Walk With Me: MY Inspirational Story

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Walk With Me: My story. Please tell me what you think!

Postby KawaiiMe » Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:04 pm

First off, thanks to my sister for the title. :thumb: You rock Audrey!
this story basically proves the point that no one is beyond salvation. this is the first chapter. Have fun reading! :lol:

On a dark road in a Japanese town, dimly lit by the distant lights of the city of Tokyo, a single light flickered, moving slowly down the street. After a few seconds, the light went out and was replaces by a slow-burning stub in the mouth of a teenager. 17-year old Atsuki Harada walked slowly carrying a backpack and a plastic bag holding a fast-food dinner. She flipped her long, straight hair from her face as she blew away a ring of smoke. Ever since that day two years ago, Atsuki had followed the same routine: Every day after school, she would stay out late after school to avoid her father, who came home after his daily drinking binges; and returned during the night after her father had left, to sleep for a few hours before returning to school the next day. Until one day when she mad a mistake.

Atsuki's father was never faithful to her mother. He ould constantly be out drinking and wasting the family's much-needed money on various forms of "entertainment." Atsuki never actually saw her father anymore, save when he was unconsious on the floor of their apartment, with a bottle if whiskey in his hand. The only other time was when she returned to her house and her father had not yet left.


Kazuma lay face down on the remains of a sofa when Atsuki returned home at 1:30 in the morning.
"Crap, the old mans still here," she said to herself when she saw her father.
"Whazzat? Who's there?" Kazuma lifted his head out of the sofa and looked lazily around the room.
"Its me dad," Atsuki crossed the room toward her bedroom door, "Go back to sleep."
"Don't you tell me what to do, girlie!" Kazuma got up slowly off the couch, almost falling over from drunkenness as he reached for the coffee table. "What're yeh doin' out this late?"
"Look who's talking," She muttered to herself. Then to her father she said, "I'm going to bed."
"What was that?" Kazuma stood up straight and stared at Atsuki, "Don't you talk back to me girl!"
Atsuki reached for the doorknob, swearing under her breath.
"WHAT?" Kazuma stormed across the room and delivered a fierce slap across the right side of Atsuki's face. "Who do you think you are? I'm running things around here! You listen to ME!"
Atsuki stared coldly at her father before yelling, "Forget this!" and ran out of the apartment, clutching the side of her face as tears fell from her stinging eyes.
It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
When nothings left in me
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Postby KawaiiMe » Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:32 am

Hi, I'm Back with chapter 2 :) enjoy!

"Tough night, huh? Your old man really got you good, didn't he?"
Atsuki and two other girls leaned carelessly against a row of lockers in Nakamura Senior Highschool. All three wore the school's girl uniform: a knee-length, dark blue skirt, a collared white shirt and a matching blue jacket.
"You're gonna be bruised for weeks, Suki," Eri said. She was tall; taller than most of the boys at their school, with strait, black hair that fell halfway down her back, and bold, brown eyes that stared straight through you.
"Nah, its nothing really," Atsuki said, touching the side of her face, "I've had worse." Atsuki's father had not always been abusive. After he had an affair with another woman when Atsuki was 10, Kazuma and his wife, Michiko's relationship had deteriorated. When Michiko left when Atsuki was 15, Kazuma turned to alcohol to calm and fufill himself. Atsuki too, had begun to smoke; a habit she had picked up from her father.
"Hey, look who's coming." Yukina jerked her slightly overweight thumb down the wallway at an approaching classmate.
"Who the hecks that?" Atsuki stared, puzzled at the boy coming toward them.
"Is the new or something," Eri said, "I don't recognize him." She looked closer, "Hey, he's kinda cute..."
Atsuki frowned, "He looks like a whimp to me."
The boy was about 5'6", only two inches taller than Atsuki, with a thin build and not many muscles to speak of. He had fiery red hair that hung in long strands around his face, and deep, light blue-green eyes. he wore the school's boy uniform and a gentle smile on his face.
His names Akito Yamagata," Yukina said, "and yeah, he's new."
"He's ticking me off already," Atsuki growled.
"Excuse me," Akito stopped in front of the three girls, bowed slightly and addressed Eri, "Could you please tell me where class 2B is?"
"Yeah," Eri replied," Go that way," she pointed back in the direction from which he had come, "Take a left and its the first door on the right."
Akito smiled, "Arigatou, um..."
"Eri," Eri said.
"Eri-san" He bowed again and walked away.
"Geez, that was annoying," Yukina said
"How's he getting away with dying his hair?" Eri said, "Thats what I want to know." The girls stopped spearking when the late bell rang.
"Come on Eri," Yukina and Atsuki, who were both in the same class, walked away from Atsuki.
Atsuki Stared absently at the wall ahead of her for a minute before realizing that 2B was her class. After which she whacked her head repeatedly and swore quite a few times.
"Crap, he's gonna get on my nerves."
It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
When nothings left in me
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Postby girlninja » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:07 am

this is written very very well ^^ i think i'm jealous ^^ *Smile no actually this is very good please keep writing ^^
"If not now then when? If not me then who?-anonymous

and of course now i must instill the Dancing BANANA'S!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


ORORORORORO!-Himura Kenshin

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Postby KawaiiMe » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:19 am

Thanks! :) and yeah, I'll be posting more. when I write it... xP
It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
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Postby Sakura15 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:56 pm

Ooo, this is good ^^
"For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." -Isaiah 41:13

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Postby KawaiiMe » Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:02 pm

Hi, Im back! I've really juat been forgetting to post Walk With Me, and I kind of finished it. :sweat: I changed a bunch of stuff... Atsuki is younger now, in middle school, and thats it basically it. So here it isfrom the beginning. I'll use a different font where I left off before. Gomen ni and arigatou!! :)

On a dark road in a Japanese town, dimly lit by the distant lights of the city of Tokyo, a single light flickered, moving slowly down the street. After a few seconds, the light went out and was replaced by a slow-burning stub in the mouth of a teenager. Fifteen-year-old Atsuki Harada walked slowly, carrying a backpack and a plastic bag that held a fast food dinner. She flipped her long straight black hair from her face as she blew away a ring of smoke.
Ever since that day two years ago, Atsuki had followed the same routine: every day, she would stay out late after school to avoid her father, who came home after his daily drinking binges; then she would come during the night, after her father left, to sleep for a few hours before returning to school the next day.
Until one day when she made a mistake.
Atsuki’s father was never faithful to her mother. He would constantly be out spending much-needed money on various forms of “entertainment.â€
It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
When nothings left in me
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Postby KawaiiMe » Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:04 pm

...and here's the rest!

[font=Comic Sans MS]After about five minutes, Akito spoke again. “Do you walk this much every day?â€
It's You that I search for
It is You I can't live without
Your hope is what I long for
When nothings left in me
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