Katharine Faith wrote:The only thing that really, truly irritates me about Yuu Watase's work is that every one of her series has the same flippin' plot:
Irritating Girl X is toodling through life, when she discovers (to her shock) that she is Speshul Sparkly Goodness for some reason or another. The rest of the story quickly devolves into a syrupy love-triangle (or love-octagon, in FY's case), which essentially entails the entire male cast (all of whom are T3H HAWT!!!1!1!!1) chasing after Irritating Girl X, who is simply at a loss (T3H ANGST!!1!!1) as to what to do.
Bleh. It gets old after a while.
(Although I must admit, the boys are very pretty. Those twits Miaka and Aya should've just played 'em all, instead of wangsting over their respective One Twu Wuvs! )
Hahaha! My thoughts exactly, except Tanpopo tried to do what was right and Alice never liked anyone but Kyo. I love Yu Watase's art and storytelling style and ability, but her subject mater! I was literally sick to my stomach after possesed Aki finally got his hands on Aya, I mean physically ill.