Just wrote this...

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Just wrote this...

Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:54 pm

What do you think guys?

It is a witnessing story I just wrote out... ^^; an imagery about the SinCanyon and how to cross it to meet God..

Imagine, if you can, a WIDE and I mean WIDE canyon (this canyon is Called SIN Canyon, because it represents sin..we all have it and we all have to cross this canyon at some point) ANYWAY...you are one side of the canyon and God is on the other.

No matter what you do you can't cross the canyon easily, you can't climp down the sides are way too steep...and it is storming really bad so you can't fly across... the only other option is to plumit to your death... but who wants to die right?

What can you do? The only way to cross this Canyon is with a Bridge right? Well Let's say that there is a way to build this bridge quickly and efficiently... but you have to ASK for it first... Luckily a person is standing not to far off scouting the area... (This person represents Jesus who WANTS us to ask for his help...to LOOK for him for guidance...to let HIM be the lord of our lives..)

You are a bit stubborn in asking, but finally you give in...and he GLADY helps out... he snaps his finger and a bridge instantly appears.

"I have already prepared the way for you...all you had to was ask!" He says with a smile...

you smile back at him and cross that bridge...
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Postby Photosoph » Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:38 am

I think that's good -it's a good allegory, with Jesus being the bridge. I think I have heard the idea of a canyon being used before, but I like your explaining; it's good, its ideas are easy to grasp and not so obscure, and I like the feel of your writing -how it sounds like speech.
I think that's a great witnessing story, CR.

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:46 am

That's pretty good but I've definetly heard the canyon analogy before. Except in the versions I've heard Jesus was the Bridge crossing the chasm and no amount of good works could help you reach Him. (This was to illustrate the point that only God's Grace is sufficent to bridge the gap. Very well written though.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:09 pm

I have heard it before as well... I guess I should ahve said that..^^; I wrote this with the Canyon in mind.. but I added dialouge and someone thinking in it..lol...

W4J I didn't intend this to mean that any good works could get you to heaven..that is why I added the impossibility to cross it on you own...

Well I am glad you guys liked it... It was a spur of the moment thing I wrote in another forum...
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