Dear Lioness,
I saw your homepage. So do they really host comics for free?
I'm going to look into this straight away! I would love to have hosting for mine so I don't have to worry whether Geocities would close down my page! 0.o hehehe
You had some comments on your website that I wanna address. Don't take criticisms personally or get discouraged by it. Most ppl mean it well and only want to help you get better! Well, ppl at CAA can vouch for that, I'm sure!
After all, there's always room for improvement even for the best manga artists out there.
Yeah, there will always be ppl who are not very tactful with their opinions and criticisms or some who just want to maliciously make you feel bad. How to differentiate who's sincere and who's not? aha...there's when you need the Holy Spirit to help you.
BTW, speaking of the Holy Spirit, may I present a suggestion? Instead of having a 'fairy' to assist your character through difficult times, why not just present the Holy Spirit as Himself? After all, that is the Truth.
The older brother can tell the little cute one, "Hey, little bro, ain't always gonna be around for you. But I know who will. Let me introduce you to the Holy Spirit, the Friend who's always been there for me, the Amazing Gift of God." I believe that would bring a boost to the Christian element in your manga. Ppl all over the world need to know about the Holy Spirit! ^^
I like the idea of your story (simple and yet so important, touching issues of real life, I love simplicity!). ^^ Let me know what you think about my suggestion, OK?