Sakura's Sadness

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Sakura's Sadness

Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:16 am

Hey there, me again. I know there's already a poem page here, but here's mine. If there's any problems please don't hesitat to say so.

Where is the dream I hold so dear
Where is the dream I held so near
Where is the dream that we shared
Where is the dream that once you cared
Where is the dream that promised me forever
Where is the dream you said we'd always be together
Where is the dream you promised me?

I know it's not all that great compared to others, but it's just something that came to mind recently. A song that I have been listening to reminded me of it called "Active Heart" by Maaya Sakamoto. I've always wanted to make up a poem like this, but I could only come up with the first line,"Where is the dream I hold so dear." Then the first line of the song reminded me of what I already started,"Yume wa... doko in aru..." I had another, but I can't seem to think of it right now :sweat:
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Postby mai » Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:01 pm

It's good, it has a strong rhythm to it ^-^
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Do you find your self worried alot of the time about things that don't always make sense?

Are you experiencing any of these?
• Persistent feelings of sadness, irritability or anxiety
• Overreaction to irritations
• Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed,
• Sleep too much, or sleep too little
• Unexpected loss or gain of weight
• Tiredness or restlessness
• Slowed movement, thought and/or speech
• Guilt, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness
• Inability to concentrate and poor memory
• Loss of motivation
• Feelings of hopelessness
• Suicidal thoughts and/or behavior
• Withdrawal from relationships, anti-social behavior
• Physical aches and pains that seem to have no other cause

If you have a few of the symptoms on this list, you may be suffering from a form of clinical depression there are many sites that offer advice and help.
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Postby agasfas » Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:49 pm

Dreams are a precious thing indeed. Dreams are strong. Dreams spark emotion.

Thanks for sharing the poem, it was really nice.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:22 pm

Ah, Kam Samnida (thank you) so mush. Feel free to share some of yours. I love reading poems. I wrote a poem back in 6th grade and got an "A". It was about a rose.
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Postby creed4 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:15 pm

It good just keep it up writing inproves with time
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:05 pm

Errr, I can't even think of anymore! This is fustrating indeed.
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Postby martinloyola » Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:44 pm

ahh, that is a conundrum indeed. however you need not fear writer's block, (I don't believe in it, maybe a few exceptions) what I really think that is, is having so many things to say, so many ways to say it, and not knowing what to choose from it all. The English language has thousands of words, and God's Creation is as big as His imagination.....there's always something to write about, its just figurin' out what to start best advice is to pick something on your mind....your environment, your work, your day and just start recording what happened or what you see, the beauty of writing is that you can always use a thesaurus to change the words to something more agreeable at a later date.....what do you think about that?
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:43 am

martinloyola wrote:ahh, that is a conundrum indeed. however you need not fear writer's block, (I don't believe in it, maybe a few exceptions) what I really think that is, is having so many things to say, so many ways to say it, and not knowing what to choose from it all. The English language has thousands of words, and God's Creation is as big as His imagination.....there's always something to write about, its just figurin' out what to start best advice is to pick something on your mind....your environment, your work, your day and just start recording what happened or what you see, the beauty of writing is that you can always use a thesaurus to change the words to something more agreeable at a later date.....what do you think about that?

That is so right! Thanks for the advice :hug: It is true what u say. I do have so many things gong through my mind right now I just don't know where to start y'know :) I guess so many things have been bothering me and I just don't know what to do. I could prolly write it in a poen, but I just have to get it going y'know :) Thanks again Martin :angel:
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Postby martinloyola » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:18 pm

You're most welcome :cool: atcually, that smiley makes me think of Snoopy, always starting out "It was a dark and stormy night..." Joe Cool.....sometimes the cheesiest beginning is classic......(does that even begin to make sense? lol)
Vash: In the end...he just couldn't kill a man in cold blood. His daughter's murder goes unpunished. Call him weak, saved both of us.

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Postby Linksquest » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:26 pm

I really like the repetitive style in that poem, sao_Sakura. I can tell that the poem is sincere.

Sao_Sakura wrote:Errr, I can't even think of anymore! This is fustrating indeed.

Poetry, like most writing, can't be forced. Somtimes there are the dry times when nothing will flow, but inspiration comes at the most unlikey of times.

Keep it up!


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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:48 pm

Thank you all (smiles and bows). Yes, poems are trickey indeed. I guess you should write down what u feel before it goes away. I acually have one in mind that came back to me from watching Escflowne the movie. I so feel like Hitomi... just wanting to fade away. I acually felt that way a coupe times. The feeling seems to come and go. I guess that's life for ya huh? It's funny what will inspire you (wink).
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