Role Playing w/ Anime

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Role Playing w/ Anime

Postby Saint » Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:45 pm

Do you Role Play with Anime?

Ok, how many if any, when watching anime with friends take on the role of characters? its great fun, with friends? i would say its doubled my enjoyment of some shows. my friends and i first did this with DBZ. that way me and my friends can mess with each other as we see whos the strongest or coolest. Is this takeing the fantasy too far?? :lol: i don't know but it sure is fun and i never forget my characters. i have had the roles of Goku, Kenshin, Vash, Sinister, Goemon, Commander Ikari... the list goes on. Its fun, try it with your anime viewing group, or just your pal.

we do it with movies too. in fact, my name is neo. :lol:

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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:57 am

Hmm, I've done a little role playing, but not specifically with anime. I have noticed in the gaming stores that DBZ books take up half the racks and shelfs.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jun 24, 2003 8:22 am

Well, I've been known to fiddle with my own anime rpgs at times. This is generally complex, pencil and paper stuff. I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. Care to clarify?
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Postby Saint » Tue Jun 24, 2003 10:35 pm

well really i was talking about something much simplier. While when i was younger a friend in me would actually do our own RP type game, thats not what i mean. Nor do i mean the ones you can buy. i just simply mean pick a character, watch and episode pretending thats you. then you can make funny//witty comments and stuff. its just being silly, but it can be fun. my non-anime friends do this to, we usually do it with most moives. just gives you something to comment on. don't take it too serious, but its fun, if you can find friends who will do it and are quick enough to make funny comments.
everyone i do this with seems to like it and gets a laugh out of it. but you know maybe i am just crazy. please :?: me... hahaha:lol:
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i do

Postby valdrianth » Wed Jun 25, 2003 10:57 am

I role play just about everything with my friend. We usually take the roles of mulitple chatacters. We've done mostly our original stuff along with DBZ, Gundam Wing, Angel Sanctuary, Final Fantasy and Rurouni Kenshin crossed over into it. Laura and i are cross over nuts. As long as they are tastefully done. Some cross overs are ridiculas.

Role Playing helps us develope plots for fanfiction. My fanfic "Her Life For A Wanderer" is based on a Rurouni Kenshin roleplay that we did. It can become quite useful.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:05 pm

Ah, I see what you mean. Well, it's been done in my presence, but I haven't participated. I can understand how it could be fun. Ido have a tendancy to think of clever lines that the characters should have said, and mention them to whoever else is watching...
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