Zack fangirls if he is only shown once and he barely talks?" I found out that if you are Cloud fangirls, it`s Zack you like. One thing, I`m ocnfused about, did Zack or Clod make the promise to Tifa?

Either way, I just felt this peaceful feeling whenever my character was walking around garden. It felt like I was actually in the academy because FFVIII is the most realistic FF game. I mean, sure the Sorceress and Magic make it unrealistic, but who would you expect bet the villian: a druglord?! All the other FF games failed to make me feel I was actually there as nerdy as it sounds.
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Postby Kkun » Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:02 am

*waits for Kaemmerite to come in* :lol:

I love FF8, personally. I would also have to agree with Bobtheduck and say that I enjoyed FF8 way more than FF7. I plan on playing through it again on my long break I'm going to have this fall. To me, FF8 was one of the first RPGs I ever played and I guess I'm just nostalgic for it. I really enjoyed the characters, and while some people thought they were too two-dimensional, I liked that each one of them had their own issues. So..yeah, hands down, FF8 is my favorite FF. I can't wait to start a new game on it.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:35 am

Yeah, I`ve played through it and beat it 3 times. never tried Chocobo World....then again why did they even have it as an option if you can`t even get a Pocketstation in America? Yeah, Kkun, I wonder when Nate will come in.

Which one did he like better again?
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Postby blkmage » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:05 pm

Junctioning and Drawing kinda ruined it for me.

Draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, attack, draw draw draw draw, attack.
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Postby Myoti » Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:15 pm


Ra-- yawn --wr.

Draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, attack, draw draw draw draw, attack.

Wrong. It's draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, attack, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, summon, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, attack.
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Postby Tommy » Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:58 pm


What`s with the cat/Vincent and cat/squall?

Yeah, I drew 99 fires against Seifer on Disc 1.
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Postby *Hope* » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:07 pm

Cloud made the promise to Tifa. And I'm a Cloud fangirl, not a Zack one. We do get to see Cloud's personality too.
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Postby kazekami » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:08 pm

Takaya Natsuki the manga ka of Fruit Baskets said she loved the draw system in her free talks. I like the draw system. Materia was ok. didn't bother me. I just didn't like 7. I loved 8. It was the 4th FF game I played. 1st being X, then IX, and VII. VII's story was lacking in my opinion.

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Postby Myoti » Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:18 pm


What`s with the cat/Vincent and cat/squall?

They're my favorite characters (and the coolest ones) from FF7 and FF8... as kitties. :3
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Postby kazekami » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:41 pm

Myoti wrote:They're my favorite characters (and the coolest ones) from FF7 and FF8... as kitties. :3

I LOVE SQUALLL!!! Squall is cool!!

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Postby Tommy » Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:41 am

Myoti wrote:They're my favorite characters (and the coolest ones) from FF7 and FF8... as kitties. :3

That`s something a girl would do, isn`t it?

Oh, it`s funny cuz those are two of the three characters in FF you`d least expect to be a kitty. Where`s the Auron kitty?
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Postby yukinon » Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:57 am

Yes. Yes it is. And I think they're hilarious, for that precise reason. The last thing you expect Squall to be is a kitty. Has anyone seen the little .gif of him turning into a bouncy ball? Or in a bunny suit?

I'm quite fond of the characters in VIII, and I never really played the games often enough to have an opinon on the battle system. I'm sure it becomes more important as you're fighting bigger battles, but I tend to just plow my way through anyway. There's very little strategy there.
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Postby Myoti » Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:53 pm

That`s something a girl would do, isn`t it?

Oh, it`s funny cuz those are two of the three characters in FF you`d least expect to be a kitty. Where`s the Auron kitty?

Umm, it was a guy who drew them, I believe. And I like kitties.
But yeah, it's kinda like that, too. I just thought the Vincent one was awesome though. ^_^

I can't remember if there is an Auron one or not. This is where I got 'em from:
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Postby Breakman » Sat Aug 27, 2005 3:18 pm

I think I would be the only one here to say that Final Fantasy Tactics for Playstation is better than the others. Great music and characters. The bad things about that game are that the story was kinda hard to understand fully and that it's sometimes buggy.

My list of favorites are FFT, FF9, FF8, and FF7. But 7, 8, 9 do have great points in them and I enjoy playing them time to time.

FF8, the story didn't interest me much. I liked the characters, music, and unique way of "learning" skills by equipping monsters.
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Postby Kezu-Chan » Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:42 am

*Hope* wrote:I have nothing against FFVIII or Squall, but if Kezu dares to challenge me and Cloud with anyone, they go down!! BWAHAHA!!!!

Bah! Cloud is WAY better than Squall and you know it! But since we don't want to clutter this thread or this board with our rantings, we can discuss it.... again .... tomorrow at Roy's house. Come Prepared!!!!! *walks out laughing evilly*

P.S: Oh, and Kez? I know where you sleep. And I can walk there! So don't think our best friendship will stop me!! AH HA HA! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA! (guess who?)

Cloud is overrated. Just accept your fate. We can discuss this again at Bible Study next Tuesday! WooooOOOoooooOOOOOoo......

I can't guess? Does it look like I have the brain power to guess? :3?

Oh, Bobtheduck.....there is so much love from me on your first couple sentances.
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Postby kazekami » Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:59 pm

Kezu-Chan wrote:\

Cloud is overrated. Just accept your fate. We can discuss this again at Bible Study next Tuesday! WooooOOOoooooOOOOOoo......

I can't guess? Does it look like I have the brain power to guess? :3?

Oh, Bobtheduck.....there is so much love from me on your first couple sentances.

Yes i agree. Cloud is too busy worrying about his identity. Squall is all angsty and cool. Plus he thinks a lot. I love Squall. Plus Squall doesn't take a trip to a place called the honey Bee inn.

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Postby *Hope* » Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:01 pm

No matter what anyone says, I will always love Cloud the most. Besides, they made a FFVII movie, not a FFVIII movie, right?

Besides, I just want to comfort Cloud. He looks so sad all the time. *huggles*
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:14 pm

*yawn* ive never really got into FF8, the "enemies leveling up as you do" got very annoying... there wasn't that big of a point to level up then...

*hugs ff6* hooray for nonconforrmity!
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Postby kazekami » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:55 pm

*Hope* wrote:No matter what anyone says, I will always love Cloud the most. Besides, they made a FFVII movie, not a FFVIII movie, right?

Besides, I just want to comfort Cloud. He looks so sad all the time. *huggles*

I thought Squall needed a hug. heh heh. At least Squall wasn't a terroist. =P

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:hugs ff6* hooray for nonconforrmity!

I love that game. I must finish it. I need to get my own copy though.

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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:03 am

AVALANCHE was an organization for the greater good considering Shinra was an evil power-hungry dicator.

Yes, Ryan, I was curious to know why FF6 was your favorite. It`s my favorite 2D FF, but not favorite overall FF. Explain why you like it please.

The trip to Honey Bee Inn was 100% optional. Which means, YOU were the one going to Honey Bee Inn.

The 1st time I played through FF8, I played it normally and wasn`t aware enimies would level up as well. I made it to Adel with no problum. Then, I never beat her, played through it again and won and it took me 1/4 as long.

Final Fantasy Tactics is a great game, but it`s wicked hard and I`m on Chapter One and I`ve had the game for awhile. FFTA is good as well, maybe better IMO. Well I do stink at Tactic games, but I still love most of them.
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Postby kazekami » Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:54 am

Avalanche was still a terrorist orginization.

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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:57 am

Um....yeah, but they weren`t bad guys.
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